the press release of the Inland Revenue.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
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the press release of the Inland Revenue.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Milena Velba Vs Merylin Sakova
With circular 51 / E December 1, 2009, the Agency provides the latest information for completion of the EAS model, which we see.
veterans associations and arms entered into register of the Ministry of Defence may submit the model EAS "reduced" , according to the simplified procedures described in paragraph 1.3 of Circular No. 45, 2009.
legal entities, even if only marginally involved in trade, are always kept to the presentation of the EAS model.
The requirement of "marginality" as a condition for exclusion from the transmission of EAS has exclusively for charitable organizations non-profit organization of law.
The national sports federations recognized by CONI , exercising power over them guidance and control ai sensi dell’articolo 23 dello statuto del medesimo ente, possono presentare il modello EAS "ridotto" , secondo le modalità semplificate illustrate al paragrafo 1.3 della circolare n. 45 del 2009 .
Le associazioni senza scopo di lucro che abbiano optato per il regime agevolativo recato dalla l egge n. 398 del 1991 sono tenute alla presentazione del modello EAS. L'esclusione dalla presentazione riguarda le sole associazioni pro loco.
La “data di inizio attività”, nel primo riquadro del Modello EAS – dati relativi all’ente -, individua la data di effettiva operatività dell’ente, che può coincidere o essere successiva alla “data constitution "of such an entity, regardless of possession of VAT. It is always indicated
See also: Model EAS, the circular. The ONLUS excluded from
Monday, November 2, 2009
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Revenue Agency issued the Circular No. 45 / E with which details the subjects exempted from the presentation of the EAS model and provides instructions for its establishment, introducing important new products.
as already provided by 'Article 30 of Decree 185 are not obliged to provide the EAS model, the following subjects: the
organizations volunteer registered with the regional Article 6 of Law August 11, 1991, No 266 that do not perform commercial activities other than marginal identified by the Minister of Finance May 25, 1995;
the associations pro-loco opting for the enforcement of the Law of 16 December 1991, n . 398;
entities associated with the amateur entered in the register of the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) that are not active business. PERSONS EXCLUDED
not among the persons required to send the EAS model:
le ONLUS in quanto sono destinatarie della specifica disciplina fiscale prevista dall'art 10 del D.lgs. 460/97 e sono già iscritte nell'apposita anagrafe.
Le ONLUS di diritto di cui all'articolo 10, comma 8 D.lgs. 460/97:
- gli organismi di volontariato di cui alla legge 11 agosto 1991, n. 266, iscritti nei registri istituiti dalle regioni e dalle province autonome di Trento e di Bolzano;
- le organizzazioni non governative riconosciute idonee ai sensi della legge 26 febbraio 1987, n. 49;
- le cooperative sociali di cui alla legge 8 novembre 1991, n. 381 nonche' i consorzi di cui all'articolo Law No. 8 of the above 381 of 1991 which have formed the social basis for one hundred per cent of social cooperatives.
Also excluded from this requirement:
institutions which have associative nature, such as foundations, and that therefore do not avail themselves of the provisions will facilitate traveled to Article 148 of the Income Tax Code, legal entities, including including the first paragraph of that Article and Article 4, fourth paragraph, second sentence, and the sixth paragraph of Decree 633 of 1972;
the public corporations;
entities to which a specific fiscal discipline (eg.: Pension funds) who do not use fiscal discipline went Articles 148 of the Income Tax Code and Presidential Decree No. 4 of 633 on topic.
MODEL EAS "reduced"
associations recorded in public records governed by the laws of the sector can fill the first box containing the identifying data of the institution and the legal representative and the staves in the second box listed below:
4) the institution's geographic locations and / or functional
5) that the entity is a joint planning and / or other functional entity
6) that the institution is affiliated to federations or Groups
25) that the entity operates predominantly in the following field
26) that the institution performs the following specific activities
simplification applies to the following associations:
the amateur sports associations and societies recognized by CONI under Article 7 of Decree-Law of 28 May 2004, n. 136, ratified by Law 27 July 2004, No 186, other than those specifically exempted by Article 30 of Decree 185, 2008; NB must also complete the line " 20) that the institution is receiving income from sponsorship or advertising .
Included in this forecast, the associations carrying out activities structurally commercial , even if decommercializzate, and receive specific charges against structurally services covered by commercial activities, although regarded as contributions or membership fees. The
social promotion associations registered with the Law of December 7, 2000, No 383;
The voluntary organizations registered with the Law of 11 August 1991, No 266, other than those exempted from the production of the model, those organizations that are doing business outside of those marginalized by the Decree of the Minister of Finance May 25, 1995 and therefore does not assume the status of NGO law;
The associations that have received recognition of legal personality and then are entered in the register of legal entities kept by the prefectures, regions or autonomous provinces under the Decree of the President February 10, 2000, No 361; NB must also complete the line 3) that the entity has legal personality and tick "yes";
the religious associations recognized by the Ministry of the Interior as entities carrying on a primary activities of religion and belief, and associations recognized by the religious denominations with which the State has signed pacts, agreements or arrangements;
the movements and political parties obliged to submit the annual financial statement for participation in the distribution plan for reimbursement of election expenses under the Law January 2, 1997, n . 2 or who have submitted their lists, however, in the last elections to the National Parliament or the European Parliament;
the trade union and professional associations represented on the CNEL and associations for which the function of protecting and representing the interests of the class results from legislation or from participation in government and public bodies of national or regional level, their geographical locations and / or functional entities consisting of the abovementioned bilateral
associations and institutions of patronage, which, under Article 18, paragraph 2 of Law March 30, 2001, No 152, play, instead of promoting trade union, its institutional activities of the latter;
the associations recognized for having statutory purpose carrying out or promoting scientific research identified by the President of the Council of Ministers, addressed the provisions given in Article 14 of Decree 14 March 2005, No 35, converted with amendments into law May 14, 2005, No 80, and Article 1, paragraph 353 of the Law of 23 December 2005 n. 266 (ad es.: Associazione italiana per la ricerca sul cancro).
Tutti gli altri enti associativi che usufruiscono delle agevolazioni previste dagli articoli 148 del TUIR e 4 del DPR n. 633 sono obbligati alla presentazione del modello EAS.
La mancata trasmissione della comunicazione comporta la perdita delle agevolazioni fiscali.
Il modello EAS va presentato entro il 15 dicembre 2009. Gli enti associativi di nuova costituzione devono presentare il modello entro 60 giorni dalla data di costituzione stessa. Qualora il termine scada prima del 15 dicembre 2009 il modello EAS va presentato entro il 15 dicembre 2009.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
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Ieri c'è stato a meeting between the Inland Revenue and the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs, an agency for the NGO, Forum for the third sector and trade associations.
The main points of the agreements reached are:
- some delay in the presentation of the EAS model from October 30 to December 15,
- enhanced assistance for completing the design by the local offices of the Inland Revenue;
- presentation of a simplified model by the associations registered in specific records or known by the public administration;
All the news will be contained in a circular that the Inland Revenue will issue in the coming days.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
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The Inland Revenue has made available on its website EAS2009 the program to compile the disclosure of tax information by the relevant associated bodies.
EAS2009 be installed before installing the Java program (Java Virtual Machine JRE 1.5.0_16 ) necessary for its operation.
Installation is easy, just follow the instructions and, if you are not skilled enough, you should not change the default settings. Just started
the program must be configured

Institutions that are registered for the service online tax Revenue Agency can send your report directly (it is an option, they can always use an agent - accountant or CAF), then will indicate if your tax code and checking the "person who submits the communication on their own.
entities not entitled to tax online service will need to use an approved intermediary (agent or CAF), but in any case can provide the application for its own account and then send the file to the accountant for the single shipment. In this case, the intermediary must state the tax code and not their own, otherwise the file is discarded during the audit and authentic digital signature by the responsible professional.
Once the setup program starts. The compilation is quite simple, the path is guided by the software and instructions are available online.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
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has been published on the site of ' Revenue Agency model with instructions to be submitted electronically by October 30, 2009, as required by the decree-law No. 185 of 2008, the disclosure of information relevant to tax from associated bodies that have favored schemes of art. And Article 148 of the Income Tax Code. 4 of Presidential Decree No. 633.
The form must be submitted by both entities already established at the date of entry into force of the decree-law No. 185 of 2008 (ie 29 November 2008) and those ESTABLISHED thereafter.
are exempt from the presentation of the model:
voluntary organizations included in the regional registers provided for in Article 6 of Law August 11, 1991, No 266 that do not perform commercial activities other than marginal identified by the Minister of Finance May 25, 1995;
associations pro-loco opting for the enforcement of the Law December 16, 1991, No 398;
amateur legal entities registered in the register of the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) that do not perform commercial activities.
The burden of communication extends to amateur sports clubs listed in ' art. 90 of Law 27 December 2002, n. 289 .
institutions already set up to November 29, 2008, date of entry into force of the decree, must submit the model by October 30, 2009.
institutions established after November 29, 2008 must submit the model within 60 days i dalla costituzione, se il termine è scaduto o dovesse scadere prima del 30 ottobre 2009, la presentazione va fatta entro tale data.
Nel caso vi dovessero essere variazioni nei dati comunicati il modello va ripresentato entro il 31 marzo dell'anno successivo a quello in cui queste si sono verificate.
Qualora si verificasse la perdita dei requisiti che danno diritto alle agevolazioni fiscali va data comunicazione entro 60 giorni compilando l'apposita sezione "perdita dei requisiti"
Non è necessario presentare una nuova comunicazione quando le variazioni riguardano i punti 20 (che l’ente riceve proventi per attività di sponsorizzazione o pubblicità) and 21 (which the agency relies on advertising for the distribution of its goods and services) or the number and days of events to raise funds, as referred to in paragraph 33, or the data referred to in paragraphs 23, 24, 30 and 31.
The reporting shall be exclusively by electronically, either directly or through authorized intermediaries (accountants, trade associations, CAF, etc.).
On the website of the Inland Revenue will be available free software "MODELLOEAS.
The failure to submit the model involves the loss of tax benefits.
For further information you can read the previous article I wrote on the topic:
New for 2009, legal entities and non-profit organizations, circular 12 / E
Thursday, August 27, 2009
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Article. 10, No 27-b) of Presidential Decree of 26 October 1972, n. 633, provides for, among other benefits, exemption from VAT of health and social services, home care or outpatient, community, and the like made in favor of, among other things, "migrants, homeless, asylum seekers" made by bodies governed by public law, recognized by health care institutions that provide public assistance or by charitable organizations and social welfare NGO. It was
asked the Inland Revenue if the exemption applies when the three conditions coexist, homeless migrants and asylum seekers, or the three types of subjects separately.
The Agency, with the resolution N. 238 / E, August 26, 2009 , based on a literal interpretation of the rule concludes that the exemption from VAT for social and medical services, home care or outpatient, community, and the like made in favor of migrants, homeless , asylum seekers, only applies when all three conditions coexist. This means that the social and health services made in favor of migrants who are not even homeless people and asylum seekers are serving the ordinary rate of VAT.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
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Can an NPO donate a portion of funds from the X 5 thousand to another NGO? To answer this question has given the Inland Revenue with the resolution 192 / E, 27/07/2009 .
The Agency points out that the amendment made by. 30, paragraph 4, of Decree Law of November 29, 2008, No 185 introduced the possibility for non-profit making cash donations to other non-profit organizations operating in the areas of intervention under Article. 10 of DPR 460/97. With Circular No 12 of 9 April 2009 it was specified that the money must come from asset management or donations are collected and specially designed alla realizzazione diretta di progetti di utilità sociale il che comporta “da una parte la necessità della tracciabilità della donazione attraverso strumenti bancari o postali che evidenzino la particolare causa del versamento e dall’altra l’esistenza non di un programma generico, ma di un progetto già definito nell’ambito del settore di attività dell’ente destinatario prima dell’effettuazione dell’erogazione. L’utilità sociale del progetto comporta che esso si connoti per la realizzazione di attività solidaristiche” .
L'Agenzia conclude che anche i fondi derivanti dal 5 X mille, nel compliance with the requirements described above may be granted to other non-profit organizations that carry out activities under art. 10 DPR. 460/97 for the construction direct social projects, provided g them recipients of donated bodies are themselves the lists of recipients of 5 x 1000 .
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
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We know that the recipients of the activities of the NPO are disadvantaged because of physical, mental, economic, social or family.
For institutions operating in the education sector has raised the issue of identifying, in particular, what were the conditions of economic hardship.
The Agency Entrate con la circolare 186/E del 17 luglio 2009 ha dato la sua interpretazione.
Innanzitutto l'agenzia premette che "La condizione economica di disagio è stabilita con modalità e limiti (reddituali e patrimoniali) che variano in relazione ai diversi settori di intervento di solidarietà sociale: dall’assistenza sociale per casi di grave indigenza a forme di supporto di rilevanza sociale per situazioni di svantaggio di minore entità. La condizione di svantaggio economico va, pertanto, verificata con riguardo al settore di intervento di solidarietà sociale da attuare."
Nel settore dell'istruzione della formazione si deve pertanto far riferimento alla normativa di settore. In particolare la normativa a tutela law provides for exemptions benefit the university for students who are in situations of economic hardship with the application of quantified criteria ISEE
is the opinion of the ISEE same indicators used in order to grant exemption from payment of tuition fees are appropriate to identify individuals in terms of economic hardship over which it is carried out training or scholarships are provided by NPOs.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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For the Court of Cassation and the death of the taxpayer does not interrupt the proceedings, as established by decision of 27 May 2009 12 408 statements on an investigation conducted by the induction of Revenue in respect of a farmer died.
Cassation. Process "insensitive" to the death of the taxpayer
Friday, June 19, 2009
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The activity of commercial agent and financial advisor when it is excluded from IRAP is independently run. The requirement of the organizational and the judge is final on the merits if suitably motivated.
requirements for exclusion:
the agent should not be placed in facilities related to responsibility and interest of others;
Staff shall not use capital goods that exceed the minimum required for the activity and should not rely work of others than occasionally.
Court of Cassation, the sections together, Case 12110/2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
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Published in Official Gazette No. 11/06/2009 133 of the Decree of the President of the Council of 03/04/2009 that sets the rules for the allocation of 5 per 1000 in 2009.
For the year 2009, the five per thousand IRPEF will be for the following purposes according to the choices made by taxpayers through the tax returns for tax year 2008:
- support for voluntary and other organizations profit social, social promotion associations registered with the national, regional and provincial and associations and charitable foundations operating in the areas referred to in Article 10, paragraph 1, letter a) of Decree No. 460/1997
- funding of scientific research and university
- support of health research support activities social role of the ordinary residence of the taxpayer
- support for amateur sports organizations recognized by the cones for sports bodies to
Revenue Agency by December 31, 2009, will proceed to the controls, randomly, on the veracity of affidavits. Who will not be in possession of the necessary requirements will be excluded from the allotment with formal determination. The final list of those candidates will be published on the website of by March 31, 2010, the same date by which will be published the list of parties excluded.
WARNING . Recipients of the sums, within one year of receiving them, are obliged to prepare a special report , accompanied by an explanatory memorandum, stating in a clear and transparent to their destination. statements and reports must be transmitted in the next 30 days , the administrative department responsible for the disbursement of funds. Institutions that have received contributions of less than 20 000 € are exempted from sending the statements and the report, which will, however, prepare within one year and retain for ten years.
Full article:
Five per thousand: in Journal, Dpcm with the rules for 2009
Lilia Chini
Monday, June 1, 2009
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's Internal Revenue Service to examine the requirements of the law for registration of an association of NGO anagrafe can not be moved only by a exasperated formal rigor , ignoring substantive aspects of the case and the principles of reasonableness and logic. So the Supreme Court has ruled, in sections joined with the ruling on the dispute 11986/09 between an NGO and the Marche Regional Directorate of Revenue. The Regional Directorate had refused to register the association because, he said, the statute did not meet the criteria of Article 10 of Legislative Decree 460/97 as retaining the possibility of proxy voting by the members, forecast which is inconsistent with paragraph 1 letter h, the said Article 10, which provides for "uniform rules of the association relationship and modalita'associative to ensure the effectiveness 'of the same report, by expressly excluding impermanence' participation in the life membership and providing for members of age or more participants' right to vote to approve and amendment of the statutes and regulations and the appointment of officers of the association;. The Court found the agency responsible for having paid attention only to the formal aspect and substantial, and, given the validity retroactive cancellation of the order, to have acted with inexcusable delay in the contravention of the principle of good faith in the relationship between taxpayer and government, enshrined in the Charter of the taxpayer.
From the press
ONLUS included in the list in substantial data base, Sun 24 hours of June 1, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
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The lists of bodies of voluntary , delle Associazioni sportive dilettantistiche riconosciute dal CONI e degli Enti della Ricerca scientifica e dell'università sono stati aggiornati ed integrati rispetto a quelli pubblicati il 28 aprile 2009 per correggere dati anagrafici errati e per inserire enti riammessi a seguito della verifica di errori di iscrizione. L’elenco degli Enti della ricerca sanitaria , pubblicato il 28 aprile 2009, non ha subito modificazioni.
sito dell'Agenzia delle Entrate
Saturday, May 9, 2009
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Equitalia ha realizzato un pieghevole tascabile, nel quale i cittadini potranno trovare molte delle risposte ai principali quesiti: per esempio, sapere quali sono le caratteristiche necessarie per richiedere la rateazione, dove presentare la domanda, come fare per calcolare il numero delle rate concesse e conoscere l’importo esatto. Tra le notizie utili, all’interno del pieghevole, il contribuente viene avvisato che, in caso di mancato pagamento della prima rata, o successivamente, di due rate, non potrà più usufruire del beneficio della rateazione. Il tutto spiegato con un linguaggio semplice e chiaro.
Download the leaflet on rescheduling
Thursday, May 7, 2009
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E 'was published on the website of Inland Revenue, the model, with instructions, approved by directorial decision of 6 May, for the communication of the work of re- energy proceed beyond the tax year in which they are initiated.
The model should be used to communicate the costs incurred from fiscal year following the year in progress at December 31, 2008. If work continues in several tax years, a model must be submitted for each tax period within 90 days of the end; should not be when such works are presented initiated and concluded during the same tax period when it no expenses were incurred. The model should be submitted to the Agency of revenue, only with how the internet, directly or by stakeholders or options (CAF, Commercilisti).
are simplified so 's reporting obligations under the decree "crisis" (DL 185/2008, Article 29, paragraph 6), relating to the use of the personal income tax deduction or IRES by 55% for interventions aimed at energy savings, which in source predicted the 'send by taxpayers who intended to benefit from the "off" tax for expenses incurred during the tax years beyond 2008, in a prepared statement to the Revenue. Now the 'obligation is expected only for taxpayers whose work is over several tax years.
Warning . Taxpayers who wish to take advantage of the deduction, in any case, must send Enea ( the completion of the work communication within 90 days after conclusion, transmitting the data indicated in the Ministerial Decree of February 19, 2007.
See also: How
does the deduction of 55% for energy saving
Bonus 55%, sending communication only for its multi
From the press
The model of 55% is not for everyone Italy Today
Energy saving, here's how to deduct 55% by Il Sole 24 ORE - Front Page of Cristiano Dell'Oste
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
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The Constitutional Court 202 of the Judgement of 18 June 2007 ruled that the shares of 5x1000 have tax nature, they are in effect donations due to the willingness of taxpayers that the state is merely distributing to beneficiaries under the choices expressed by the taxpayers themselves.
for the institution which received the sums of 5 x 1000 are not grants but institutional contributions. Depending on whether the recipient is a non-commercial entity or a cooperative ONLUS social changes the tax treatment.
non-commercial entities
There is no doubt on the exclusion of the contribution of 5 x 1000 from the scope of VAT because the body which receive is not obligated to any service to other parties, the State and provides that the taxpayer holding the option.
for non-commercial entities, which act solely institutional and possibly other directly related activities, the contributions of 5 x 1000 are covered by the revenue institutional and as such are excluded from taxation.
accounting entities which prepare their financial statements with the financial criteria at the time the account for contributions, organizations that apply the accruals account for contributions to the moment in which they arise.
Cooperative social
For VAT purposes nothing changes, the contribution is excluded.
Cooperatives prepare financial statements and determine the business income under the rules of limited liability companies given specific benefits. The contributions of 5 x 1000 contributions are related to income and thus contribute to form the business income (Article 85 of Presidential Decree 917/1986) on the principle of competence, will therefore in the budget when mature. For the same reasons, the contributions of 5 x 1000 to make up the tax base IRAP.
entities who have received the subsidy of 5 per thousand, have the ' obligation to draw up a special and separate account - accompanied by an explanatory memorandum - which must clearly which is clear and transparent was the destination of the sums received (art. 3, para. 6, L. 244/2007). The statement must be prepared
within one year of receiving the contribution.
All institutions are required for the preparation of the statement and the report, institutions that have received contributions in amounts exceeding the 15,000 have € 's further obligation to provide sia il rendiconto che la relazione al Ministero competente all'erogazione dei contributi entro 30 giorni dal termine per la loro compilazione. Il rendiconto, la relazione ed i relativi documenti vanno custoditi per 10 anni .
PROBLEMA. L'obbligo di un separato ed apposito rendiconto sull'utilizzo delle some del 5x1000 farebbe pensare ad un vincolo di destinazione delle stesse alla stregua di quanto previsto per le raccolte pubbliche di fondi per le quali vi è appunto l'obbligo di redigere il rendiconto che riporti in modo chiaro e trasparente le entrate e expenditure associated events.
It 's a complication not just because it does not seem enough to say that the sums were used to pay the expenses of the institutional but should provide a list of the expenses were actually incurred costs that should not be covered by other revenue. Provided that the sums are then freely available and should not be used to finance specific projects or initiatives. Bi will dream await the publication of the communication model for the necessary clarifications.
I believe that there was no need for this additional obligation for institutions that already have or prepare financial statements and that from this year also obliged to inform the Inland Revenue with information and news relevant for tax purposes and then must also send a record of the contributions of 5 per thousand. It would be sufficient to require only the transmission of the budget and reporting on it, maybe prepared according to schemes previously agreed and approved, so as not to burden the institutions of excessive and costly bureaucracy that will certainly penalize the smaller ones who do not have adequate administrative structures, but that, nevertheless, play equally meritorious and important activities.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
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The website of the Inland Revenue have been published lists of recipients of 5 x 1000 . Institutions have until May 5 to demand the correction of errors in recording. The request must be submitted to the Regional Directorate of Revenue territorial jurisdiction. The updated lists as a result of the corrections will be published by May 11.
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extended from April 30 to June 30 the deadline for the application of electricity bonus for families in need.
Italian Government: Bonus social costs for electricity
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
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Revenue Agency with the circular N. 18 / E of April 21, 2009 provides clarification on the deductibility of certain expenses, but here carry the most interesting.
perl'autoaggiornamento Deduction and teacher training
The school teachers of all levels, also non-permanent position with an annual could deduct from income tax of individuals, up to capacity gross of tax, an amount equal to 19 percent of the expenses incurred and actually been paid for and the refresh training. The deduction is up to a maximum expenditure of
€ 500.
confer the right to deduct the cost of goods and services within the meaning promote common development of professionalism of the teacher, which books, magazines , educational software, training courses and seminars .
The teacher must declare its role as a teacher or teachers with annual and traceability the business activities of goods and services purchased.
The costs incurred must be documented with invoice or receipt and showing the type of service or good purchased .
purchase drugs for the deduction and the deduction of medical expenses relating to the purchase of medicines, it is necessary that they be certified by invoice or receipt containing the statement of the nature, quality and quantity of goods and the indication of recipient's tax code, with effect from 1 January 2008 , it is confirmed that can not be considered valid documents without these characteristics.
lease expenses incurred by students off-site
The deduction only responsible for the fees paid by students staying in Italy. not deductible fees paid by students who stay abroad.
Deduction for expenses for attending training courses
expenses for attendance at private institutes or universities be eligible to deduct an extent not exceeding than that prescribed for tuition and fees paid for similar services made by Italian state institutions. It is confirmed that the maximum extent taxes established at the University of public reference, in relation the training completed by the student, is the limit within which you can calculate the deduction.
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service informagiovani/lavoro, svolto in convenzione con il comune sconta l'aliquota IVA normale del 20% . E' quanto afferma l'Agenzia delle Entrate con la risoluzione n. 103/E del 21 aprile 2009 emanata in risposta ad un quesito presentato da una cooperativa sociale.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
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Ho riassunto la circolare 12/E del 9 aprile 2009 dell'Agenzia delle Entrate integrandola con i links alle norme richiamate per una migliore lettura cercando inoltre di mettere in evidenza gli aspetti più importanti.
L’ art. 30, del decreto-legge 29 novembre 2008 n.185 , convertito in legge 28 gennaio 2009, n. 2 introduce per gli enti di tipo associativo che godono disposizioni fiscali di favore the burden of the Inland Revenue communicate data and information relevant for tax purposes.
The communication of data and information must be done with proper form approved by the Director of the Revenue on such terms and in the manner prescribed by the same measure.
Article. 30 in question must also include some provisions for NPOs.
Paragraph 4 applies to the charity sector, returning part of its activities, in addition to direct intervention in favor of the disadvantaged, the donations made to other entities that perform public benefit programs (so-called indirect benefit).
Paragraph 5 governing voluntary organizations, setting the conditions necessary to allow them to acquire the status of NGO law.
Finally, paragraphs 5 bis and 5 ter-art. 30 introduce a benefit relating to tax temporary register for the NPO.
qualifies for benefit of favored schemes art. And Article 148 of the Income Tax Code. 4 of Presidential Decree No. 633.
associative entities that can benefit from the provisions of 'the Income Tax Code art.148 and art. 4, commi quarto e sesto, del DPR n. 633 sono solo gli enti che non hanno per oggetto esclusivo o principale l’esercizio di attività commerciali ai sensi dell’art. 73 del TUIR.
Gli enti di tipo associativo che svolgono in via esclusiva o principale attività commerciale non possono fruire del regime di favore previsto dall’art. 148 del TUIR e dall’art. 4, commi quarto e sesto, del DPR n. 633.
In particolare per detti enti la natura commerciale fa sì che anche le quote e i contributi associativi concorrono alla determinazione del reddito d’impresa.
For tax purposes, the qualifying asset should be made sure if the same is attributable among those listed by ' art. 2195 of the Civil Code or, if it is to provide services not related in that article (eg, educational performance, health, therapeutic, etc..) whether it is carried out with connotations of ' organization of professionalism and usual . The character of
entrepreneurship can in fact also result from performing a single affair account della sua rilevanza economica e della complessità delle operazioni in cui si articola e la funzione organizzativa dell’imprenditore può rilevarsi nel coordinamento dei mezzi finanziari nell’ambito di un’operazione di rilevante entità economica
Il comma 3 dell’art. 148 del TUIR e il quarto comma, secondo periodo, dell’art. 4 del DPR n. 633 prevedono un particolare regime agevolativo , consistente nella decommercializzazione delle attività rese in diretta attuazione degli scopi istituzionali, nei against members, or associated participants at the cost of specific fees applicable to associations, as well as having to be previously classified as non-commercial entities, belong to one of the following types :
- political associations;
- trade unions;
- associations;
- religious associations;
- welfare associations;
- cultural associations;
- amateur sports associations (Article 90 of Law 27 December 2002, n. 289);
- social promotion associations (Law of 7 December 2000, n. 383);
- associazioni di formazione extra-scolastica della persona.
L’attività “esterna” degli enti associativi, cioè quella resa nei confronti di terzi, non rientra di regola nella sfera di applicazione delle norme agevolative sopra riportate.
Il regime agevolativo previsto per i corrispettivi specifici pagati dagli associati, iscritti o partecipanti (comma 3 dell’art. 148 del TUIR e comma 4 dell’art. 4 del DPR n. 633) nonché gli ulteriori benefici recati dai commi 5, 6 e 7 dello stesso art. 148 e dal sesto comma del menzionato art. 4 si applicano a condizione che le associazioni interessate si conformino
also to the following clauses be inserted in the statutes written in the form of a public or private deed or recorded:
a) not to distribute, even indirectly, profits or operating surpluses as well as funds, reserves or capital during the life of the association, unless the use or distribution is required by law;
b) an obligation to devote the patrimony in the event of its dissolution for any reason, to another association with similar purposes or for the purpose public utility, after the monitoring authority of Article. 3, paragraph 190 of the Law of 23 December 1996, n. 662, unless otherwise
destinazione imposta dalla legge;
c) disciplina uniforme del rapporto associativo e delle modalità associative volte a garantire l’effettività del rapporto medesimo, escludendo espressamente la temporaneità della partecipazione alla vita associativa e prevedendo per gli associati o partecipanti maggiori d’età il diritto di voto per l’approvazione e le modificazioni dello statuto e dei regolamenti e per la nomina degli organi direttivi dell’associazione;
d) obbligo di redigere e di approvare annualmente un rendiconto economico e finanziario secondo le disposizioni statutarie;
e) eleggibilità libera degli organi amministrativi, principio del voto singolo di cui all’art. 2532, paragraph 2 of the Civil Code, the sovereignty of the shareholders, members or participants and their admission criteria and exclusion criteria and appropriate forms of advertising of the summons the meeting, of their resolutions, the accounts or statements, which may vote by mail for organizations whose charter, prior to 1 January 1997, provides for such voting procedures to
Article. 2532, last paragraph of the Civil Code, and provided the same relevance at the national level and have no organization at the local level
f) intrasmissibilità of the fee or membership fee with the exception of transfers due to death and not the rivalutabilità itself.
clauses specified in subparagraphs c) and e) shall not apply associations recognized by the religious denominations with which the State has concluded covenants, agreements or arrangements, policies and associations , union and category.
Who must show the communication pattern of the data and information relevant to the tax audit.
are kept to the presentation of the model of communication provisions of art. 30 of Law No fecreto 185 legal entities of private nature ,con o senza personalità giuridica, che si avvalgono di una o più delle previsioni di decommercializzazione previste dagli articoli 148 del TUIR e 4, quarto comma, secondo periodo, e sesto comma, del DPR n. 633.
L’onere della comunicazione grava anche sugli enti associativi che, in applicazione del comma 1 dell’art. 148 del TUIR, si limitano a riscuotere quote associative oppure contributi versati dagli associati o partecipanti a fronte dell’attività istituzionale svolta dai medesimi.
L’onere della comunicazione si estende alle società sportive dilettantistiche di cui all’ art. 90 of Law 27 December 2002, n. 289 .
must also make communication the voluntary organizations, except those specifically excluded by paragraph 1 of art. 30: voluntary organizations registered for the regional registries ex L.266 who are economically inactive 'different from those of marginal
identified by the Minister of Finance May 25, 1995.
are required to transmit the communication pattern is already established associations the date of entry into force of Decree-Law No 185 is newly created entities .
The burden of communication rests on all persons associated with fiscal and legal autonomy, therefore, also on the territorial or functional of a national body, if it is configured as self-employed persons under Article tax. 73 TUIR .
Entities exempted from the transmission model
are excluded from the obligation to notify the Agency of the entry data and news relevant for tax purposes: •
the associations pro-loco che optano per l’applicazione delle disposizioni di cui alla legge 16 dicembre 1991, n. 398;
• gli enti associativi dilettantistici iscritti nel registro del Comitato olimpico nazionale italiano che non svolgono attività commerciale.
• le organizzazioni di volontariato iscritte nei registri regionali di cui all’art. 6 della legge 11 agosto 1991, n. 266 che non svolgono attività commerciali diverse da quelle marginali individuate con decreto del Ministro delle finanze 25 maggio 1995.
Associazioni pro-loco
Sono tenute a comunicare all’Agenzia delle entrate i dati e le notizie rilevanti ai fini fiscali, le associazioni pro-loco that, during the previous tax year, have earned income above 250,000 € associations and pro-loco that, although having the proceeds of amounts less than this amount, have not opted for the advantageous arrangements visited the Law 398, 1991.
amateur sports associations
The paragraph of Article 3-bis. 30 relieve the burden of the transmission of data and information relevant for tax, legal entities in possession of amateur sports for recognition issued by CONI not conducting business.
are, conversely, held sending of data and information relevant for tax purposes, amateur sports associations that, in addition to amateur sports recognized by CONI
make supply of goods (eg. Administration food and beverage, sales of sports equipment and gadgets) and services i (es.prestazioni advertising, sponsorships) relevant for the purposes of ' VAT and Income Tax.
The burden of reporting burden on associations also performing structurally business even if not taxable.
volunteer organizations registered with the Law 266, 199.
are excluded from the burden of communication may only be registered with the organizations referred to in art. 6 of Law 266, 1991, do not conduct business only in a marginal way, to the extent permitted by the decree of the Minister of Finance May 25, 1995 .
mode of transmission and content of communication
The disclosure of information and news relevant for tax purposes shall be undertaken pursuant to paragraph 1 of art. 30 in feedback by completing the appropriate form, approved by decision of Director of Revenue ( has not yet been published), which must be submitted exclusively by electronic means.
Voluntary Organisations NPO law
Paragraph 5 of Article. 30 comment in "5. The provision of Article 10, paragraph 8, of Legislative Decree 4 Dec. 1997, No. 460, applies to associations and other voluntary organizations in the law August 11, 1991, No 266 who are economically inactive 'different from those of marginal identified by the Minister of Finance May 25, 1995,
published in the Official Gazette No. 134 10 June 1995 ", change the prediction of paragraph 8 of Article . 10 of Legislative Decree No. 460 by acting on the requirements to voluntary organizations for the acquisition of the status of NGO law.
The provision in question states that voluntary organizations registered with the volunteer in art. 6 of the Law of 11 August 1991, No. 266 acquire the status of NPO law in provided that they do not carry commercial activities different from those indicated in the marginal Decree 25 May 1995 that :
a) sales activities casual or occasional solidarity actions carried out during celebrations and anniversaries or in conjunction with public awareness campaigns towards the institutional organization of voluntary
b) the sale of capital assets acquired by third parties at no charge for the grant, provided that the sale is directly supervised by the organization without any intermediary;
c) sale of goods produced by assisted by volunteers and provided that the sale of products is directly supervised by the organization without any intermediary;
d) administration of activities food and beverages at meetings, events, celebrations and the like on an occasional basis;
e) business of providing services rendered in accordance with institutional purposes not related within the scope of Article. 148, paragraph 3 of the Income Tax Code, to pay specific fees that do not exceed 50% of the costs directly attributable.
these activities should be conducted:
a) pursuant to the achievement of the institutional organization of voluntary end-registered under Article. 6 of Law 266, 1991;
b) without the use of media professional organizations for the purpose of competitiveness on the market, such as the use of advertising products, electric signs, premises attrezzati secondo gli usi dei corrispondenti esercizi commerciali, di marchi di distinzione dell’impresa.
Pertanto, qualora le organizzazioni di volontariato, ancorché iscritte negli anzidetti registri, svolgano attività commerciali non riconducibili fra quelle sopra richiamate, le stesse non possono assumere la qualifica di ONLUS di diritto e sono tenute, ai sensi dei commi 1 e 5 dell’art. 30 del decreto-legge n. 185, a trasmettere il modello di comunicazione previsto dallo stesso articolo.
A mio avviso questo significa che le associazioni di volontariato che svolgono anche attività diverse da quelle indicate nel DM maggio 1995, perdendo la qualifica di ONLUS of law must apply the Subscriptions to the NPO. In particular, it raises the issue of inclusion within 'Population of non-profit organization for all those associations which are engaged in services under an agreement with public authorities and the NHS, which according to a strict interpretation of the rule does not could be regarded as ONLUS of law with the risk of having to disregard the tax breaks and the right to receive 5X1000. On this point would be more appropriate clarification by the Ministry.
charitable activities carried out by NPO
Paragraph 4 of Art. 30 , adding art. Legislative Decree 10 of December 4, 1997, No 460, after subsection 2, paragraph 2-bis), back in the charity sector in which they can operate non-profit organizations, in addition to large donations directly in the provision of free cash or in kind to the poor, also the activity of free distribution of sums of money from the asset management of NGO campaigns or collection of donations to charitable bodies that meets the conditions laid down by the same standard . In particular
institutions recipients of grants free money must meet the following requirements:
a) must be non-profit institutions;
b) need to act primarily and directly in the fields of activities in the same art. 10, paragraph 1, letter a) of Legislative Decree n.460 of 1997 and then in social protection and social services, health care, education, training, amateur sport, protection, promotion and appreciation of things artistic and historical interest, the protection and enhancement of nature and the environment, promotion of culture and art, the protection of civil rights, scientific research of particular social interest.
Regarding the nature of institutions recipients of donations, in the absence of regulatory restrictions, it is considered that they may have nature public or private and can take any legal form .
order for disbursements to these institutions can be traced in the activities of charities must also have: •
come from asset management or specially collected donations;
• are intended for the direct execution of social projects.
NB regard to the latter provision makes it clear that the rule exclude that local beneficiaries of donations made by the NGO called refresh can in turn pass on the donations collected to other entities.
Then the recipient institutions must use " directly " receipts, disbursements for the realization of social projects.
WARNING . The specific target disbursements to social projects include, however, on the one hand the need for traceability of donations through post office or bank instruments that highlight the particular case of the payment and other the existence of a generic program, but a project already defined within the sector of activity of the recipient before performing disbursement.
The social utility of the project means that it connotes aims to build solidarity addressed, depending on the sector of the entity (eg. Training, education, etc..) to particular types of persons or communities disadvantaged or, for important artistic, scientific or environmental proposed intervention (eg. protection of assets of artistic and historical interest, of particular interest in social scientific research etc.). to spread the benefit of the community.
the standard character interpretation, therefore, its effectiveness is retrospective .
Facility on land tax for non-profit
apply the 'land tax extent fixed, equal to 1 € 68 for transfers under consideration in favor of the NGO, provided that the NPO declared in he intends to use goods directly for the conduct of its business e che realizzi l’effettivo utilizzo diretto entro due anni dall’acquisto .
Friday, April 10, 2009
Body Sugaring Charleston, Sc
Le persone fisiche che effettuano donazioni a favore delle popolazioni abruzzesi colpite dal sisma possono usufruire della detrazione del 19% sugli importi donati entro il limite massimo di €2.065,83.
Le donazioni devono essere effetuate per il tramite di:
- Onlus
- organizzazioni internazionali di cui l'Italia è membro
- fondazioni, associazioni, comitati ed enti che, costituiti con atto costitutivo o statuto redatto nella forma dell'atto pubblico o della scrittura privata autenticata o registrata, tra its goals include humanitarian interventions in favor of those affected by disasters or other extraordinary events, public
- government federal, state and local public non-economic
- unions and associations.
The companies can deduct from income all cash donations be made, through foundations, associations of of committees and bodies , identified with decree of the prefect of the respective provinces, for the benefit of the people affected by the earthquake.
Also for companies (individual and scocietà) are not considered income in kind donations, and donations of goods produced or marketed by the company.
topic: Donations for the earthquake in Abruzzo, the Treasury also helps to help
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Record One Channel While Watching Another Dtv
Taxation facilitated for local associative subject to communication Revenue Agency, by sending an appropriate model , tax-relevant data and information. New rules on Onlus. They are, in summary, the provisions introduced by Decree-Law "crisis" (DL 185/2008) illustrated with the circular No. 12 / E on April 9.
communication for data and information relevant to tax
The burden of communication Agency data and information relevant to tax meets the need to obtain wider information and knowledge of associations and individuals for tax similar (eg, amateur sports clubs), in order to protect the real forms of associations and to isolate and combat the misuse of the instrument of associations. This burden is expected
, in general, legal entities of private nature , with or without legal personality, which use a or more of " decommercializzazioni " under Articles 148 Tuir and 4 of the fourth paragraph, second sentence, and the sixth paragraph of the Presidential Decree No 633/1972 . After confirming that
general assumption for the application of incentives is the qualification body as associative and non-commercial nte, the circular has summarized in detail the requirements and conditions for the applicability of the procedures provided for by legal entities.
E ' been clarified, in particular, that the communication model must also be submitted by local associations that restrict to collect membership fees or contributions paid by members or participants in front of 'institutional business turn.
must communicate the data and news relevant for tax purposes also anche le società sportive dilettantistiche , di cui all'articolo 90 della legge 289/2002, e le organizzazioni di volontariato , a eccezione di quelle espressamente escluse dalla norma.
La presentazione del modello deve essere effettuata da tutti i soggetti associativi con autonomia giuridica tributaria e, quindi, anche dalle articolazioni territoriali o funzionali di un ente nazionale, laddove le stesse si configurino come autonomi soggetti d'imposta.
Come anticipato, gli enti associativi che fruiscono delle disposizioni fiscali di favore (i citati articoli Tuir 148, and 4 of Presidential Decree 633/1972) can not apply it more unless fulfill the burden of communication in the terms and conditions laid down.
people that are outside the dispatch of the communication model are:
- associations pro-loco opting for the scheme of Law 398/1991
- amateur legal entities registered in the register of cones that do not play business
- voluntary organizations registered with the regional Article 6 of Law 266/1991, which is not carrying on any trade other than those identified marginal decision of the Minister of Finance dated 25 May 1995.
Rules on Onlus
Article 30 of Decree 185/2008 also contains provisions relating to non-profit organization.
The circular stated, inter alia, that the rule stated in paragraph 5 of Dl crisis intervenes on the requirements for voluntary organizations to acquire the status of a non-profit organization of law, in order, such organizations could benefit from the discipline provided for for non-profit organization if:
- are entered on the registers of voluntary work by the Law 266/1991
- not play businesses different from those listed in marginal decree of May 25, 1995 .
Therefore, if the voluntary organizations, although entered in the aforementioned records, doing business different from those listed in the decree of May 25, 1995, can not assume the status of a non-profit organization of law and are required to submit to the Tax information and news relevant for tax purposes.
Paragraph 4 of Article 30 also contains a provision which defines and limits the activities of charities as a sector of activities which may operate in the non-profit organization, is brought back in this area the activity of free supply of money from the asset management of non-profit organization or campaign to collect donations to organizations that meets the conditions laid down in that paragraph 4.
The circular has also clarified that the particular formulation adopted by the legislature (" considering charitable ) is available to take interpretative , giving the same effect retroactive .
Paragraphs 5 - and a 5 - ter of Article 30 shall provide, finally, a benefit relating to tax land for non-profit organization. The agency
Revenue, which shows the temporal effect to the provisions of the December 31, 2009, clarified that the facility is in the application of land in a fixed amount (168 €) for transfers for consideration in favor of the non-profit organization, provided that those persons who intend to use the act to declare the goods directly to the performance of their business and realize that the actual direct use within two years after purchase.