Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sudden Loss Of Hearing In Left Ear

The rules for the 5 per thousand for the year 2009 budget of the NGO Population

Published in Official Gazette No. 11/06/2009 133 of the Decree of the President of the Council of 03/04/2009 that sets the rules for the allocation of 5 per 1000 in 2009.

For the year 2009, the five per thousand IRPEF will be for the following purposes according to the choices made by taxpayers through the tax returns for tax year 2008:
  • support for voluntary and other organizations profit social, social promotion associations registered with the national, regional and provincial and associations and charitable foundations operating in the areas referred to in Article 10, paragraph 1, letter a) of Decree No. 460/1997
  • funding of scientific research and university
  • support of health research support activities social role of the ordinary residence of the taxpayer
  • support for amateur sports organizations recognized by the cones for sports bodies to
voluntary and amateur groups included in their lists by June 30 must submit, under penalty of forfeiture, a declaration in lieu of an affidavit attesting to the persistence of the requirements for entitlement to registration, as prepared by legal representative of which is attached photocopy of the identity: the first will send it to registered letter to the regional Revenue Agency in which there is a legal entity established , sports clubs will provide a deliver the same declaration CONI office of jurisdiction .

Revenue Agency by December 31, 2009, will proceed to the controls, randomly, on the veracity of affidavits. Who will not be in possession of the necessary requirements will be excluded from the allotment with formal determination. The final list of those candidates will be published on the website of by March 31, 2010, the same date by which will be published the list of parties excluded.

WARNING . Recipients of the sums, within one year of receiving them, are obliged to prepare a special report , accompanied by an explanatory memorandum, stating in a clear and transparent to their destination. statements and reports must be transmitted in the next 30 days , the administrative department responsible for the disbursement of funds. Institutions that have received contributions of less than 20 000 are exempted from sending the statements and the report, which will, however, prepare within one year and retain for ten years.

Full article:
Five per thousand: in Journal, Dpcm with the rules for 2009
Lilia Chini


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