Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why Do Teachers Get Fired For Drinking

Running the last hearing. Criminal investigation into political interference in health-Italian (episode II) The

When addressing the issue of the health problem is exactly the Apulian groped to answer the questions that are behind the "if " Maurizio Belpietro that arose during this episode of Annozero of 2009: is there or not there is a system (which it is defined or a mafia-style politician - as we saw in the previous installment of this investigation - becomes a question of purely linguistic) which manages the health Apulian the same way as a health "election", that is useful not to the city and its protection but the protection of the power of certain, very specific and easily identifiable personality policies?
To answer this question we must begin now quite a few 'years ago.

" Admissions ghost arrested elite health Bari.
securities so the newspaper "La Repubblica" May 4, 1994. Thus began the trend of Puglia Clean Hands. Among those arrested at that time also Francesco Cavallari, then as the king of private clinics in Bari. In an interview in 2009 issued the weekly magazine "Panorama" can be read:

I personally handed to D'Alema 20 million in cash in a white envelope at a dinner in my house. But it did not end there. On two other occasions gave him two loans da 15 milioni che gli portai al consiglio regionale. Successivamente gli feci avere altre due trance sempre da 15: in tutto 80 milioni di lire

e ancora

Fu Antonio Ricco, commercialista e direttore generale delle mie cliniche, oggi consulente personale del sindaco Emiliano (…) Io quella Patrizia D'Addario l'ho conosciuta. Me la presentò un giornalista con cui si accompagnava.(...)

« Dalle mie dichiarazioni » - continua Cavallari - « rimasero coinvolti una sessantina di politici. Tra loro c'era anche il socialista Alberto Tedesco, ma non venne indagato. Io non mi spiego la decisione del pm »

Sono passati 17 anni, ma i personaggi that traffic around the health of Puglia are more or less the same.
Among them was there then and now Alberto German socialist in 1994 "autonomy" has moved into the ranks of the Democratic Party (which took him to the Senate to replace the former Minister of Labour of the second Prodi government Paolo De Castro, meanwhile migrated to a seat in Europe ...).
Who is Alberto German?

'and daughters know Piezzo' 'and core.
Alberto is a true German "war machine" (politics, of course ...). Socialist, began his climb to the top agli inizi degli anni Ottanta, negli anni in cui Bari – città che gli ha dato i natali nel 1948 – diventa la città più socialista d'Italia. Il primo incarico di rilievo (1981-1985) è quello di presidente dell'Amtab, l'azienda per la gestione del trasporto pubblico barese, “gavetta” che gli servirà per approdare alla politica “seria”: nel 1985, infatti, viene eletto per la prima volta consigliere regionale, carica che lascerà solo per il già citato scranno parlamentare. 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005. Ogni elezione dei componenti del consiglio lo vede vittorioso.
Durante la sua permanenza in via Capruzzi si allontana dallo SDI (Socialisti Democratici Italiani, nato nel 1998 Fiuggi from the ashes of the Socialist Party merged and today - in part - the experience of the Democratic Party) and formed his own autonomous social rapidly becoming one of the most influential forces in the region.
In 2004 - the legend - it prevents a candidate for a seat in the Senate of the Republic in the College of Bari, in fact leaving the post to Nicola Latorre, the "dolphin" Massimo D'Alema.

You know: to get ahead in politics, a "career", we should be grateful to the "friends", and D'Alema has already experienced decades of not knowing a similar rule.
The credit is in fact won by German immediately exercised: in 2005 the senior regional adviser of the Puglia region becomes Deputy Mayor for Health in the government of Nichi Vendola. Tells another story, then, that the post in the Senate is just part of the "credit" ...

Legends or not, when German became commissioner starting the trouble.
Why the Department of Health has a "small" problem: it is in full conflict of interest because his wife and children owned shares of some companies in the pharmaceutical field and parapharmaceutical that in Puglia alone, covering 65% of the market . Specifically, 65% of the business of the prosthesis.

I 'primariucci " German Alberto
be a fan of Clemente Mastella.
Until 2006, owns two companies in the health sector: the "Medical Surgery Ltd, founded in 1999 by Cattaneo Maria (wife of Alberto German) and transformed in 2007 into society" Med Net "owned by Charles and Joseph (child) and the Hospital Aesse Tecknolab Ltd. "where are the other German's daughter, Cristina,
Both companies, as is evident from the German defensive line, were sold in the immediate vicinity of the appointment as Deputy Mayor for Health" Solutions & Management Ltd "that this would be the sole director John Sironi. To resolve the conflict of interest, however, the family founded a new German society of medical devices (the Eurohospital) which - according to evidence gathered during the investigation - during the tenure of head of household, would have considerably increased its turnover.
At this point, of course, you should ask a question, which is the same former commissioner Sergio Silvestris (National Alliance), " If there was a conflict of interest, (German ed) has done well to to sell the shares and has hurt to be the new company, and therefore they should resign. If not there, because he has divested the shares to his children? "For
complete the picture, however, German square (it's appropriate to say) Falsea Bruno - his brother - ASL Lecce 1. Title: Director of health.

Then check another one of "household names" to national news that he had hands-on (before recycle in the field of ecology): Gianpaolo "Gianpi" Tarantini, the "official supplier" of Arcore, that in life Previous - until 2004 - is the real king of hip Puglia. Gianpaolo
Tarantini for years was in business with Joseph, the son of German Alberto - as you can read in the order in which the judge for preliminary investigations Joseph De Benedictis said the senator's arrest in February - down from his position as councilor, was lavish " to influence the choices of medical directors in the industry. This business in that sense it is irrefutably documented since 2002 "that is, three years before his election as alderman. "It seems undeniable '- read the ordinance -' already for ten years as entrepreneurs and German Giuseppe Tarantini Giampaolo had recourse to the aid of German Alberto to impose, by means of collusion with some health professionals, their health products on the market. " In an intercept between the two former associates, Joseph German argues that doctors who obtain their supplies from them would be "primariucci with whom we have to do us, that they pushed around."

Then something happens. The relationship between German business and Tarantino breaks. We are in 2004. Since then Tarantini begin to "diversify its offerings, becoming a market leader in gifts and sex used as a bargaining chip to win contracts. Let us put aside the 'affaire "Tarantini, we'll come back later.

All I could imagine ...
" All I could imagine unless you have a commissioner in addition Vendola . To say it is Raffaele Fitto, 2000 to 2005 President of the Puglia Region, commenting on the appointment of Alberto German.
Yeah, because the German team fishing almost entirely in the former men (and women) of the Lease, first of all that Lea Cosentino, as a former activist Margaret then Forza Italy, in 2006 he became General Manager of ASL Bari, where many of the major transit contracts - large or fraud, depending on your point of view - the health sector in Puglia. The Cosentino, however, does nothing to conceal his relationship with Tarantino, so that - in one of more than 1,330 telephone calls between the two in about ten months - asks "Gianpi" to intercede to prevent the publication of an article , su sollecitazione di un certo “Niki” .

Lea Cosentino
È proprio la Cosentino, peraltro, la persona scelta dal Presidente della Regione Nichi Vendola per sostituire un Alberto Tedesco dimissionario al primo sentore di avviso di garanzia.
«Non ti conviene perché si scatenano i sistemi, quelli più...diciamo leciti e non...» furono le parole di Michele Emiliano, allora sindaco di Bari. Una “sorta di” minaccia, dicono dalla Procura. Ed è triste notare come la minaccia sia venuta da un uomo che, da procuratore ad Agrigento, nel suo curriculum può vantare collaboration with Giovanni Falcone and Rosario Livatino (the "Judge boy" uccuso September 21, 1990 by men of the Stidda Agrigento). But back to Tarantini.

" Tarantino asked me to intervene with the commissioner Albert as its German firms were penalized in competition from companies of German children councilor." To say
pm before the pool is health - last January - Sandro Frisullo , former vice president of the county council (Democratic Party).

And here, in fact, opens another chapter.

Gifts councilor
Sandro Frisullo say that in 2007-2008 (when the handcuffs are taken for the former vice president) was the political representative of Taranto in the region is an understatement. Frisullo - at least in those two years - was a direct expression of the entrepreneur, much to receiving a monthly salary of 12 000 € for 11 months in 2008, in addition to 150 000 € in cash, expensive clothing, petrol vouchers, gifts of various kinds - including a car with chauffeur and maid service for your home Bari - and performance of a sexual nature. The reason so much attention was due to the fact that he won in Frisullo Tarantini and another contractor Bari (Domenico Marzocca, owner of a company - the Prodea SpA - which deals with the storage of medical records) contracts for a total of one million euro for the provision of medical supplies from the company of "Gianpi" and four million for the management of medical records of the Company Local Health Lecce.

I asked him (a Frisullo, ed) an extension to the local health authorities in Lecce for the supply of a decision already made to the general hospital in Bari for about € 2 million, awarded to Tecnohospital for the purchase of surgical instruments to the threshold of 40 % without competition, under a law regioanel (...) With regard to mode of delivery of the money Frisullo, every time I needed the money I was going to Carige Agency Via Abate Gimma (...) if there was availability of cash or withdraw money through my account (...) or on account of Tecnohospital (...). Through Verdoscia (Massimiliano Verdoscia, while Tarantino's business partner, who was arrested in August 2009 for possession and trafficking of cocaine) did a check, to view or post, lodged him at the Banca Popolare di Novara Avenue of Unity ' Italy, with whom he had the bill

said during an interrogation following the arrest of many the same Tarantini.

Frisullo Definitely a nice guy. What's more - it is always Tarantini to tell - not only had become enchanted by "Bicameral o'clock" (the definition of Marco Travaglio), but also complained that payments arrive late!

But damn it ...
Alberto German and Nichi Vendola
summarize, adding a few details so far overlooked.
Hospital supplies; false diagnosis (or force) needed only to acquire the "stabilization of the spine" by the company Tarantini for an amount of between 18 and 30 000 € and with the connivance of the Director of Neurosurgery of the Hospital Ciappetta Pasqualino di Bari, who practiced real psychological pressures to those doctors who did not respect the "policy" of the Hospital.

management of public procurement in the health sector, the appointment of the primary - indeed, of 'primariucci "as we said - and the interplay between crime, politics and business. These are the pillars of the investigation carried out by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate, which shows just about everything: drugs, escort, procurement and public tenders rigged. All within the context of the "health election" required to politicians and various shady dealer to keep your personal power.

In July last year are given the house arrest Francesco Columella and Michael Petronella, owner of "Vi.Ri. Ltd. "(field: treatment and disposal of industrial waste and special) that, by some leaders of the ASL Bari awarded a contract for 5 million euro for the management of hospital waste and health of that company for the completion of equipment ' IRCCS Giovanni Paolo II Bari contract of 2 million 600 thousand euro allocated to Draeger SpA, represented by his nephew German councilor. In June, meanwhile, had been arrested just three managers ASL Bari: Antonio Colella, Nicola Del Re and Philip Tragni and the legal representative of the "Vi.Ri. Ltd. "Michele and Francesco Columella Petronella, the owner thereof. Coruzione, rod rigging and competition in violation of the confidentiality of investigations of the allegations. And it is

Alberto German - we saw it - to be a liaison between the business plan and the political. That German who, in the scent of notice of, it seems to be replaced by Lea Cosentino, before the latter - making "Lady Asl" - becomes part of the many suspects in one of the many strands of investigation into political interference on Health Puglia.
the investigation comes out, eloquently, a real "criminal system tested, rooted firmly in the top political and administrative logics of Health focused on the business and patronage. "

At this point, as Frisullo, we must open a separate chapter. German Alberto

I freely chosen - and I think I made a good choice - today and in the name of an idea of \u200b\u200bmorality and an idea of \u200b\u200bconsistency with my story, I ask to stay in his German Alberto place

These words uttered in 2007 the President of the Puglia Region Vendola, the same man who had chosen Sandro Frisullo - man "bought" to 1200 € per month by Tarantino - as vice president and wanted to replace the same German with another person - Cosentino - then finished under investigation. The same
Vendola that, in a telephone conversation with his commissioner for Health, could not appoint his protege as a general manager (who are appointed by the governing parties just in the region and are therefore the first pillar of the "health election ") asks whether we should amend the law.
This, the investigating judge, is not extortion. A maximum of "political arrogance". In any case, however, if it is not, however, extortion is a textbook example of the spoils system, a practice - how to write the gip De Benedictis - ' so prevalent in health Regional persuade the governor to demand even the change of law to overcome, with a new law "usum Delphine" obstacles hindering the rule that the appointment of the person he strongly Volut to. "

Here we have to do some 'clarity: first Vendola is suspected (an aspect we will address shortly), but the question - at this point - is more than legitimate: it is, like many others, a shady dealer went into politics not for the good of the res publica, but only for his own good, or is - simply - unable to choose his staff?

For each question on the matter, however, the governor has always said not know the German conflict of interest and that in any case, both the commissioner's Frisullo that had been suggested - almost required - by the Democratic Party. For
Vendola, in fact, that the Department of Health has relatives in the various trades that health is not a sufficient reason for turnover. Even worse, if you will, is to reiterate a favorable view of Cosentino.
So it is even more important to ask, even in light of what is happening within the party left, see if the problem is only in the choice of their own team or if the problem "management" is more general. But that's another story ...

A third important question to ask concerns the impact that the choices of Vendola - and men who have supported his work - have an impact on the huge deficit of ASL Puglia, which is around 600 million euro.

the bipartisan partnership

I was pleased that the Region of Puglia has already placed the construction of the new hospital among the top priorities and has devoted to this end, the figure of 100 million € on the Program Fas 2007 -2013.
Signed: Sac. Prof. Luigi M. Verzé

No, no case of homonymy.
That "Sac. Prof. Luigi M. Verzé "is just that Don Verzé business associate of Silvio Berlusconi.
The plan is this: build - along the lines of the Fondazione San Raffaele del Monte Tabor - what has been called the "San Raffaele of the Mediterranean" with a twofold purpose: groped to decrease the "health tourism" and North-South axis groped to improve the fortunes of a Taranto "bursting with pain."
If the idea is - after all - the noble, the practice is quite different. First the figures: of the 100 million initially allocated (immediately become 120) will be taken from the pockets of taxpayers, who will both close the SS. Annunziata, Taranto and Moscati Statte (Both public) to make way for a structure in joint ventures between public and private nature of which is primarily commercial was also found by the State Council (which does not prevent the use of public financing ...).

Nichi Vendola Don Verzé
The first step of this operation there is May 28, 2010 was established at the Fondazione San Raffaele Taranto in the Mediterranean, the president - just happened - Don Verzi, who will be responsible for managing the complex to be built in the district hospital Paul VI (" courses and historical claims "Some would say: it was Pope Paul VI, in 1964 Don Verzé suspended from the priesthood since the latter took care of business most of the pious souls ...).
Vice-President of the Foundation is appointed Renato Botti, who is also on the board of directors of Molecular Medicine SpA, receiving funding of € 2.2 million earmarked by the Regione Lombardia (see the "CDO", we learn to hear the next installment of this investigation), that the corporation, where stands the figure of Luigi Berlusconi, with whom the prime minister - according to her dreams - defeat cancer. But
not end there: tra i sottoscrittori dell'accordo del 28 maggio c'è anche tale Angelo Domenico Colasanto, direttore generale dell'Azienda Sanitaria di Taranto, accusato di abuso d'ufficio dalla Procura della Repubblica per i quattromila pazienti deceduti ma sui quali si continuava a lucrare.

Insomma: se e quando il complesso dovesse essere terminato, i tarantini potrebbero trovarsi comunque tra due mali: da una parte un mostro che genera tumori (l'Ilva), dall'altra un'attività ospedaliero-commerciale che specula sulle cure.

«Signor governatore, sa che il suo amico don Verzé è socio d'affari di Berlusconi?»

Già un'affermazione del genere should serve not only to Apulia, but also - perhaps especially - the national electorate that strange agglomeration that is the Italian left party. But that's another story ...

At this point - and before the conclusion - we can sum up this second "episode" of the investigation into political interference in health-criminals of our country.
In the first part we looked at the health management of Calabria, run by a part of the 'Ndrangheta and the other - on the political side - the Union of the Centre.
In Puglia, we can now say, is to command a strange version of the "left" with collusion between members of the Democratic Party, former "organic" to the junta Lease center-right with strong interference and where business is still to be proved the strangeness of a Nichi Vendola that, as president of the region, could not but be aware of what was happening behind him. Unless you want to consider the idea that the "miracle" - is also still remains to be proven - Vendola, in fact, is not just another "bluff."

And it is precisely the role of Vendola whole story that I want to close.

The man who refused the judges
Two votes to one.
No, non sono i risultati elettorali di quello che sempre più diventa il “Berlusconi di sinistra” (e l'amicizia con Don Verzé è solo uno dei tanti campanelli d'allarme), ma è il risultato delle intenzioni dei tre pm che hanno esaminato la posizione di Vendola.

Francesco Bretone e Marcello Quercia si sono espressi a favore dell'archiviazione perché, a loro giudizio, non ci sarebbero le condizioni minimali per sostenere l'accusa in dibattimento. Non è dello stesso avviso l'altra pm, Desirèe Digeronimo .
Ed è proprio a lei, Pubblico Ministero della Direzione Distrettuale Antimafia posta sottoscorta per le pesanti minacce ricevute dal capoclan degli Strisciuglio di Bari (operazione "Freedom"), which is addressed in a letter Vendola:

" love for the truth no longer allows me to keep quiet. I have the impression "- begins the President of the Region -" to attend a paradoxical reversal logic for which the robbers take the place of the gentry and vice versa. " Interestingly, however, the use in this period makes such terms as "gentleman" or "gentleman." Moving on ...

"( ...) His investigation, Dr. Digeronimo, becoming, against his will, the instrument of a political and media campaign that aims to strike me as a person without being accused me nothing. (...) The first anomaly is that she has not felt the need to abstain, for the obvious consideration and note that his network of friends and relatives unable to perform the objectivity with this specific investigation (...) "

The reference, in particular, is Enrico Balducci, Digeronimo ex-husband, who took the field in the nineties with the greens, passing under the National Alliance (with the right-hand experience of the Greens) in 1995. Will not it be a challenge, that of President of the Region? Waiting to know the answer, it is hoped that this country should not open a new chapter in judicial history, moving from "red robes" to "togas black ".
But this, finally, is another story ...


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