Thursday, October 28, 2010

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When will I be paid the settlement?

10 answers to 'Frequently Inpdap Pensions (3 / 3).
Answers to 'Frequently Inpdap pensions.

When will I be paid the settlement?
Who retires for age limits, limits to service or 40 years or more seniority pay for retirement or disability receives clearance within 3 months time frame of 15 days from the date of retirement . This period is called the "period of definition of the procedure" and was established by the Charter of
Inpdap Services in accordance with Law 241/90. Who does not fall nei casi precedenti, e cioè va in pensione per anzianità (per dimissioni) riceve la liquidazione entro 9 mesi: in questo caso il pagamento è sottoposto per legge ad un blocco di 6 mesi.

Come mi verrà pagata la liquidazione?
Con assegno circolare . La nostra le invierà un invito a presentarsi alla filiale più vicina alla sua abitazione per ritirare l’assegno. Se vuole che la sua liquidazione sia pagata con accreditamento in banca sul suo conto , dovrà fare una richiesta scritta all’Inpdap, in cui comunica numero di conto corrente, CAB e ABI.
L’Inpdap, a conti fatti, le invierà il “prospetto calculation "of the settlement amount and detailed calculations that will be paid.

What benefits can I get as a retired / retired Inpdap?
If students have children, as senior Inpdap has the right to have them participate in our competitions for the summer holidays in Italy and abroad, for the scholarships (lower middle school, high school and university) and for our master's degrees: INPDAP currently has activities in collaboration with the Catholic University of Milan, Master in Public Economics, the University "La Sapienza" of Rome Masters in Public Economics, Economy in public to address the Economics and Management of Health Services and Communications and Public Institutions, the University of Catania Master's degree in Information Technology - Information and Communication Technologies
with the University of Perugia and the Masters in Tourism Leisure Management.

There are also loans for retired people? For now, the
loans are not paid directly by INPDAP, although a future possibility is the study of the institution with regard to small loans.
Since 2003, retirees may take out loans with banks and financial arrangement, making the repayment of provided with monthly deductions from the pension.

How is the payment of the pension?
and other questions ...

How do I know the amount of my monthly pension?
and other questions ...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Def Jam Internships 2010

How do I know the amount of my monthly pension?

Answers to 'Frequently Inpdap pensions.

C ow do I know the amount of my monthly pension?
will be notified of a coupon payment or monthly as salary?
For the first month of retirement, the processing center INPDAP will send you a letter called "Notice of Payment", which are detailed in the gross amount of retirement deductions, withholding taxes, withholding taxes and any other net. Later you will receive notice of payment until the amount of his pension
will be changed.
In January of each year all pensions increased slightly in the rise in the cost of living indices detected by ISTAT (this increase is called "automatic annual equalization") in January of each year will always receive the payment notification .

And if I change my address?
must make a written statement, coming directly to our doors or by mail, the law provides that the pension is located at his place of residence (but remember that the bank may be registered in Italy).

What should I do if my family situation changes?
If, for example, children are no longer dependent on him or if there are other changes in her marital status after retirement, we must communicate the update to get tax deductions.

And for Mod.730?
It 's true that when you retire you can deliver INPDAP? Currently

Yes ' Inpdap provides the' tax assistance direct to pensioners that require it.
If you want to make use of our tax assistance there for the first year must submit an application by February 14. So it can deliver - by appointment - our doors in April after she completed the Model 730 for data processing. The tax credit or debit adjustment will be made on his pension, usually in August.

How is the payment of the pension?
and other questions ...

When will I be paid the settlement?
and other questions ... responses to see you October 28, 2010!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Meatless Carbless Diet

welfare in comune

Hands Off Welfare

Appeal against welfare cuts taken by the administration of Bologna, Bologna

, betraying its historic vocazione, organizza lo
smantellamento del welfare cittadino un tempo vanto di un orientamento
politico sociale teso a offrire il meglio ai suoi cittadini. Con la
gestione commissariale, del già prefetto Anna Maria Cancellieri si
rischia di arrivare a un punto di non ritorno in quanto i tagli
annunciati, e in parte già attuati, hanno un carattere strutturale:
taglio generalizzato di risorse a tutti i servizi sociali, chiusura e
smantellamento delle strutture di sostegno sociale, massiccia
privatizzazione del settore educativo e scolastico, aumento delle
tariffe per l’accesso ai servizi comunali, aumento degli affitti in
casa popolare, aumento del costo del biglietto dell’autobus,
cut resources to public cultural services, cutting wages and laying off temporary workers
municipal sale of public assets
. We assist in the reduction of funding for years to local
by the various national governments that follow,
that saw its zenith in the financial Tremonti. In this context
regional and provincial administrations, against anti-government
proclamations, no effective action to bring into the field
contrast to the effects of this economic crisis that you do not see the end
. Such decisions, which threaten social cohesion in our country
, produce no reaction in most organizations
politiche, che irresponsabilmente sperano che il
“lavoro sporco” venga fatto delle gestione commissariale prima delle
prossime elezioni amministrative. Per questo è importante che siamo
noi cittadini-utenti e lavoratori dei servizi a far sentire alta una
voce che si assuma la responsabilità di difendere in prima persona lo
stato sociale del nostro territorio.

Diamo un primo appuntamento a tutti/e

per un’assemblea cittadina il 9 novembre alle ore 21

presso Sala Benjamin, Via del pratello n.53 Bologna


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How is the payment of the pension?

10 answers to 'Frequently Pensions Inpdap (third)
Answers to 'Frequently Inpdap pensions

What day of the month the pension is paid?
INPDAP pay pensions on the 16th of each month, including December. If the 16 is a holiday, the payment is anticipated the first working day before that.

How is the payment of the pension?

1) In a written application, stamped by your bank, you can get the pension credit on bank account in any Italian ;
2) or with the written request stamped by his agency post, may apply for 'accreditation post office or postal account in any Italian ;
3) if it wants to pay him his pension libretto postal and accreditation will only happen in a place where you live, always with a written request stamped by the post office;
4) may also choose to levy the board directly, the post office more comfortable in her place of residence, provided with a written request: to collect by mail just go in person to the post office with the senior badge, which INPDAP will send you home when he retires and a valid ID, in this case may also delegate a person he trusts to collect the monthly pension by delivering a written authorization signed by INPDAP authenticated when submitting data to the delegate. You can also change at any time, always with a written request, the desired form of payment.

How do I know the amount of my monthly pension?
and other questions ...

When will I be paid the settlement?
and other questions ... I'll see you for the answers il 28 ottobre 2010!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pitchures Of Cancker S

INPDAP: Reducing the retirement

La pensione Inpdap per dipendenti pubblici

La pensione diretta ordinaria d’anzianità è una prestazione vitalizia di natura economica e previdenziale erogata dall' INPDAP in favore di tutti i dipendenti iscritti che hanno maturato il limite minimo di anzianità contributiva e che, per diversi motivi, esclusa l'inabilità, sono cessati dal servizio prima di raggiungere il limite d’età stabilito per la pensione di vecchiaia.
Tuttavia, chi ha cessato dal servizio può decidere di mantenere l’iscrizione all’Istituto with the continuation of voluntary contributions. The

retirement pension is calculated both with the pay system with the mixed.
From 1 January 2008, following the changes brought by the Law 247/2007, the personal access requirements are as follows:

  • from 1 January 2008 to 30 June 2009 with pension contributions equal to 35 years and retirement age of 58 years;
  • from July 1, 2009 with seniority pay the sum of years of contributions and seniority registry, that would result in the achievement of a minimum expected for the year in question (subject to the requirement minimo di anzianità contributiva pari a 35 anni e il possesso dell’età anagrafica minima prevista per l’anno considerato).

Tabella esemplificativa:

ANNO                         REQUISITI (età + anni di contribuzione)
Dal 1/1/08 al 30/6/09 58 + 35
Dal 1/7/09 al 31/12/09 59 + 36 oppure 60 + 35 (quota 95)
2010                         59 + 36 oppure 60 + 35 (quota 95)
2011 - 2012                 60 + 36 oppure 61 + 35 (quota 96)
2013                         61 + 36 oppure 62 + 35 (quota 97 - soggetta a verifica)
2014                         61 + 36 oppure 62 + 35 (quota 97 - soggetta a verifica)

In ogni caso il diritto alla pensione si consegue, indipendentemente dall’età, con almeno 40 anni di anzianità contributiva.

Inoltre, chi ha maturato entro il 31 dicembre 2007 i requisiti di età e di anzianità contributiva previsti dalla normativa precedente, mantiene il diritto alla pensione con i precedenti requisiti.
A partire dal primo gennaio 2008 possono accedere alla pensione di anzianità con 35 anni di contribuzione and 57 years of age:

  • female employees opting for a settlement of the treatment according to the rules for calculating the contribution system (Legislative Decree 180 of 1997);
  • mobile workers mentioned in Article 1, paragraph 18 -bis of Law 243/2004;
  • workers authorized by the continued voluntary July 20, 2007.

The application for retirement may be made without limit of time, though, after ten of the termination of employment, you are eligible to receive a pension with effect from the first day of the month following the submission of the application, losing any right accrued on unclaimed (as prescribed).

Until December 31, 2007, for those who had already completed the requirements for retirement, the earlier law will be applied and the effect is immediate, (excluding those who had gained the right to a pension in the fourth quarter of 2007 will have as earliest date April 1, 2008).

Saturday, October 23, 2010

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liquidation Inpdap: workers excluded from the new starting

Exclusion reduction settlement
Workers refine the requirements before 31.12.2010
For workers who accrue personal requirements and / or contributions required for entitlement to retirement pension and seniority before 31.12.2010, the windows continue to be determined by the legislation currently in force, even if the output will be placed from 1 January 2011.

Therefore, employees who perfected right to retirement pension (20 years of contributions and 60 years of age if female, 61 years if public employees, 65 years if male) or 40 years Contribution last quarter of 2010, will have access to retirement on 1 April 2011. Instead, employees who reach the "95 share" in the last half del 2010 (con almeno 35 anni di contributi ed un’età anagrafica non inferiore a 59 anni) potranno andare in pensione dal 1° luglio 2011.

Allo stesso modo, i lavoratori autonomi, con diritto alla pensione di vecchiaia (20 anni di anzianità contributiva e 60 anni di età se donna o 65 anni se uomo) o con 40 anni di contribuzione nell’ultimo trimestre del 2010, potranno accedere al pensionamento dal 1° luglio 2011. Invece, gli autonomi che raggiungono “quota 96” nell’ultimo semestre del 2010 (con almeno 35 anni di contributi ed un’età anagrafica non inferiore a 60 anni) potranno andare in pensione dal 1° gennaio 2012.

Per i lavoratori che maturano i requisiti richiesti per il diritto alla pensione in regime di totalizzazione (D.Lgs. n. 42/2006) entro il 31.12.2010 si applica la normativa in vigore fino alla predetta data: i trattamenti decorreranno dal mese successivo a quello di presentazione della domanda di pensione totalizzata.

Personale della scuola
Per quanto riguarda i dipendenti della scuola, è stato espressamente previsto che rimangono le disposizioni attualmente in vigore. La decorrenza continuerà, quindi, anche dopo il 2010, ad essere fissata all’inizio dell’anno scolastico o accademico (settembre o novembre) nel caso di maturazione dei requisiti by December 31 of that year.

Workers in notice to 30.6.2010 and losing the title certified
are excluded from the new window "mobile" employees:
  • with the period of notice on the date of 30.06. Population 2010 that will vest requirements and contribution to the achievement of the pension before the date of termination of employment;
  • for which the title is not certified to perform the specific work to reach the age limit (eg drivers of public transport).
Workers on the move and special allowances
The new date also does not apply, to an overall limit of 10,000 beneficiaries, workers:
  • ordinary mobile, made redundant by enterprises located in areas the South, on the basis of union agreements concluded before 30.04.2010, with maturation of the requirements within the period of use of its benefits;
  • in long-term mobility, the effect of collective agreements concluded by 30.04.2010;
  • holders of outstanding performance against the Solidarity Fund Industry (credito e assicurazioni che operano per fronteggiare ristrutturazioni e crisi aziendali) alla data del 31.05.2010.
 Va precisato che il monitoraggio verrà effettuato dall’Inps, in riferimento al momento di cessazione del rapporto di lavoro (data di collocamento in mobilità o in assegno straordinario).

Friday, October 22, 2010

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Clearance lighter for civil servants

Penalizzazione liquidazione Inpdap
La nuova manovra finanziaria (legge 122/2010) penalizzerà pesantemente i lavoratori del pubblico impiego, dando una interpretazione estremamente punitiva in materia di liquidazioni da partedell'INPDAP.

Inpdap ha emesso una circolare (n.17 8/10/10) in cui vengono dettate le istruzioni per provvedere al saccheggio dell'indennità di buona uscita dei lavoratori pubblici.
Quali saranno gli effetti dell'applicazione della circolare Inpdap ?

I lavoratori della scuola, università, ricerca e afam, hanno la scelta tra due diverse tipologie di liquidazione:

  • TFS (trattamento di fine servizio o anche indennità di buona uscita)
  • TFR (trattamento di fine rapporto). 
I due regimi hanno ovviamente sistemi di calcolo diversi e la loro applicazione dipende dai periodi di assunzione del lavoratore:

  • Il lavoratore assunto entro il 31 dicembre 2000 si trova in regime di TFS e vede la sua liquidazione calcolata sull'80% dell'ultimo stipendio che percepirà prima di andare in pensione (generalmente l'ultimo si riferisce al mese di agosto perché poi da settembre riceve la pensione) e moltiplicato per il numero di anni lavorati; per questa tipologia di liquidazione il lavoratore paga mensilmente il 2,50% (trattenuta che continuerà ad essere presente anche dopo il dicembre 2010).
  • Il lavoratore assunto dal 1 gennaio 2001 is in TFR regime and sees its payment calculated by taking the 6.91 on 100% of salary (calculated on an entry salary brackets more than the TFS: RPD and CIA) and a reassessment and annual '1, 5 plus 75% inflation. The TFR is all borne by the employer.

Now what has changed?
Since January 2011, workers who are under the TFS see frozen the previous good output (which will be calculated at the time of retirement) and a mature new severance payment is calculated by taking the worst of both systems in order to lower settlement: 6.91 on 80% of salary (But without fixtures and recurrent) and the revaluation budget for the TFR.

This calculation produces a loss of clearance than 1% of salary (from 13 to 15% of the liquidation).

Even applying a more favorable taxation (that of TFS), the recovery would be impossible.

To deepen this news: Download
circular Inpdap 17 8 October 2010 - Interventions for the treatment of end of service indemnities and

Monday, October 18, 2010

Incesti Italiani Free Streaming

The assignment of a fifth of the pension for retired INPDAP

Loans against pension

Italian Post Office confirms its offer in terms of credit, loans and mortgages to retired and devotes an instrument already well known: the transfer of the fifth retirement.
This financial instrument, ie, makes possible the repayment of the installment of the repayment plan to repay creditors, deducting directly from what the agency pays monthly beneficiary then becomes liable to the user.

hinge points for the fifth BancoPosta are tranquility, serenity, the appropriateness of an adequate reimbursement to the possibilities of each. The funding It can also be applied also to those retired people who have no bank account or post office, with the ability to repay other loans in progress, and even if you have easy access to other generic forms of consumer credit, loans and targeted not, and so on.

The instrument of transfer of the fifth, in fact, has this peculiarity, since it is precisely to ensure that you receive the check (which is the salary or pension, as in this case, in the end to ensure it is the user and its right to a pension credit or job).

But we see what are the technical characteristics of this type of loan. First we note the absence of ancillary fees and the absence of charges for early repayment of that loan. The installment, according to the agreed repayment plan, is deducted from the pension - as already mentioned - up to a maximum of five (the fact) of what is received in the month. From this, then, depends on the extent of the amount financed: it is the same Post Office to issue, in terms of application, certification from the insurance involved, whether it be Social Security or is INPDAP. Respectively, the National Social Security Institute and National Institute of Social Security and Welfare Employee Administration Pubblica.

La durata del prestito può essere variabile: parte dai tre anni (ovvero dai 36 mesi) e arriva fino ai dieci anni (durata massima del piano di ammortamento, quindi, 120 mesi).
In più BancoPosta prevede l’assicurazione per ogni evenienza e problematica, ovvero la copertura assicurativa sulla Vita come prevista da legge e garantita dal fondo rischi dell’Inpdap stesso.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

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Decree Pensions and Social Security: transitional provision for calculation of pensions for retirees

Norma transitoria per il calcolo delle pensioni

D.Lgs. 30-12-1992 n. 503
Norme per il riordinamento the social security system of private and public employees, pursuant to Article 3 of Law October 23, 1992, No 421.
Published in the Official Gazette. No. December 30, 1992, No 305, SO

13. transitional rules for the calculation of pensions .
For employees enrolled general insurance compulsory invalidity, old age and survivors' benefits and forms of the same alternative and exclusive, and self-employed workers enrolled in special management administrative INPS, the amount of pension is determined by the sum of:

  • corresponding to the share of pension contributions on pension acquired before 1 January 1993, calculated as of the date of commencement of the pension in accordance with the regulations in force prior to the date aforesaid, to that end is confirmed as a transitional measure, also with regard to the reference period for determining the pensionable earnings;
  • the share of pension equal to the amount of pension on retirement contributions acquired from 1 January 1993, calculated in accordance with the rules of this decree.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Mount & Blade Module List

Online Services Inpdap

Inpdap online services

Online services used directly on the site INPDAP (after authentication) are:

What can be 'found at INPDAP? For pensioners
Inpdap are made available on-line services that can be used after "authentication", using the tax code and PIN, namely:

  1. viewing the monthly pension ,
  2. viewing and print copy of the CUD ,
  3. viewing and printing of Form 730 already delivered to a home Inpdap.

to manage the PIN you have the appropriate allocation and recovery functions. Since
to access services you must provide your social security number, it is suggested to always have it handy.

Some services are not portable to online authentication, namely:

  • Sms Service: the pensioners can register online SMS service that allows you to receive any news on their mobile phone, regarding the performance Inpdap: pensions, loans, mortgages , scholarships , stays and holidays , etc. master. ... Or only on particular sectors.
  • Let's Face : retirees can book your visit at the URP and can express their level of satisfaction with the service information received. At the moment the service is available on an experimental basis for nine provincial offices.

For further information, please visit

Sample Letter To End C

Inpdap Pensions: DPR 29/12/1973 n. Pensions Inpdap

treatment of retired military and civilian employees of the State

Approval of the unico delle norme sul trattamento di quiescenza dei dipendenti civili e militari dello Stato.
Pubblicato nel Suppl. Ord. alla Gazz. uff. 9 maggio 1974, n. 120.

Disposizioni generali

1. Soggetti del diritto.

I dipendenti statali, all'atto della cessazione dal servizio, hanno diritto al trattamento di quiescenza a carico del bilancio dello Stato, secondo le norme del presente testo unico.
Sono dipendenti statali, agli effetti del presente testo unico, gli impiegati civili e gli operai dello Stato nonché i magistrati ordinari, amministrativi e della giustizia militare, gli avvocati e i procuratori dello Stato, gli insegnanti delle scuole e degli istituti di istruzione State of the armed forces and military police forces.
Unless otherwise provided, the provisions relating to civilian employees also apply to non-permanent staff.

43. Base retirement.

For the purposes of determining the extent of the pensions of civil servants, the basic pensionable salary consists of the last or the last wage or salary and the retirement benefits or allowances received in full below, increased by 18 percent:

  1. compensation function for executives and upper managers for the first provided for in Article 47 of Decree of the President June 30, 1972, No 748;
  2. check and personal check equalizing the legal retirement November 15, 1973, No 734 for civilian employees, permanent and non-permanent workers and the state;
  3. retirement allowances and personal check provided for in Article 1 of the Law of 16 November 1973, n. 728, for the staff, and not officials, including the workers, the Postal and Telecommunications Administration and the State Company for telephone services;
  4. annual allowance provided for in Article 12 of Decree-Law of 1 October 1973, No 580, converted into law November 30, 1973, No 766, for the teaching staff of universities and institutes of higher education, and outplacement charge;
  5. annual allowance provided for in Article 12 of Law 30 July 1973, No 477, for the inspection staff, management, faculty and staff in nursery, primary, secondary and artistic
  6. pensionable allowances and personnel provided for in Article 1 of Law December 27, 1973, No 851, for the staff, and non-permanent workers and staff of the Autonomous State Monopoly;
  7. personal check provided for in Article 202 of Presidential Decree of January 10, 1957, No 3.

the same purposes, no other allowance or benefit, even though retirement may be considered if the relevant provision di legge non ne preveda espressamente la valutazione nella base pensionabile (36) .
(36)  Articolo così sostituito dall'art. 15, L. 29 aprile 1976, n. 177, per le cessazioni dal servizio aventi decorrenza non anteriore al 1° gennaio 1976.

44. Misura del trattamento normale.

La pensione spettante al personale civile con l'anzianità di quindici anni di servizio effettivo è pari al 35 per cento della base pensionabile; detta percentuale è aumentata di 1,80 per ogni ulteriore anno di servizio utile fino a raggiungere il massimo dell'ottanta per cento.

Nei casi previsti dai successivi articoli, in cui la pensione spetta with length less than fifteen years of active service, the percentage referred to in the preceding paragraph and reduced to 1.80 per year missing to reach the fifteenth year of useful service.

The allowance for once is equal to one twelfth of the basic pension for each year of useful service.

Friday, October 15, 2010

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1092: Law 724

Act 724 Pensions

Law 724 of December 23, 1994.

Article 15 paragraph 3
Pending harmonization of contribution bases and mandatory retirement provided for under the management of the public e privato, con decorrenza dal 1° gennaio 1995, per i dipendenti delle amministrazioni pubbliche (di cui all'articolo 1 del decreto legislativo 3 febbraio 1993, n. 29, e successive modificazioni ed integrazioni) iscritti alle forme di previdenza esclusive dell'assicurazione generale obbligatoria, nonché per le altre categorie di dipendenti iscritti alle predette forme di previdenza, la pensione spettante viene determinata sulla base degli elementi retributivi assoggettati a contribuzione, ivi compresa l'indennità integrativa speciale, ovvero l'indennità di contingenza, ovvero l'assegno per il costo della vita spettante.

Misure di razionalizzazione della finanza pubblica.
Pubblicata nella Gazz. Uff. December 30, 1994, No 304, SO

subject to retention of the revenue account in the Treasury's share of the increase in the basic retirement pension and homogenization treatments.

  1. With effect from 1 January 1995, for the purpose of subjection to withholding income account in the Treasury, the pensionable salary and other allowances to the exclusion of interim assistance under the special L. May 27, 1959, No 324, and subsequent amendments thereto, and allowances and allowances paid to carry out particular functions excluded from the base pension, payable to employees who are entitled to pensions covered by the Act approved by Presidential Decree of 29 December 1973 No 1092, and subsequent amendments thereto, shall be notionally increased by the percentage provided for in Articles 15, 16 and 22 of L. April 29, 1976, No 177.
  2. The provision referred to in paragraph 1 shall apply to employees enrolled in pension management governed by laws which refer to rules contained in the single text approved by Presidential Decree of 29 December 1973 No 1092, as amended and supplemented.
  3. Pending harmonization of contribution bases and mandatory retirement provided for under the management of public and private sectors, with effect from 1 January 1995 for employees of public authorities referred to in Article 1 of Decree Legislative February 3, 1993, No 29, and subsequent amendments thereto, entered the exclusive forms of the general compulsory insurance, as well as for other categories of employees belonging to such forms of insurance, the pension payable is determined on the basis of the salary subject to contributions, including special supplementary allowance, that the contingency allowance, or allowance for the cost of living due.
  4. The board referred to in paragraph 3 is reversible, with reference to the categories of eligible survivors, at the rate in force in the general compulsory insurance scheme for invalidity, old age and survivors.
  5. [The provisions relating to payment of compensation on treatment of special supplementary pension under Article 2 of Law May 27, 1959, No 324, and subsequent amendments thereto, shall apply only to pensions paid direct to the December 31, 1994 and the survivors refer to them] (35).
  6. The provisions of paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 shall apply to employees enrolled in the supplementary pension fund under the regulations of the bodies referred to L. March 20, 1975, No 70.

(35) Section repealed by Article 776 paragraph. 1, L. December 27, 2006, No 296.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

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calculation base for retirement civil servants

Calcolo della base pensionabile Inpdap per dipendenti pubblici

(art. 43 legge 1092_1973 integrato)
Ai fini della determinazione della misura del trattamento di quiescenza dei dipendenti civili, la base pensionabile, è costituita dall'ultimo stipendio o dall'ultima paga o retribuzione (per la quota a) (per la quota b si prende in considerazione la retribuzione media settimanale degli ultimi dieci anni come previsto dalla legge 335 del 1995) e dagli assegni o indennità pensionabili sotto indicati integralmente percepiti, aumentata del 18 per cento (questo incremento non si fa per gli iscritti cpdel):
  • Gli elementi della remuneration to be used to identify the basis for calculation are as follows:
  1. gross salary table;
  2. Salary individual seniority (RIA);
  3. allowance fixed and recurring for 12 months (unless otherwise required by contract);
  4. Any retirement benefits on a personal basis;
  5. special supplementary allowance (excluding the revaluation of 18%).
  • received full retirement benefits or allowances (Article 43 of Law 1092):
  1. compensation function for executives and upper managers for the first provided for in Article 47 of Decree of the President of the Republic June 30, 1972, No 748;
  2. check and personal check equalizing the legal retirement November 15, 1973, No 734 for civilian employees, permanent and non-permanent workers and the state;
  3. retirement allowances and personal check provided for in Article 1 of the Law of 16 November 1973, n. 728, for the staff, and not officials, including the workers, the Postal and Telecommunications Administration and the State Company for telephone services;
  4. annual allowance provided for in Article 12 of Decree-Law of 1 October 1973, No 580, converted into law November 30, 1973, No 766, for the teaching staff of universities and institutes of higher education, out the role and responsibility;
  5. annual allowance provided for in Article 12 of Law 30 July 1973, No 477, for the inspection staff, management, faculty and staff in nursery, primary, secondary and artistic
  6. pensionable allowances and personnel provided for in Article 1 of Law December 27, 1973, No 851, for the staff, and non-permanent workers and staff of the Autonomous State Monopoly;
  7. personal check provided for in Article 202 of Presidential Decree of January 10, 1957, No 3.
the same purposes, no other allowance or benefit, even though retirement may be considered if the relevant provision Act does not expressly provides for the assessment in the basic retirement age (36).

(36) Article replaced by art. 15, l. April 29, 1976, No 177, for having terminated their service starting no earlier than 1 January 1976.