10 answers to 'Frequently Inpdap Pensions (3 / 3). | ||
When will I be paid the settlement?
Who retires for age limits, limits to service or 40 years or more seniority pay for retirement or disability receives clearance within 3 months time frame of 15 days from the date of retirement . This period is called the "period of definition of the procedure" and was established by the Charter of
Inpdap Services in accordance with Law 241/90. Who does not fall nei casi precedenti, e cioè va in pensione per anzianità (per dimissioni) riceve la liquidazione entro 9 mesi: in questo caso il pagamento è sottoposto per legge ad un blocco di 6 mesi.
Come mi verrà pagata la liquidazione?
Con assegno circolare . La nostra le invierà un invito a presentarsi alla filiale più vicina alla sua abitazione per ritirare l’assegno. Se vuole che la sua liquidazione sia pagata con accreditamento in banca sul suo conto , dovrà fare una richiesta scritta all’Inpdap, in cui comunica numero di conto corrente, CAB e ABI.
L’Inpdap, a conti fatti, le invierà il “prospetto calculation "of the settlement amount and detailed calculations that will be paid.
What benefits can I get as a retired / retired Inpdap?
If students have children, as senior Inpdap has the right to have them participate in our competitions for the summer holidays in Italy and abroad, for the scholarships (lower middle school, high school and university) and for our master's degrees: INPDAP currently has activities in collaboration with the Catholic University of Milan, Master in Public Economics, the University "La Sapienza" of Rome Masters in Public Economics, Economy in public to address the Economics and Management of Health Services and Communications and Public Institutions, the University of Catania Master's degree in Information Technology - Information and Communication Technologies
with the University of Perugia and the Masters in Tourism Leisure Management.
There are also loans for retired people? For now, the
loans are not paid directly by INPDAP, although a future possibility is the study of the institution with regard to small loans.
Since 2003, retirees may take out loans with banks and financial arrangement, making the repayment of provided with monthly deductions from the pension.
How is the payment of the pension?
and other questions ...
How do I know the amount of my monthly pension?
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