Friday, October 15, 2010

Restaurant Around Silvercity,ottawa

1092: Law 724

Act 724 Pensions

Law 724 of December 23, 1994.

Article 15 paragraph 3
Pending harmonization of contribution bases and mandatory retirement provided for under the management of the public e privato, con decorrenza dal 1° gennaio 1995, per i dipendenti delle amministrazioni pubbliche (di cui all'articolo 1 del decreto legislativo 3 febbraio 1993, n. 29, e successive modificazioni ed integrazioni) iscritti alle forme di previdenza esclusive dell'assicurazione generale obbligatoria, nonché per le altre categorie di dipendenti iscritti alle predette forme di previdenza, la pensione spettante viene determinata sulla base degli elementi retributivi assoggettati a contribuzione, ivi compresa l'indennità integrativa speciale, ovvero l'indennità di contingenza, ovvero l'assegno per il costo della vita spettante.

Misure di razionalizzazione della finanza pubblica.
Pubblicata nella Gazz. Uff. December 30, 1994, No 304, SO

subject to retention of the revenue account in the Treasury's share of the increase in the basic retirement pension and homogenization treatments.

  1. With effect from 1 January 1995, for the purpose of subjection to withholding income account in the Treasury, the pensionable salary and other allowances to the exclusion of interim assistance under the special L. May 27, 1959, No 324, and subsequent amendments thereto, and allowances and allowances paid to carry out particular functions excluded from the base pension, payable to employees who are entitled to pensions covered by the Act approved by Presidential Decree of 29 December 1973 No 1092, and subsequent amendments thereto, shall be notionally increased by the percentage provided for in Articles 15, 16 and 22 of L. April 29, 1976, No 177.
  2. The provision referred to in paragraph 1 shall apply to employees enrolled in pension management governed by laws which refer to rules contained in the single text approved by Presidential Decree of 29 December 1973 No 1092, as amended and supplemented.
  3. Pending harmonization of contribution bases and mandatory retirement provided for under the management of public and private sectors, with effect from 1 January 1995 for employees of public authorities referred to in Article 1 of Decree Legislative February 3, 1993, No 29, and subsequent amendments thereto, entered the exclusive forms of the general compulsory insurance, as well as for other categories of employees belonging to such forms of insurance, the pension payable is determined on the basis of the salary subject to contributions, including special supplementary allowance, that the contingency allowance, or allowance for the cost of living due.
  4. The board referred to in paragraph 3 is reversible, with reference to the categories of eligible survivors, at the rate in force in the general compulsory insurance scheme for invalidity, old age and survivors.
  5. [The provisions relating to payment of compensation on treatment of special supplementary pension under Article 2 of Law May 27, 1959, No 324, and subsequent amendments thereto, shall apply only to pensions paid direct to the December 31, 1994 and the survivors refer to them] (35).
  6. The provisions of paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 shall apply to employees enrolled in the supplementary pension fund under the regulations of the bodies referred to L. March 20, 1975, No 70.

(35) Section repealed by Article 776 paragraph. 1, L. December 27, 2006, No 296.


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