Thursday, October 14, 2010

Vitamins For Degenerative Athritis

calculation base for retirement civil servants

Calcolo della base pensionabile Inpdap per dipendenti pubblici

(art. 43 legge 1092_1973 integrato)
Ai fini della determinazione della misura del trattamento di quiescenza dei dipendenti civili, la base pensionabile, è costituita dall'ultimo stipendio o dall'ultima paga o retribuzione (per la quota a) (per la quota b si prende in considerazione la retribuzione media settimanale degli ultimi dieci anni come previsto dalla legge 335 del 1995) e dagli assegni o indennità pensionabili sotto indicati integralmente percepiti, aumentata del 18 per cento (questo incremento non si fa per gli iscritti cpdel):
  • Gli elementi della remuneration to be used to identify the basis for calculation are as follows:
  1. gross salary table;
  2. Salary individual seniority (RIA);
  3. allowance fixed and recurring for 12 months (unless otherwise required by contract);
  4. Any retirement benefits on a personal basis;
  5. special supplementary allowance (excluding the revaluation of 18%).
  • received full retirement benefits or allowances (Article 43 of Law 1092):
  1. compensation function for executives and upper managers for the first provided for in Article 47 of Decree of the President of the Republic June 30, 1972, No 748;
  2. check and personal check equalizing the legal retirement November 15, 1973, No 734 for civilian employees, permanent and non-permanent workers and the state;
  3. retirement allowances and personal check provided for in Article 1 of the Law of 16 November 1973, n. 728, for the staff, and not officials, including the workers, the Postal and Telecommunications Administration and the State Company for telephone services;
  4. annual allowance provided for in Article 12 of Decree-Law of 1 October 1973, No 580, converted into law November 30, 1973, No 766, for the teaching staff of universities and institutes of higher education, out the role and responsibility;
  5. annual allowance provided for in Article 12 of Law 30 July 1973, No 477, for the inspection staff, management, faculty and staff in nursery, primary, secondary and artistic
  6. pensionable allowances and personnel provided for in Article 1 of Law December 27, 1973, No 851, for the staff, and non-permanent workers and staff of the Autonomous State Monopoly;
  7. personal check provided for in Article 202 of Presidential Decree of January 10, 1957, No 3.
the same purposes, no other allowance or benefit, even though retirement may be considered if the relevant provision Act does not expressly provides for the assessment in the basic retirement age (36).

(36) Article replaced by art. 15, l. April 29, 1976, No 177, for having terminated their service starting no earlier than 1 January 1976.


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