Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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The reunion pension contributions

reunion pension contributions
The reunion of the contributions the general remedy is to create a single pension and to determine its extent because of the different periods of insurance in one centralized location (l. 7 February 1979, 29) (32) .

implies the application of the insured (33) , be submitted before the conclusion of the process of disbursement of pension (34) relates to the compulsory forms of insurance, work for the law and the extent of a single board, is Free if it relates to employees and makes the transfer of contributions from the needle; is expensive if it relates to employees already enrolled in special management for self-employed INPS contributions and transfers in the needle, is expensive if self-employed workers enrolled in management and moved INPS contributions provided that in the needle have a history of insurance of at least five years in insurance or compulsory general managers in two different, yet is expensive if it relates to the contributions of the ego. go. or alternative forms, disclaimers exclusive or (with the exception of those statements), (35) of special management or self-employed be transferred from the management in which the employee is currently writing or in which he can claim at least eight years of contributions (36) .

The reference to all the periods of contribution seems to exclude the partial reunion, even if the Court rules (37) ha osservato che la legge ha inteso conferire a ciascuna categoria di contribuzione una propria autonomia, al fine di consentire la trasferibilità anche della sola contribuzione figurativa, qualora, in forza di altro provvedimento, intervenuto in precedenza, la contribuzione obbligatoria sia già stata trasferita ad altra forma di previdenza (38) .

Ancora, secondo la Cassazione, l’operatività della disciplina in vigore nella gestione di accesso è esclusa nella parte in cui subordini il diritto alla pensione ad un determinato periodo di iscrizione e contribuzione nella gestione stessa (39) . Mentre la immediata efficacia della ricongiunzione non è impedita dalla rateazione (40)

Still on the theme of reunion, art. 5 of Law 7 February 1979, No 29 of 1979 gives the value of absolute presumption (41) renunciation of the non-payment or the payment of less than three installments, and the effect of the irrevocability of the application to the partial payment (any amount).
It seems obvious, is puzzled coordination between resignation and irrevocability.

Indeed, in the presence of a partial payment of up to three installments, you can ask whether the contributions reunion is not waived, however, is irrevocable, but what are the consequences of irrevocability (42) . In any case, the Court considers the maintenance of their active only "in part debitoris" but compatible with the resolution to default or by mutual consent (43) .

a single area of \u200b\u200bcontiguity between reunion and aggregation is found for the case in which "the aggregation becomes necessary to create the minimum contribution requirements for the operation of the reunion, by allowing the calculation of the sum credited to meet the requirements of insurance required by national reunification. In particular, since the possibility of rejoining dependent upon the existence di un periodo contributivo almeno quinquennale immediatamente precedente nell’assicurazione generale obbligatoria dei lavoratori dipendenti, tale periodo può essere  effettuato e fatto valere mediante l’utilizzazione dei contributi totalizzati versati in assicurazioni estere” (44) .

Per leggere l'intero articolo clicca qui

(32) E. Ghera, Sul diritto alla totalizzazione, cit., pag. 2323; A. Nicolini, Fra cumulo e ricongiunzione cit., pag. 658; P. Boer, Il contributo della Corte Costituzionale alla unificazione del sistema previdenziale, in Riv. Giur. Lav. , 1999, II, pagg. 813 e segg. Sulla ricongiunzione Amongst them, the INPS circular November 22, 1979, No. 505 RCV-No 131221 O.-n. 181 B. and April 4, 1980, No 524 RCV. - No O. 5087 - No 196B./74.
(33) Cass. December 21, 1999, No 14398
(34) Cass. October 22, 1997, No 10389
(35) Cass. October 25, 2003, No 16062.
(36) According to Cass. March 6, 2004, No 4633, the possibility of reunion of all the periods of contributions in the management artisans may be exercised, pursuant to art. 2, paragraph 1, reads February 7, 1979, No 29, when the employee can claim that management at least eight years of contribution in constant actual work. Is not required but the additional requirement of at least five years of contributions in the needle in the period immediately preceding the application, because this requirement foreseen in the last paragraph of art. 1 of the Act, is imposed only for the reunion of all periods of insurance in the needle
(37) Cass. May 30, 1989, No 2616, with a sticky note to P. Boer, information on Social Security, 1989, p.. 1492.
(38) With sticky note by P. Boer, information on Social Security, 1989, p.. 1492 et seq ..
(39) Cass. July 16, 1992, No 8605.
(40) Cass. December 13, 1999, No 13987.
(41) Cass. July 22, 1996, No 6533.
(42) On this point V. Treviso, the Law on the reunion of periods: once carried out only part of the social security system, in Riv. Lt Prev Soc, 1979, p.. 588.
(43) Cass. November 22, 1999, No 12935.
(44) Cass. March 2, 2004, No 4248.

Friday, November 26, 2010

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Pension reform according to Social Security - Part Two

Pension reform according to the INPS

Pension reform - Part II The notice
mobility and save on close pension: in some situations not covered by the new pension rules, that is, in particular:
  • against employees that are currently within the notice period on 30 June 2010 and that mature age requirements name, location and seniority pay required to obtain the pension before the date of termination of employment. This condition, said the Social Security, must result from a declaration of liability of the employer, stating the terms of the contract regarding the duration of the notice, the starting date of the notice period as well as the terminal date of same notice.
  • against workers for whom the title is less certified to perform the specific work to reach the age limit.

The old provisions on the commencement of pensions, in force before the maneuver summer, continue to apply within the limits of 10,000 beneficiaries, even though mature requirements for access to retirement with effect from 1 January 2011:
  • to mobility workers made on the basis of union agreements entered into prior alo April 30, 2010 and that meet the requirements to retire within the period of use the mobility allowance in accordance with Law No 223/1991.
  • to workers engaged in long-term mobility effect of collective agreements concluded by April 30, 2010 (Act n.223/1991)
  • workers who, on 31 May 2010, the date of entry into force of the decree maneuver summer holders are paid by the extraordinary performance solidarity funds for the sector (Law No. 662/1996)

About the workers made mobility, the INPS has indicated that the condition of the aging of the requirements for retirement within the period of use the mobility allowance must be verified at May 31, 2010, so any suspension of the perception of mobility allowance after the May 31, 2010 can not be considered relevant to the prolongation of fruition within which must be completed the requirements for retirement. The maneuver

To this end, the INPS has given such a monitoring based on the date of termination of employment, pension applications submitted by such workers who wish to use, with effect from 1 January 2011, the occurrences of the old regime.

preliminary INPS stated that since the termination of employment is the only criterion by which to monitor possible to conclude that there is no constraint on the division between the categories concerned, the ceiling of the 10,000 beneficiaries of protection.
  • Stop exemptions for the "voluntary" means the Social Security said that the right to retirement and old age pension which is in any case subject to termination of employment at the date of the board, also has also stated that only the system of the occurrences, it is not operating the safeguard provided by the Maroni reform (Article 1 - n.243/2004 paragraph 8 of the Act) and the Welfare Protocol (Article 1 - comma2 - Law n.247/2007 letter C) in favor of employees who, prior to March 1, 2004 (deadline extended to 20 July 2007 by the Welfare Protocol), have been allowed to continue voluntary. These workers, therefore, may benefit from the commencement of the previous system only if accredidata the voluntary contributions to enable them to achieve by December 31, 2010 requirements and personal contributions for retirement pension.
  • With the aggregation of waiting 18 months: The INPS also states that the commencement of the new pension scheme also applies to those that mature entry requirements to retirement, by aggregation, since the year 2011 and that, in this case, the rules must be followed for self-employed, so these individuals will advance to the board 18 months from the month following that on which the claim for pension under the aggregation.
  • co.co.co. Retired after 18 months under the new rules from 1 January 2011 the achievement of the right to effect the pension seniority and age is it:
  1. past 12 months from the date of maturity of the expected requirements and Population charges, for those who have secured the right to pensions paid by pension schemes of employees
  2. 18 months from the date of maturity of the expected requirements and personal contributions, those who consguono the right to a pension payable from operations for the craft for dealers and for farmers, as well as the separate management.

The Social Security stated that the pension from the first day of the month following the expiration of the deferment of 12 or 18 months and that the pension paid under the Separate (co.co.co. and others) follow the rules concerning the effect on pensions paid by managers of self-employed, which has no relevance, no membership or registration at the time of retirement to another pension compulsory.

See the first part of the reform of pensions according to the INPS

Thursday, November 25, 2010

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Bologna November 25

We cut to cuts! The campaign
Welfare in City Square in the December 11

cuts increase, we are at € 47 million, counting receipts
children, yet destined to grow given that from this figure are
excluding minor contributions from the foundations . The Commissioner's statement
Clerks is now released to the newspaper
Unity. It seems endless now rising Municipal Budget cuts
2011. At the end of August were announced
20 million, with a rapid escalation
see today more than doubled.
The impact on municipal employees and service users was already dramatic
yesterday, today becomes disastrous. Citizens
because of the current economic crisis are under attack
salary and then to their living conditions
find themselves with an administration that is part of the problem. Indeed
the cuts and fare increases, which moreover is already underway, will fall on those who already own
hardly make ends meet.
The delayed declaration of increase of the cuts,
the low interest of the press and the silence of the policy are the result of bad faith or reckless management
we do not care, what emerges is that
this method of administration is not able to guarantee the rights and needs of citizens
E 'so now the task of those involved to stop the disintegration of the welfare
interests of this city.
We must not allow that lead to the bankruptcy
our municipality as well as entrepreneurs and speculators led to the failure
football team Bologna.
save the city, supporting the struggles of workers,
users, who claims to democracy and spaces which responds as if it were a
problem of public order. We express solidarity
so that all students these days are waging a battle for a public school
and quality.
campaign in the municipality that collects welfare workers, citizens,
associations, committees, unions and political organizations in these initiatives will support
weeks to arrive at the event called for the town
December 11 Unit 14.00 Square to defend and
raise the welfare state.

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Pension reform according to the 'INPS

Pension reform according to the INPS
Pension reform
's all ready for the new pension rules, the green light triggered the el'INPS January 1, 2011, by Circular No. 126/2010, provided the instructions operational. However, it should be clear that will not change the requirements to go and have the pension or retirement pension , but change the dates of their retirement, that is when the first check is cashed board. In practical terms the distinction is not much, in fact the requirements were left unchanged, ie age and contributions, but in fact the board has moved away a few months.

If we summarize, from 1 January 2011 will retire you with the following rule: if you
  • the orking employees, once they have reached the age requirements and contribution, you will need to spend more 12 months
  • if you are self-employed , when they reach an age and contribution requirements, you will need to do to spend another 18 months

This new rule applies to all those who retire from 11 January 2011 Then, from that date meet the requirements to the pension rights. Some situations can be saved from this el'INPS close, careful as always, it said in its circular (see above). Let's see:
  • The window does not count: that is one of the INPS details about the current window of their retirement. Today, in fact, the windows cause a lengthening of the time of the first pension check to cash, compared with the period of maturity of the requirements for entitlement to a pension. The INPS has explained that under the principle of excluding from the new date means that mature workers within the next 31 December, the entitled to a pension, so I Also excluded employees who, having completed within the next year-end pension entitlement, earning his first paycheck next year.
  • Option circles the new date : INPS also stated, that the new rules taking effect, introduced in the summer operation, does not apply to workers who log on to retirement seniority with the special experimental regime, governed by Article 1, paragraph 9 of Law No. 24/2004 (Maroni reform). This procedure, in particular, deals in turn sperimenbtale to 31 December 2015, the possibility of achieving the right to pension seniority, in the presence of insurance records less than 35 years of age and less than 57 years for female employees and 58 years for self-employed women, against women who opt for the payment of the pension in accordance with the rules for calculating the contribution system.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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Red Model: What is and what is it?

Model Red pensions Inpdap

The income Model, Model Red, is a certification that allows you to receive reduced pensions that are paid only under certain income thresholds. It 's a model that allows you to report annually on the income and so get those government subsidies that are linked to it. Red Models duly completed are then transferred through the tax assistance centers of trade unions and trade associations or through employers' liability insurance labor consultants who physically deliver the checks.

national social security legislation since 1983 has provided for connecting a large number of retirement benefits paid by INPS income possessed by the pensioner and in some cases the spouse and children. There are about thirty-conditional benefits from the absence of other income or have income within certain limits prefissati: fra queste, la maggiorazione sociale , l' assegno sociale , l' integrazione al minimo , la pensione ai superstiti , l' assegno di invalidità e i trattamenti di famiglia .

Il modello Red è una dichiarazione annuale, prevista dalla legge, che deve essere presentata dai pensionati che percepiscono, oltre alla pensione , prestazioni previdenziali e assistenziali integrative collegate al reddito. Il modello Red consente di far valere i propri diritti pensionistici: infatti sulla base dei redditi comunicati dal pensionato tramite il Red, l'ente pensionistico provvede to recalculate the pension and to communicate the new amount to the person or the right to report to several additional benefits beyond those already taken. In relation to this became a priority the need to ensure the accuracy and the adjustment of the current service provided in order to avoid payment to a different degree from what is actually due to the person. These requirements can be insured only through the use of updated data and verified, in particular those earnings to which, as we have already mentioned, are linked to many benefits.

is why for the perception of these benefits the social security institutions (INPS, Inpdap, Enpals, etc.). must verify each year income owned by senior document, the spouse and, in the case of treatment of family, even those children who are part of the family.

Model Red Inpdap and INPS
Not only Caf and economists: the Model Red can also submit directly to INPS or INPDAP. The incomes are derived more from the annual declarations, 730 or model Act, were also used by other documents such as interest that have current accounts or hold government bonds and shares, the statement of income that do not pay income tax, certificates of land for first home but only if you are not given a tax return, if recipients of disability pension shares withdrawn from the pension payroll.

Model Documentation Red
should also be attached to the application: a copy of the tax code of the person, one-sided photocopy of a valid identity document. If one turns to a Caf printing the model is done directly in offices usually keep a copy of the Caf same model for a certain period of time, usually five or ten years, for all the needs of the applicant. Especially for retired and elderly people the service of the CAF can be a great help because extricate INPS offices is often very burdensome.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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Riunione Welfare in comune

E 'meeting called for Monday, November 22 at 18.00 at the district council hall in Porto Via della Scala 21, the meeting of the campaign Common Welfare in order to give continuity to the projects and proposals that emerged by the public was held on November 9 last year. There are numerous events planned, starting from the manifestation of the town on December 11. Participation is open to all who share the call campaign and want to make a contribution.

Welfare in common


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Board Inpdap: no red model, eliminating the Social Security retirement

PensioneInpdap azzerata perche' non presenta il modello Red

Solo 2 euro a professore, centinaia i casi in Alto Adige
Il caso e' stato scoperto per primo da un anziano professore pensionato di Bolzano. Si e' trovato improvvisamente con soli due euro di pensione Inpdap .
Sono centinaia nella sola provincia di Bolzano i pensionati che da questo mese si trovano l' assegno azzerato per non avere presentato il cosidetto modello Red . La Cgil ha fatto sapere che se il pensionato presenta il Red anche in un momento successivo, la prestazione viene ristabilita con gli arretrati, ma occorreranno diversi months.

Source: ansa.it

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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Yesterday, Tuesday, November 9 is held the first public meeting of the campaign in Welfare Council. The meeting saw a great turnout, about 200 people. We have followed by numerous Italian and migrant workers and members of public and private, from buggies to the people of the workers in cooperatives, workers libraries of students, teachers tenants. They are also attended by representatives of trade unions and political basis of the promoters of the campaign.
The same demands that led to the birth of the campaign have been confirmed by the Assembly or the need for a link between all sectors that are organizing against welfare cuts and the need to produce joint mobilization to empower the individual disputes.
are already a number of appointments that have been launched, we mention only some of the event from November 13 for the rights of the immigrant, through the garrison of Tuesday, November 16 at the gate of S. Felice against the sell-off the ex-barracks, until 20 October when there will be a garrison of parents and workers at a conference on children, which will be attended by Commissioner Clerks.
E 'was also decided a time unit for the next 11 December, the day the purpose of holding an event town. This date does not want to be the conclusion of the route, but a step in a struggle in defense and a new social status as opposed to the cuts announced by the prefectural commissioner in line with the national government and regional levels.
Continue the collection of signatures under the appeal WELFAREINCOMUNE that any single individual or association can arrive at Email welfareincomune@gmail.com
are being organized opportunities to meet and coordinate open to all subscribers that will be advertised on the blog: www.welfareincomune.blogspot.com/

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renewed the website for be closer to the citizen and retired

INPS - new online services for senior

New Graphics graphics, new content and better usability. Thus, the new portal is part of a long journey already begun by the Institute and aims to make more "computer" for his services. Many of them, from next year, will move only gradually online.

Since yesterday, 10 November 2010, the website of ' INPS has a new look, content has been enhanced and is more easy to use. The new look of the portal was in fact designed to try to meet the needs of a growing audience, on average accounting for around 350 000 daily contacts with peaks that reach the 500 000 daily visits.

Among the main innovations that will face us via the website is there to indicate the area Easy INPS, the new menu designed to simplify the search for news of calls, messages of circulars and of the forms on this site. And in this area, citizens will also the section "How To" , which will obtain all information concerning some of the topics of interest. Immediately available will be news and related services relating to good job, the degree of ransom, the payment of voluntary contributions and managing relationships domestic work, which will be added over time the topics that also stems from the suggestions of citizens.

The web portal is renewed even in the sections on services, it will be easier for users to manage house their practices, making payments and have the necessary information. Although interactivity is another objective of the new version of the site. Citizens will in fact the opportunity to make an assessment of online services that find and suggest topics or information that requires more detail and simplification.

The renewal of the site is part of a long journey already begun by the Institute towards increasing telematizzazione services. Even today, many activities are accessible over the Web and from January 2011, twenty questions for different services will be filed on-line. In 2011, other services will be online only.

Monday, November 8, 2010

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giù le mani dal welfare

The Welfare-year joint-launches the first town meeting tomorrow night Tuesday, November 9 at 21:00 in the hall way of the Benjamin Pratello n.53. To protect and revitalize the welfare state, making the network the different mobilizations that in these days through Bologna, the struggle of the people of strollers, workers of public and private tenants to students. The appeal launched by
Welfare in the City is collecting hundreds of signatures, and several trade unions, political and cultural decided to subscribe to one of the first: Union grassroots unions, migrant Coordination Maggore Castel, Purple People, Assignees and Tenants Association, Bologna Takes Home, Party Refoundation Communist Committee of Social Rights, Network of Communists, Level 57, Critical Left, Circle Iqbal Masih

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