reunion pension contributions |
implies the application of the insured (33) , be submitted before the conclusion of the process of disbursement of pension (34) relates to the compulsory forms of insurance, work for the law and the extent of a single board, is Free if it relates to employees and makes the transfer of contributions from the needle; is expensive if it relates to employees already enrolled in special management for self-employed INPS contributions and transfers in the needle, is expensive if self-employed workers enrolled in management and moved INPS contributions provided that in the needle have a history of insurance of at least five years in insurance or compulsory general managers in two different, yet is expensive if it relates to the contributions of the ego. go. or alternative forms, disclaimers exclusive or (with the exception of those statements), (35) of special management or self-employed be transferred from the management in which the employee is currently writing or in which he can claim at least eight years of contributions (36) .
The reference to all the periods of contribution seems to exclude the partial reunion, even if the Court rules (37) ha osservato che la legge ha inteso conferire a ciascuna categoria di contribuzione una propria autonomia, al fine di consentire la trasferibilità anche della sola contribuzione figurativa, qualora, in forza di altro provvedimento, intervenuto in precedenza, la contribuzione obbligatoria sia già stata trasferita ad altra forma di previdenza (38) .
Ancora, secondo la Cassazione, l’operatività della disciplina in vigore nella gestione di accesso è esclusa nella parte in cui subordini il diritto alla pensione ad un determinato periodo di iscrizione e contribuzione nella gestione stessa (39) . Mentre la immediata efficacia della ricongiunzione non è impedita dalla rateazione (40)
Still on the theme of reunion, art. 5 of Law 7 February 1979, No 29 of 1979 gives the value of absolute presumption (41) renunciation of the non-payment or the payment of less than three installments, and the effect of the irrevocability of the application to the partial payment (any amount).
It seems obvious, is puzzled coordination between resignation and irrevocability.
Indeed, in the presence of a partial payment of up to three installments, you can ask whether the contributions reunion is not waived, however, is irrevocable, but what are the consequences of irrevocability (42) . In any case, the Court considers the maintenance of their active only "in part debitoris" but compatible with the resolution to default or by mutual consent (43) .
a single area of \u200b\u200bcontiguity between reunion and aggregation is found for the case in which "the aggregation becomes necessary to create the minimum contribution requirements for the operation of the reunion, by allowing the calculation of the sum credited to meet the requirements of insurance required by national reunification. In particular, since the possibility of rejoining dependent upon the existence di un periodo contributivo almeno quinquennale immediatamente precedente nell’assicurazione generale obbligatoria dei lavoratori dipendenti, tale periodo può essere effettuato e fatto valere mediante l’utilizzazione dei contributi totalizzati versati in assicurazioni estere” (44) .
Per leggere l'intero articolo clicca qui
(32) E. Ghera, Sul diritto alla totalizzazione, cit., pag. 2323; A. Nicolini, Fra cumulo e ricongiunzione cit., pag. 658; P. Boer, Il contributo della Corte Costituzionale alla unificazione del sistema previdenziale, in Riv. Giur. Lav. , 1999, II, pagg. 813 e segg. Sulla ricongiunzione Amongst them, the INPS circular November 22, 1979, No. 505 RCV-No 131221 O.-n. 181 B. and April 4, 1980, No 524 RCV. - No O. 5087 - No 196B./74.
(33) Cass. December 21, 1999, No 14398
(34) Cass. October 22, 1997, No 10389
(35) Cass. October 25, 2003, No 16062.
(36) According to Cass. March 6, 2004, No 4633, the possibility of reunion of all the periods of contributions in the management artisans may be exercised, pursuant to art. 2, paragraph 1, reads February 7, 1979, No 29, when the employee can claim that management at least eight years of contribution in constant actual work. Is not required but the additional requirement of at least five years of contributions in the needle in the period immediately preceding the application, because this requirement foreseen in the last paragraph of art. 1 of the Act, is imposed only for the reunion of all periods of insurance in the needle
(37) Cass. May 30, 1989, No 2616, with a sticky note to P. Boer, information on Social Security, 1989, p.. 1492.
(38) With sticky note by P. Boer, information on Social Security, 1989, p.. 1492 et seq ..
(39) Cass. July 16, 1992, No 8605.
(40) Cass. December 13, 1999, No 13987.
(41) Cass. July 22, 1996, No 6533.
(42) On this point V. Treviso, the Law on the reunion of periods: once carried out only part of the social security system, in Riv. Lt Prev Soc, 1979, p.. 588.
(43) Cass. November 22, 1999, No 12935.
(44) Cass. March 2, 2004, No 4248.
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