Model Red pensions Inpdap |
The income Model, Model Red, is a certification that allows you to receive reduced pensions that are paid only under certain income thresholds. It 's a model that allows you to report annually on the income and so get those government subsidies that are linked to it. Red Models duly completed are then transferred through the tax assistance centers of trade unions and trade associations or through employers' liability insurance labor consultants who physically deliver the checks.
national social security legislation since 1983 has provided for connecting a large number of retirement benefits paid by INPS income possessed by the pensioner and in some cases the spouse and children. There are about thirty-conditional benefits from the absence of other income or have income within certain limits prefissati: fra queste, la maggiorazione sociale , l' assegno sociale , l' integrazione al minimo , la pensione ai superstiti , l' assegno di invalidità e i trattamenti di famiglia .
Il modello Red è una dichiarazione annuale, prevista dalla legge, che deve essere presentata dai pensionati che percepiscono, oltre alla pensione , prestazioni previdenziali e assistenziali integrative collegate al reddito. Il modello Red consente di far valere i propri diritti pensionistici: infatti sulla base dei redditi comunicati dal pensionato tramite il Red, l'ente pensionistico provvede to recalculate the pension and to communicate the new amount to the person or the right to report to several additional benefits beyond those already taken. In relation to this became a priority the need to ensure the accuracy and the adjustment of the current service provided in order to avoid payment to a different degree from what is actually due to the person. These requirements can be insured only through the use of updated data and verified, in particular those earnings to which, as we have already mentioned, are linked to many benefits.
is why for the perception of these benefits the social security institutions (INPS, Inpdap, Enpals, etc.). must verify each year income owned by senior document, the spouse and, in the case of treatment of family, even those children who are part of the family.
Model Red Inpdap and INPS
Not only Caf and economists: the Model Red can also submit directly to INPS or INPDAP. The incomes are derived more from the annual declarations, 730 or model Act, were also used by other documents such as interest that have current accounts or hold government bonds and shares, the statement of income that do not pay income tax, certificates of land for first home but only if you are not given a tax return, if recipients of disability pension shares withdrawn from the pension payroll.
Model Documentation Red
should also be attached to the application: a copy of the tax code of the person, one-sided photocopy of a valid identity document. If one turns to a Caf printing the model is done directly in offices usually keep a copy of the Caf same model for a certain period of time, usually five or ten years, for all the needs of the applicant. Especially for retired and elderly people the service of the CAF can be a great help because extricate INPS offices is often very burdensome.
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