December 16, 2010
Interview with Adriano Zamperini
They call Rejection line. Is literally "the phone for the refusal." The first telephone line designed to ward off side without any personal involvement. She was born in New York and has spread almost all over the world Anglo-Saxon. The original idea was to provide girls with an effective tool to reject unwanted approaches. Someone asks you your phone, you give the Rejection of line and the victim was told by a gentle voice that "unfortunately the person who gave you this number does not intend to talk to her. This is an official rejection. "
And there are even more advanced, enabling callers to choose between some response variables, such as: "If you press" 1 "could listen to the soothing words of one of our experts, if pressed" 2 "will listen a sad poem on the abandonment, if some want to cling to unrealistic hopes prema "3"». Si tratta di un esempio fra i tanti raccolti da Adriano Zamperini, docente di Psicologia sociale presso l’Università di Padova, nel volume L’ostracismo. Essere esclusi, respinti e ignorati , edito da Einaudi. Un articolato percorso nelle maniere antiche e soprattutto moderne che gli esseri umani utilizzano per allontanare e isolare i loro simili. «Metodi che nell’epoca del virtuale si moltiplicano e assumono connotati disumanizzanti».
In effetti la linea del rifiuto è il paradigma della disumanizzazione dei rapporti umani. «E mette a nudo la schizofrenia della nostra epoca. Da una parte abbiamo una cultura che esalta l’Io a dismisura nel mito del self-made man. On the other we have developed a dense network of interconnections. Our I move in a possessive logic, in a frenzy of self-assertion, but every day he is forced to deal with others. If there are other, well. But if you make claims and create problems ...».
Then we give the marching orders by phone . "without realizing that using media culture that emphasizes our relationship illiteracy. One tool that has the sole purpose of continuing to keep afloat our ego. "
and coexistence, the building together? "are eroded by this commercial logic of human relations, which is then un grande inganno».
Ci fa credere quello che non può essere? «Ci pone in un meccanismo perverso. Per imporre il nostro Io ci scontriamo con altri Io che non si lasciano ostracizzare. Allora sgomitiamo, usiamo la forza. Al posto di forme di convivenza utilizziamo forme di esclusione. La nostra società è sempre più diffidente poiché abbiamo impoverito quel patrimonio di fiducia nei rapporti umani che è condizione essenziale per vivere bene e progredire. Senza la fiducia negli altri e degli altri non possiamo affermare noi stessi se non con la violenza. Spesso scordiamo che concedendo qualcosa, invece di impoverirci ci arricchiamo grazie a quello che altri concedono a noi».
The violence, ostracism, violence able to react ... "And the violence is rightly condemned, without which no one bothers to understand. But violence always have a reason to suspect that only bring into question the ways of living together, our many incivility. So you prefer to avoid. "
A form of self-destruction. "It happens when the merchant princes want to regulate human relationships. Internet is the classic example. It is a positive tool, but it becomes harmful if it is used, as often happens, as a measure of personal success. Who has so many contacts so successful. So friendship is traviata. The contacts, other words, they become a commodity that can be exchanged, that the figures can possess as an album, simply in order to quantify success. It is the debasement of human relationships. "
Moreover, this is not the era of the single? "Here's another deception. The emphasis is placed on being alone so-called single is a falsehood. These are people who have built a different way of being with others, for their benefit, to the desire to assert their ego through greater visibility. The true solitude is born from the perception of being marginalized, of being ignored. "
The more visible, less only? "So we are led to believe. The visibility as a form of self-realization. What then is the logic of reality. There are thousands of people are queuing up to cast thousands of mothers who bring their children to select for advertising. It is a logic of commodification. Life is a product and want it to be noticed and bought. "
and decency? "In this context, it is a defect, a lack of sociability. The problem is that we still little importance to the changes produced by technology as an extension of the identity of the person. We continue to distinguish the real from the virtual, but now the virtual reality. There are growing instances of kids who are sick because they are excluded or ostracized from a website. And what happens if the network is bad, it means that it is real. "
What forms of ostracism? "Failure to see others, physically expel the other, the exclusion of others on social basis."
The most current-based social exclusion? "Around the physical focus many forms of exclusion. All handicaps are ostracized, but obese people are among the most ostracized, because they represent an impropriety with respect to the imperatives of sexual references. Even the doctors blame them. Many forego care not to feel humiliated by doctors. They suffer a real crisis of identity. On the Internet there are groups of all types, but those are rare obese. "
And there are even more advanced, enabling callers to choose between some response variables, such as: "If you press" 1 "could listen to the soothing words of one of our experts, if pressed" 2 "will listen a sad poem on the abandonment, if some want to cling to unrealistic hopes prema "3"». Si tratta di un esempio fra i tanti raccolti da Adriano Zamperini, docente di Psicologia sociale presso l’Università di Padova, nel volume L’ostracismo. Essere esclusi, respinti e ignorati , edito da Einaudi. Un articolato percorso nelle maniere antiche e soprattutto moderne che gli esseri umani utilizzano per allontanare e isolare i loro simili. «Metodi che nell’epoca del virtuale si moltiplicano e assumono connotati disumanizzanti».
In effetti la linea del rifiuto è il paradigma della disumanizzazione dei rapporti umani. «E mette a nudo la schizofrenia della nostra epoca. Da una parte abbiamo una cultura che esalta l’Io a dismisura nel mito del self-made man. On the other we have developed a dense network of interconnections. Our I move in a possessive logic, in a frenzy of self-assertion, but every day he is forced to deal with others. If there are other, well. But if you make claims and create problems ...».
Then we give the marching orders by phone . "without realizing that using media culture that emphasizes our relationship illiteracy. One tool that has the sole purpose of continuing to keep afloat our ego. "
and coexistence, the building together? "are eroded by this commercial logic of human relations, which is then un grande inganno».
Ci fa credere quello che non può essere? «Ci pone in un meccanismo perverso. Per imporre il nostro Io ci scontriamo con altri Io che non si lasciano ostracizzare. Allora sgomitiamo, usiamo la forza. Al posto di forme di convivenza utilizziamo forme di esclusione. La nostra società è sempre più diffidente poiché abbiamo impoverito quel patrimonio di fiducia nei rapporti umani che è condizione essenziale per vivere bene e progredire. Senza la fiducia negli altri e degli altri non possiamo affermare noi stessi se non con la violenza. Spesso scordiamo che concedendo qualcosa, invece di impoverirci ci arricchiamo grazie a quello che altri concedono a noi».
The violence, ostracism, violence able to react ... "And the violence is rightly condemned, without which no one bothers to understand. But violence always have a reason to suspect that only bring into question the ways of living together, our many incivility. So you prefer to avoid. "
A form of self-destruction. "It happens when the merchant princes want to regulate human relationships. Internet is the classic example. It is a positive tool, but it becomes harmful if it is used, as often happens, as a measure of personal success. Who has so many contacts so successful. So friendship is traviata. The contacts, other words, they become a commodity that can be exchanged, that the figures can possess as an album, simply in order to quantify success. It is the debasement of human relationships. "
Moreover, this is not the era of the single? "Here's another deception. The emphasis is placed on being alone so-called single is a falsehood. These are people who have built a different way of being with others, for their benefit, to the desire to assert their ego through greater visibility. The true solitude is born from the perception of being marginalized, of being ignored. "
The more visible, less only? "So we are led to believe. The visibility as a form of self-realization. What then is the logic of reality. There are thousands of people are queuing up to cast thousands of mothers who bring their children to select for advertising. It is a logic of commodification. Life is a product and want it to be noticed and bought. "
and decency? "In this context, it is a defect, a lack of sociability. The problem is that we still little importance to the changes produced by technology as an extension of the identity of the person. We continue to distinguish the real from the virtual, but now the virtual reality. There are growing instances of kids who are sick because they are excluded or ostracized from a website. And what happens if the network is bad, it means that it is real. "
What forms of ostracism? "Failure to see others, physically expel the other, the exclusion of others on social basis."
The most current-based social exclusion? "Around the physical focus many forms of exclusion. All handicaps are ostracized, but obese people are among the most ostracized, because they represent an impropriety with respect to the imperatives of sexual references. Even the doctors blame them. Many forego care not to feel humiliated by doctors. They suffer a real crisis of identity. On the Internet there are groups of all types, but those are rare obese. "
Robert I. Zanini
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