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Piccolo prestito Inpdap - un prestito veloce per i dipendenti pubblici e per i pensionati |
Il piccolo prestito Inpdap è un finanziamento che consente to all members to get to the bottom Inpdap minimum amounts of cash for unexpected emergencies. The
Inpdap small loans are loans not finalized because the applicant may freely use the money received on loan without having to justify or certify the use of the request.
Inpdap small loans is available to pensioners and workers civil servants who have already paid at least 4 years of contributions to the bottom of the organization.
How much can you get a small loan Inpdap?
The small loan allows for a duration of 12, 24, 36, a sum equal to two months, four, six, months of their salary without presenting any documentation of expenditure . Maximum that could be awarded 8000 Euros, ceiling defined by the regulations governing the disbursement of loans Inpdap . The payroll deductions from the second month following delivery. For loans
Inpdap annual , the applicant may obtain a sum equal to a monthly average net if already have a payroll deduction, or a sum equal to two monthly pay slips in the case of both "clean" . The annual loan will be repaid with the sale of salary in 12 installments due within 1 year. For loans
Inpdap biennial , you can instead require amounts of average monthly net 4, reduced to two months if the borrower has repaid loans with payroll deductions. In this case, the loan will be repaid in two years with 24 installments deducted from pay slips or pension pay slip at the source. In the three-year
loans Inpdap , however, you can apply for amounts equal to 3 months, the amount doubled if the applicant for the loan does not have other funding. The three-year loan will be due in 36 months (3 years) with activation of an assignment of salary or pension.
Repayment of loan small Inpdap
The monthly installment will be refunded by enabling a transfer of salary or pension, that is, through monthly deductions from payroll or pension slip caused by the second month following the liquidation of the loan.
The installment is the sum result of a share capital, interest payments and a share of life insurance risk and use. The
Inpdap small loan is usually paid in one payment with credit the beneficiary's bank account or by bank draft sent to the address of it with a variable timing was nearly twenty days or so.
Come richiedere il Piccolo prestito Inpdap?
Tutti i piccoli prestiti Inpdap possono essere richiesti presentando domanda in triplice copia direttamente alle sede provinciale Inpdap, per i pensionti ed all’amministrazione di competenza per i dipendenti oppure nelle società di mediazione creditizia, anche sui siti online.
Rinnovo ed estinzione del piccolo prestito Inpdap
Chiunque desideri estinguere anticipatamente il prestito attivato potrà farlo previa richiesta di un conteggio estintivo per sapere l’entità della somma restante da rendere.
Il beneficiario del prestito potrà inoltre rinnovare il proprio prestito ma soltanto dopo avere versato almeno 6 rate mensili per loans Inpdap annual rate for loans Inpdap 12 and 18 two-year rate for loans Inpdap three years.
The small loan may be renewed halfway through the period for which you requested. In any case, all the small loans are loans with Inpdap rata depreciation and fixed-rate installment amount never exceeds one fifth of one month and the net average rate that is approximately 4.5%.
In case of request for early discharge using this model.
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