Friday, April 10, 2009

Body Sugaring Charleston, Sc

deductible or deductible donations for the earthquake in Abruzzo

Le persone fisiche che effettuano donazioni a favore delle popolazioni abruzzesi colpite dal sisma possono usufruire della detrazione del 19% sugli importi donati entro il limite massimo di €2.065,83.
Le donazioni devono essere effetuate per il tramite di:
  • Onlus
  • organizzazioni internazionali di cui l'Italia è membro
  • fondazioni, associazioni, comitati ed enti che, costituiti con atto costitutivo o statuto redatto nella forma dell'atto pubblico o della scrittura privata autenticata o registrata, tra its goals include humanitarian interventions in favor of those affected by disasters or other extraordinary events, public
  • government federal, state and local public non-economic
  • unions and associations.
The donation must be made through a bank, post office, debit, credit and debit cards, bank checks and drafts.

The companies can deduct from income all cash donations be made, through foundations, associations of of committees and bodies , identified with decree of the prefect of the respective provinces, for the benefit of the people affected by the earthquake.

Also for companies (individual and scocietà) are not considered income in kind donations, and donations of goods produced or marketed by the company.

topic: Donations for the earthquake in Abruzzo, the Treasury also helps to help


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