Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Best Locations To Stay In Breckenridge?

accounting and tax for those receiving 5 X 1000


The Constitutional Court 202 of the Judgement of 18 June 2007 ruled that the shares of 5x1000 have tax nature, they are in effect donations due to the willingness of taxpayers that the state is merely distributing to beneficiaries under the choices expressed by the taxpayers themselves.
for the institution which received the sums of 5 x 1000 are not grants but institutional contributions. Depending on whether the recipient is a non-commercial entity or a cooperative ONLUS social changes the tax treatment.

non-commercial entities

There is no doubt on the exclusion of the contribution of 5 x 1000 from the scope of VAT because the body which receive is not obligated to any service to other parties, the State and provides that the taxpayer holding the option.

for non-commercial entities, which act solely institutional and possibly other directly related activities, the contributions of 5 x 1000 are covered by the revenue institutional and as such are excluded from taxation.

accounting entities which prepare their financial statements with the financial criteria at the time the account for contributions, organizations that apply the accruals account for contributions to the moment in which they arise.

Cooperative social

For VAT purposes nothing changes, the contribution is excluded.


Cooperatives prepare financial statements and determine the business income under the rules of limited liability companies given specific benefits. The contributions of 5 x 1000 contributions are related to income and thus contribute to form the business income (Article 85 of Presidential Decree 917/1986) on the principle of competence, will therefore in the budget when mature. For the same reasons, the contributions of 5 x 1000 to make up the tax base IRAP.


entities who have received the subsidy of 5 per thousand, have the ' obligation to draw up a special and separate account - accompanied by an explanatory memorandum - which must clearly which is clear and transparent was the destination of the sums received (art. 3, para. 6, L. 244/2007). The statement must be prepared
within one year of receiving the contribution.
All institutions are required for the preparation of the statement and the report, institutions that have received contributions in amounts exceeding the 15,000 have € 's further obligation to provide sia il rendiconto che la relazione al Ministero competente all'erogazione dei contributi entro 30 giorni dal termine per la loro compilazione. Il rendiconto, la relazione ed i relativi documenti vanno custoditi per 10 anni .


PROBLEMA. L'obbligo di un separato ed apposito rendiconto sull'utilizzo delle some del 5x1000 farebbe pensare ad un vincolo di destinazione delle stesse alla stregua di quanto previsto per le raccolte pubbliche di fondi per le quali vi รจ appunto l'obbligo di redigere il rendiconto che riporti in modo chiaro e trasparente le entrate e expenditure associated events.
It 's a complication not just because it does not seem enough to say that the sums were used to pay the expenses of the institutional but should provide a list of the expenses were actually incurred costs that should not be covered by other revenue. Provided that the sums are then freely available and should not be used to finance specific projects or initiatives. Bi will dream await the publication of the communication model for the necessary clarifications.

I believe that there was no need for this additional obligation for institutions that already have or prepare financial statements and that from this year also obliged to inform the Inland Revenue with information and news relevant for tax purposes and then must also send a record of the contributions of 5 per thousand. It would be sufficient to require only the transmission of the budget and reporting on it, maybe prepared according to schemes previously agreed and approved, so as not to burden the institutions of excessive and costly bureaucracy that will certainly penalize the smaller ones who do not have adequate administrative structures, but that, nevertheless, play equally meritorious and important activities.


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