Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why Do Teachers Get Fired For Drinking

Running the last hearing. Criminal investigation into political interference in health-Italian (episode II) The

When addressing the issue of the health problem is exactly the Apulian groped to answer the questions that are behind the "if " Maurizio Belpietro that arose during this episode of Annozero of 2009: is there or not there is a system (which it is defined or a mafia-style politician - as we saw in the previous installment of this investigation - becomes a question of purely linguistic) which manages the health Apulian the same way as a health "election", that is useful not to the city and its protection but the protection of the power of certain, very specific and easily identifiable personality policies?
To answer this question we must begin now quite a few 'years ago.

" Admissions ghost arrested elite health Bari.
securities so the newspaper "La Repubblica" May 4, 1994. Thus began the trend of Puglia Clean Hands. Among those arrested at that time also Francesco Cavallari, then as the king of private clinics in Bari. In an interview in 2009 issued the weekly magazine "Panorama" can be read:

I personally handed to D'Alema 20 million in cash in a white envelope at a dinner in my house. But it did not end there. On two other occasions gave him two loans da 15 milioni che gli portai al consiglio regionale. Successivamente gli feci avere altre due trance sempre da 15: in tutto 80 milioni di lire

e ancora

Fu Antonio Ricco, commercialista e direttore generale delle mie cliniche, oggi consulente personale del sindaco Emiliano (…) Io quella Patrizia D'Addario l'ho conosciuta. Me la presentò un giornalista con cui si accompagnava.(...)

« Dalle mie dichiarazioni » - continua Cavallari - « rimasero coinvolti una sessantina di politici. Tra loro c'era anche il socialista Alberto Tedesco, ma non venne indagato. Io non mi spiego la decisione del pm »

Sono passati 17 anni, ma i personaggi that traffic around the health of Puglia are more or less the same.
Among them was there then and now Alberto German socialist in 1994 "autonomy" has moved into the ranks of the Democratic Party (which took him to the Senate to replace the former Minister of Labour of the second Prodi government Paolo De Castro, meanwhile migrated to a seat in Europe ...).
Who is Alberto German?

'and daughters know Piezzo' 'and core.
Alberto is a true German "war machine" (politics, of course ...). Socialist, began his climb to the top agli inizi degli anni Ottanta, negli anni in cui Bari – città che gli ha dato i natali nel 1948 – diventa la città più socialista d'Italia. Il primo incarico di rilievo (1981-1985) è quello di presidente dell'Amtab, l'azienda per la gestione del trasporto pubblico barese, “gavetta” che gli servirà per approdare alla politica “seria”: nel 1985, infatti, viene eletto per la prima volta consigliere regionale, carica che lascerà solo per il già citato scranno parlamentare. 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005. Ogni elezione dei componenti del consiglio lo vede vittorioso.
Durante la sua permanenza in via Capruzzi si allontana dallo SDI (Socialisti Democratici Italiani, nato nel 1998 Fiuggi from the ashes of the Socialist Party merged and today - in part - the experience of the Democratic Party) and formed his own autonomous social rapidly becoming one of the most influential forces in the region.
In 2004 - the legend - it prevents a candidate for a seat in the Senate of the Republic in the College of Bari, in fact leaving the post to Nicola Latorre, the "dolphin" Massimo D'Alema.

You know: to get ahead in politics, a "career", we should be grateful to the "friends", and D'Alema has already experienced decades of not knowing a similar rule.
The credit is in fact won by German immediately exercised: in 2005 the senior regional adviser of the Puglia region becomes Deputy Mayor for Health in the government of Nichi Vendola. Tells another story, then, that the post in the Senate is just part of the "credit" ...

Legends or not, when German became commissioner starting the trouble.
Why the Department of Health has a "small" problem: it is in full conflict of interest because his wife and children owned shares of some companies in the pharmaceutical field and parapharmaceutical that in Puglia alone, covering 65% of the market . Specifically, 65% of the business of the prosthesis.

I 'primariucci " German Alberto
be a fan of Clemente Mastella.
Until 2006, owns two companies in the health sector: the "Medical Surgery Ltd, founded in 1999 by Cattaneo Maria (wife of Alberto German) and transformed in 2007 into society" Med Net "owned by Charles and Joseph (child) and the Hospital Aesse Tecknolab Ltd. "where are the other German's daughter, Cristina,
Both companies, as is evident from the German defensive line, were sold in the immediate vicinity of the appointment as Deputy Mayor for Health" Solutions & Management Ltd "that this would be the sole director John Sironi. To resolve the conflict of interest, however, the family founded a new German society of medical devices (the Eurohospital) which - according to evidence gathered during the investigation - during the tenure of head of household, would have considerably increased its turnover.
At this point, of course, you should ask a question, which is the same former commissioner Sergio Silvestris (National Alliance), " If there was a conflict of interest, (German ed) has done well to to sell the shares and has hurt to be the new company, and therefore they should resign. If not there, because he has divested the shares to his children? "For
complete the picture, however, German square (it's appropriate to say) Falsea Bruno - his brother - ASL Lecce 1. Title: Director of health.

Then check another one of "household names" to national news that he had hands-on (before recycle in the field of ecology): Gianpaolo "Gianpi" Tarantini, the "official supplier" of Arcore, that in life Previous - until 2004 - is the real king of hip Puglia. Gianpaolo
Tarantini for years was in business with Joseph, the son of German Alberto - as you can read in the order in which the judge for preliminary investigations Joseph De Benedictis said the senator's arrest in February - down from his position as councilor, was lavish " to influence the choices of medical directors in the industry. This business in that sense it is irrefutably documented since 2002 "that is, three years before his election as alderman. "It seems undeniable '- read the ordinance -' already for ten years as entrepreneurs and German Giuseppe Tarantini Giampaolo had recourse to the aid of German Alberto to impose, by means of collusion with some health professionals, their health products on the market. " In an intercept between the two former associates, Joseph German argues that doctors who obtain their supplies from them would be "primariucci with whom we have to do us, that they pushed around."

Then something happens. The relationship between German business and Tarantino breaks. We are in 2004. Since then Tarantini begin to "diversify its offerings, becoming a market leader in gifts and sex used as a bargaining chip to win contracts. Let us put aside the 'affaire "Tarantini, we'll come back later.

All I could imagine ...
" All I could imagine unless you have a commissioner in addition Vendola . To say it is Raffaele Fitto, 2000 to 2005 President of the Puglia Region, commenting on the appointment of Alberto German.
Yeah, because the German team fishing almost entirely in the former men (and women) of the Lease, first of all that Lea Cosentino, as a former activist Margaret then Forza Italy, in 2006 he became General Manager of ASL Bari, where many of the major transit contracts - large or fraud, depending on your point of view - the health sector in Puglia. The Cosentino, however, does nothing to conceal his relationship with Tarantino, so that - in one of more than 1,330 telephone calls between the two in about ten months - asks "Gianpi" to intercede to prevent the publication of an article , su sollecitazione di un certo “Niki” .

Lea Cosentino
È proprio la Cosentino, peraltro, la persona scelta dal Presidente della Regione Nichi Vendola per sostituire un Alberto Tedesco dimissionario al primo sentore di avviso di garanzia.
«Non ti conviene perché si scatenano i sistemi, quelli più...diciamo leciti e non...» furono le parole di Michele Emiliano, allora sindaco di Bari. Una “sorta di” minaccia, dicono dalla Procura. Ed è triste notare come la minaccia sia venuta da un uomo che, da procuratore ad Agrigento, nel suo curriculum può vantare collaboration with Giovanni Falcone and Rosario Livatino (the "Judge boy" uccuso September 21, 1990 by men of the Stidda Agrigento). But back to Tarantini.

" Tarantino asked me to intervene with the commissioner Albert as its German firms were penalized in competition from companies of German children councilor." To say
pm before the pool is health - last January - Sandro Frisullo , former vice president of the county council (Democratic Party).

And here, in fact, opens another chapter.

Gifts councilor
Sandro Frisullo say that in 2007-2008 (when the handcuffs are taken for the former vice president) was the political representative of Taranto in the region is an understatement. Frisullo - at least in those two years - was a direct expression of the entrepreneur, much to receiving a monthly salary of 12 000 € for 11 months in 2008, in addition to 150 000 € in cash, expensive clothing, petrol vouchers, gifts of various kinds - including a car with chauffeur and maid service for your home Bari - and performance of a sexual nature. The reason so much attention was due to the fact that he won in Frisullo Tarantini and another contractor Bari (Domenico Marzocca, owner of a company - the Prodea SpA - which deals with the storage of medical records) contracts for a total of one million euro for the provision of medical supplies from the company of "Gianpi" and four million for the management of medical records of the Company Local Health Lecce.

I asked him (a Frisullo, ed) an extension to the local health authorities in Lecce for the supply of a decision already made to the general hospital in Bari for about € 2 million, awarded to Tecnohospital for the purchase of surgical instruments to the threshold of 40 % without competition, under a law regioanel (...) With regard to mode of delivery of the money Frisullo, every time I needed the money I was going to Carige Agency Via Abate Gimma (...) if there was availability of cash or withdraw money through my account (...) or on account of Tecnohospital (...). Through Verdoscia (Massimiliano Verdoscia, while Tarantino's business partner, who was arrested in August 2009 for possession and trafficking of cocaine) did a check, to view or post, lodged him at the Banca Popolare di Novara Avenue of Unity ' Italy, with whom he had the bill

said during an interrogation following the arrest of many the same Tarantini.

Frisullo Definitely a nice guy. What's more - it is always Tarantini to tell - not only had become enchanted by "Bicameral o'clock" (the definition of Marco Travaglio), but also complained that payments arrive late!

But damn it ...
Alberto German and Nichi Vendola
summarize, adding a few details so far overlooked.
Hospital supplies; false diagnosis (or force) needed only to acquire the "stabilization of the spine" by the company Tarantini for an amount of between 18 and 30 000 € and with the connivance of the Director of Neurosurgery of the Hospital Ciappetta Pasqualino di Bari, who practiced real psychological pressures to those doctors who did not respect the "policy" of the Hospital.

management of public procurement in the health sector, the appointment of the primary - indeed, of 'primariucci "as we said - and the interplay between crime, politics and business. These are the pillars of the investigation carried out by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate, which shows just about everything: drugs, escort, procurement and public tenders rigged. All within the context of the "health election" required to politicians and various shady dealer to keep your personal power.

In July last year are given the house arrest Francesco Columella and Michael Petronella, owner of "Vi.Ri. Ltd. "(field: treatment and disposal of industrial waste and special) that, by some leaders of the ASL Bari awarded a contract for 5 million euro for the management of hospital waste and health of that company for the completion of equipment ' IRCCS Giovanni Paolo II Bari contract of 2 million 600 thousand euro allocated to Draeger SpA, represented by his nephew German councilor. In June, meanwhile, had been arrested just three managers ASL Bari: Antonio Colella, Nicola Del Re and Philip Tragni and the legal representative of the "Vi.Ri. Ltd. "Michele and Francesco Columella Petronella, the owner thereof. Coruzione, rod rigging and competition in violation of the confidentiality of investigations of the allegations. And it is

Alberto German - we saw it - to be a liaison between the business plan and the political. That German who, in the scent of notice of, it seems to be replaced by Lea Cosentino, before the latter - making "Lady Asl" - becomes part of the many suspects in one of the many strands of investigation into political interference on Health Puglia.
the investigation comes out, eloquently, a real "criminal system tested, rooted firmly in the top political and administrative logics of Health focused on the business and patronage. "

At this point, as Frisullo, we must open a separate chapter. German Alberto

I freely chosen - and I think I made a good choice - today and in the name of an idea of \u200b\u200bmorality and an idea of \u200b\u200bconsistency with my story, I ask to stay in his German Alberto place

These words uttered in 2007 the President of the Puglia Region Vendola, the same man who had chosen Sandro Frisullo - man "bought" to 1200 € per month by Tarantino - as vice president and wanted to replace the same German with another person - Cosentino - then finished under investigation. The same
Vendola that, in a telephone conversation with his commissioner for Health, could not appoint his protege as a general manager (who are appointed by the governing parties just in the region and are therefore the first pillar of the "health election ") asks whether we should amend the law.
This, the investigating judge, is not extortion. A maximum of "political arrogance". In any case, however, if it is not, however, extortion is a textbook example of the spoils system, a practice - how to write the gip De Benedictis - ' so prevalent in health Regional persuade the governor to demand even the change of law to overcome, with a new law "usum Delphine" obstacles hindering the rule that the appointment of the person he strongly Volut to. "

Here we have to do some 'clarity: first Vendola is suspected (an aspect we will address shortly), but the question - at this point - is more than legitimate: it is, like many others, a shady dealer went into politics not for the good of the res publica, but only for his own good, or is - simply - unable to choose his staff?

For each question on the matter, however, the governor has always said not know the German conflict of interest and that in any case, both the commissioner's Frisullo that had been suggested - almost required - by the Democratic Party. For
Vendola, in fact, that the Department of Health has relatives in the various trades that health is not a sufficient reason for turnover. Even worse, if you will, is to reiterate a favorable view of Cosentino.
So it is even more important to ask, even in light of what is happening within the party left, see if the problem is only in the choice of their own team or if the problem "management" is more general. But that's another story ...

A third important question to ask concerns the impact that the choices of Vendola - and men who have supported his work - have an impact on the huge deficit of ASL Puglia, which is around 600 million euro.

the bipartisan partnership

I was pleased that the Region of Puglia has already placed the construction of the new hospital among the top priorities and has devoted to this end, the figure of 100 million € on the Program Fas 2007 -2013.
Signed: Sac. Prof. Luigi M. Verzé

No, no case of homonymy.
That "Sac. Prof. Luigi M. Verzé "is just that Don Verzé business associate of Silvio Berlusconi.
The plan is this: build - along the lines of the Fondazione San Raffaele del Monte Tabor - what has been called the "San Raffaele of the Mediterranean" with a twofold purpose: groped to decrease the "health tourism" and North-South axis groped to improve the fortunes of a Taranto "bursting with pain."
If the idea is - after all - the noble, the practice is quite different. First the figures: of the 100 million initially allocated (immediately become 120) will be taken from the pockets of taxpayers, who will both close the SS. Annunziata, Taranto and Moscati Statte (Both public) to make way for a structure in joint ventures between public and private nature of which is primarily commercial was also found by the State Council (which does not prevent the use of public financing ...).

Nichi Vendola Don Verzé
The first step of this operation there is May 28, 2010 was established at the Fondazione San Raffaele Taranto in the Mediterranean, the president - just happened - Don Verzi, who will be responsible for managing the complex to be built in the district hospital Paul VI (" courses and historical claims "Some would say: it was Pope Paul VI, in 1964 Don Verzé suspended from the priesthood since the latter took care of business most of the pious souls ...).
Vice-President of the Foundation is appointed Renato Botti, who is also on the board of directors of Molecular Medicine SpA, receiving funding of € 2.2 million earmarked by the Regione Lombardia (see the "CDO", we learn to hear the next installment of this investigation), that the corporation, where stands the figure of Luigi Berlusconi, with whom the prime minister - according to her dreams - defeat cancer. But
not end there: tra i sottoscrittori dell'accordo del 28 maggio c'è anche tale Angelo Domenico Colasanto, direttore generale dell'Azienda Sanitaria di Taranto, accusato di abuso d'ufficio dalla Procura della Repubblica per i quattromila pazienti deceduti ma sui quali si continuava a lucrare.

Insomma: se e quando il complesso dovesse essere terminato, i tarantini potrebbero trovarsi comunque tra due mali: da una parte un mostro che genera tumori (l'Ilva), dall'altra un'attività ospedaliero-commerciale che specula sulle cure.

«Signor governatore, sa che il suo amico don Verzé è socio d'affari di Berlusconi?»

Già un'affermazione del genere should serve not only to Apulia, but also - perhaps especially - the national electorate that strange agglomeration that is the Italian left party. But that's another story ...

At this point - and before the conclusion - we can sum up this second "episode" of the investigation into political interference in health-criminals of our country.
In the first part we looked at the health management of Calabria, run by a part of the 'Ndrangheta and the other - on the political side - the Union of the Centre.
In Puglia, we can now say, is to command a strange version of the "left" with collusion between members of the Democratic Party, former "organic" to the junta Lease center-right with strong interference and where business is still to be proved the strangeness of a Nichi Vendola that, as president of the region, could not but be aware of what was happening behind him. Unless you want to consider the idea that the "miracle" - is also still remains to be proven - Vendola, in fact, is not just another "bluff."

And it is precisely the role of Vendola whole story that I want to close.

The man who refused the judges
Two votes to one.
No, non sono i risultati elettorali di quello che sempre più diventa il “Berlusconi di sinistra” (e l'amicizia con Don Verzé è solo uno dei tanti campanelli d'allarme), ma è il risultato delle intenzioni dei tre pm che hanno esaminato la posizione di Vendola.

Francesco Bretone e Marcello Quercia si sono espressi a favore dell'archiviazione perché, a loro giudizio, non ci sarebbero le condizioni minimali per sostenere l'accusa in dibattimento. Non è dello stesso avviso l'altra pm, Desirèe Digeronimo .
Ed è proprio a lei, Pubblico Ministero della Direzione Distrettuale Antimafia posta sottoscorta per le pesanti minacce ricevute dal capoclan degli Strisciuglio di Bari (operazione "Freedom"), which is addressed in a letter Vendola:

" love for the truth no longer allows me to keep quiet. I have the impression "- begins the President of the Region -" to attend a paradoxical reversal logic for which the robbers take the place of the gentry and vice versa. " Interestingly, however, the use in this period makes such terms as "gentleman" or "gentleman." Moving on ...

"( ...) His investigation, Dr. Digeronimo, becoming, against his will, the instrument of a political and media campaign that aims to strike me as a person without being accused me nothing. (...) The first anomaly is that she has not felt the need to abstain, for the obvious consideration and note that his network of friends and relatives unable to perform the objectivity with this specific investigation (...) "

The reference, in particular, is Enrico Balducci, Digeronimo ex-husband, who took the field in the nineties with the greens, passing under the National Alliance (with the right-hand experience of the Greens) in 1995. Will not it be a challenge, that of President of the Region? Waiting to know the answer, it is hoped that this country should not open a new chapter in judicial history, moving from "red robes" to "togas black ".
But this, finally, is another story ...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why Do Rappers Wear Yankee Hats?

called "Medical malpractice". Investigation into political interference in the Italian health-criminal (part I)

February 28, 2011. Michienzi Sara, nine, dies after an operation for removal of the tonsils in the department of otolaryngology hospital Lamezia Terme (Catanzaro). One of those interventions known as "routine" that should have no contraindications and that doctors should carry out practically with your eyes closed.
But something goes wrong.
Why did Sarah die after a few days to a 'haemorrhage developed around the operated area' but also - as stated in the autopsy report - 'a concomitant respiratory failure. " That same respiratory depression which prompted his mother, Isabella Notaro to take her to the emergency room. " alright, do not worry 'was the answer. Probably the same as in 2003, Ms. Notaro was heard to say when her husband dies of a heart attack after being hospital in Vibo Valentia to be examined. Or maybe the same answer I gave in December 2007 to parents of Eva Ruscio, 16, died of a tracheotomy, or the parents of Federica Monteleone, also 16 year old and she died in hospital in Vibo following a power outage while in the operating room.

In all these cases the password was one of the journalists: malasanit à . Between the end of April 2009 and December 2010 - according to data from the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the errors in the health and causes of the regional health deficits presided exponent IdV Leoluca Orlando - to Michienzi Sara is the 78th case of medical malpractice case in Calabria out of a total of 326 throughout the country.
What immediately stands out from reading the local news is that in the team who worked on the case of Sarah was Gianluca Bava, investigated and then cleared "For not having committed the crime" to investigate the case of Eve. Maybe just a tragic fate, or maybe something different will be the task of the judiciary to investigate.

Beyond the names, however, what is obvious - as in Calabria, Lombardy, Lazio, as in Campania - is that rather than a problem of names, the Italian health system has a problem of appointments , and that is why I speak of "medical malpractice" means everything and means nothing.

In November 2009, the Ministry for Equal Opportunity filed a spot against homophobia (from the setting hospital) that asked the viewer to the degree of interest of certain characteristics of the staff - in more or less theoretical - could one day save his life.
deleted from that spot all the work done in the specifics of the fight against homophobia (and thus ignoring all the debate that came out, as this is not what interests me here), we might add a small but crucial question, which might sound more or less like this:

" Of this you more interested to know if it belongs to a gang, a party, or not you care? "

Why is this, today, the first question to ask when you are faced with a white coat. This applies to hospitals in Vibo, where the ' Provincial Health Agency was dissolved for mafia infiltration last December as well as in health care that is modeled on the wishes of the Lombard policy

In this first part of the hypothetical " Tour of Italy in poor health care "remain in the South, starting our tour in the health of Calabria, where between 'ndrine parties and it's not clear who would be" criminal. " In the second episode, however, we will to discover the "system of Puglia" in the fight Tarantini-German and the acquittal of Nichi Vendola that he wanted to change the law because he is unable entrusting a post of Director General to his pupil. In the third and last part, however, go up to the north. Let's see what happens in Lombardy in the shadow of Communion and Liberation.
But step by step ...

Jazzolino, the hospital of wrongdoing
Serious deficiencies in terms of sanitation and prevention of accidents at work, number of deaths suspect (except in the case of Sarah, the other three reported cases occurred in opening all the "Jazzolino"); bribes; procurement and recruitment controlled by 'ndrine and at least one case of defacement of the corpse (as reported by the agency Adnkronos, January 13 last year, the special commissioner of the ASP Vibo Alessandra Sarlo has ordered a precautionary measure the removal of an officer guilty of having specialized extract the dentures of an elderly woman recently deceased). These are just some of the warnings about the Civil Hospital of Vibo, which was conceived as a structure instead of specialization (" spoke" in technical jargon) as regards the fields of Medicine General, General Surgery, Anesthesia, Orthopedics, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Cardiology, Neurology, Acute Dialysis, Emergency Endoscopy, Psychiatry, Ophthalmology, ENT, Urology, Emergency Medicine and Radiology services "h 24". In short, on paper the hospital would be one of the focal point of the lattice health Calabrian and instead went to the news as "the hospital of shame". Yet in the hospital, according to certify the ASL vibonese in 2008, there were even 153 highly skilled physicians, including this surgeon who had made exempt from the operating room because a friend of the bottle too.

Apparently the requirements for obtaining the high specialization were others.

"It's a very complicated discussion, that the health of Calabria. (...) There's a gray area of \u200b\u200bwidespread lawlessness. And do not forget that the hospital is Vibo Commissioner for mafia infiltration. "
What kind of mafia infiltration we talking about?
"Contracts, Jobs for the new hospital services such as soup kitchens, laundry ... the presence in the local health authorities of persons who had formed part of a mafia organization"
(...) "A Vibo There are very good doctors, would be a grave mistake to generalize. There are cases like that of Eva Ruscio involving a pure medical error, which can happen in Milan, Florence, Palermo ... the other thing is to want to work at all costs in an operating room is not suitable, as was the case Monteleone . There is not just doctors, are the responsibility of those who ran the scheme '

claimed a few days ago the chief prosecutor Mario Spagnuolo in an interview with Corriere della Sera (in this article: http: / / ).

If Federica Monteleone, however, there is a whole series of questions - still looking for answers - that revolve around the figure of the former Chief Prosecutor of Vibo Alfredo Laudon, which would have allowed not only that the investigation departed late (so as to allow the 'pollution right from the start), but also is guilty of the offenses of false ideologies, omission of official acts and abetting, the GUP of Salerno Vincenzo Di Florio translated in 1 year and 8 months (suspended sentence) ordered to pay court costs and compensation of all moral and material damages.
is clear that the work of Laudon be spoiled by something or someone wanting to cover. Who (or what), But we can not know.

hands on the hospital (which is not).
To understand how tempting the pie of health Calabrian enough to consider one fact: 80% of public expenditure in the region is allocated to this sector. It is therefore discounted the involvement of 'ndrine (that of Mancuso, of White and Fiara). The Local Health disbanded last December is practically owned by them. The tenders for the contracts are virtually non-existent or because every time you used the extensions because they are parceled out or not to go to get under the lens of anti-mafia control. All this, of course, in the interests of the few local companies that share each € (public) allocated by the Region. That the companies due to the 'ndrine, then, is a type of competition that swallows everything, just weighing - for example - that company that takes care of meals in the north to the hospital which took eight grandchildren Rosario Fiara the boss (not counting various affiliates and "sympathizers") or the company who are assigned work on the air-conditioned building, whose technical director is the boss's son-White Caramel.

The competition 'is a competition ndrine sleale e lo sappiamo. Sleale quasi quanto quella dei partiti. Ed è difficile, se non impossibile, capire quale delle due metastasi sia quella più distruttiva.

Il “boom” degli ospedali.
Nella Piana di Gioia Tauro sono sette: Palmi, Polistena, Rosarno, Taurianova, Oppido, Mamertina, Gioia Tauro, Cittanova. In tutto ce ne sono 42 (38 le cliniche private), in alcuni casi costruiti con decreto emergenziale della Protezione Civile.
Sette ospedali che, nell'ottobre del 2007, non riescono a salvare la vita a Flavio Scutellà, dodici anni, che muore as a result of a hematoma that was procured from the head on the pavement. Flavio die because there is no place in a hospital or an ambulance that can go there to take it or - even - there is not even first aid.
Because those seven hospitals are "electoral hospitals, good only as a bag from which to draw ratings (in exchange) for the political class. All, without exception. But where, however, controls the UDC.

Tengo company ...
"I would like a company that is UDC." To say it is, in 2006, Santo Garofalo, former director generale della Asl numero 8 di Vibo. «Non ti dimenticare» - spiegava lo stesso in un'altra intercettazione - « Vibo è di Tassone e non di Ranieli né di quegli altri né di Stillitani. Le tre aziende: una di Galati, una di Tassone e l'altra di Trematerra ». Mario Tassone, parlamentare Udc fino al 2008 nella Commissione parlamentare d'inchiesta sul fenomeno mafioso. Pino Galati, Unione di Centro anche lui e nel 2003 accusato – insieme ad Emilio Colombo e Gianfranco Micciché – nell'ambito dello scandalo droga nella Roma “bene” (lo stesso scandalo che coinvolse anche l'altro Udc Mele) e Gino Trematerra, stesso partito ed attualmente parlamentare europeo.
Ranieli, invece, è Michele Ranieli, Udc anche lui, che nel 2004 si incontra con il pentito Domenico Cricelli: « Eh, hai visto chi sono io...i lavori che gli faccio prendere a Lello Fusca, però se non mi dà 1 milione e 700 mila euro, il lavoro, non glielo faccio prendere » sarebbero state le parole pronunciate da Ranieli. Il condizionale è d'obbligo quando si parla di pentiti.
Quel che è certo, però, è che chi avrebbe vinto l'appalto per la costruzione del nuovo ospedale avrebbe dovuto dare il 2% dello stesso all'Udc. Non per corrompere o tenersi amico qualche esponente locale. Quel 2% era destinato ai vertici nazionali.
L'azienda scelta per vincere l'appalto e il Consorzio Tie di Domenico Liso e Domenico Scelsi (entrati anche loro nelle indagini), un consorzio il cui vero compito era esclusivamente quello di fare da tramite tra “il territorio” e la sede romana del partito. Era stato proprio uno degli esponenti di spicco dell'Udc – denominato “ il dottore ” - a far assegnare l'appalto a Tie.
1.765.000 euro l'importo totale della tangente (quanto meno della prima rata), nascosta in 16 cambiali con le quali onorare il “contratto di progettazione” stipulato tra la P&P Costruzioni di Lamezia Terme (prima subappaltatrice dei lavori) e la Icop spa. Impresa, quest'ultima, di proprietà della stessa Tie.
From that million and seven hundred sixty-five thousand euro, however, you have to remove four hundred thousand that would be used to pay the rup (Head of the Procedure Act) Francesco Vitiello drive him to the contract and other six hundred and ninety thousand went to George Campisi, 66 , surveyor and leader of the UDC in Sicily who would take over the "security on the site" (translation: keep the good 'ndrine).

In all this, however, there must also be said that there were those who tried to change things (as we shall see also in "bet Lombard"). Doris Lo Moro until 30 November 2007 Department of Health was the junta Loiero. But Ms Lo Moro had a small "defect" would not allow "his", those of the Democratic Party, to enter the business.
But the chances of success were below zero. Suffice it to say that among his enemies was Peppino Biamonte, the same as it was - literally - to get false papers for € 500,000 to the clinic Anya Villa Domenico Crea, the "god" ASL Reggio 11 of which responded Biamonte with a more than eloquent "orders" every time he lifted the phone.
And speaking of private, throughout this story there is also room for men God: Don Alfredo Luberto is the owner of the nursing home of Pope John Serre, near Cosenza. How many, as too many, he also lavished the region a part of that money would have to go, specifically, to the care of 363 patients at the nursing home. Patients who instead lived in filth and with the scab on him while Monsignor Luberto includes pictures (not to mention the fourteen cars owned by him), to furnish their apartment with luxury furniture and of course, thought of the "care" of your bank account. Evidently
Monsignor Luberto - to quote a note joke - is that spiritual current that will not die in poverty as the Christ which fill the mouth.
But that's another story ...

(1 - Continued)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pagina De Internet Disney

Antibodies: Documentary Mafia infiltration of buildings in Reggio Emilia in the Mediterranean Games

There are places away from the mafia infiltration. To think otherwise leads inevitably to "tragic awakening." As was the case in Emilia Romagna, a rich region of northern Italy to believe his story of having antibodies to oppose the entrenchment of mafia. The cradle of the Italian Resistance is now forced to deal with the effects of the criminal presence, as occurred in the province of Reggio Emilia. According to a builder the building boom that has affected two thousand years the area has been fueled by 50% from illegal money. A resounding complaint clearly and indignant denial by the authorities. Yet the elements to be considered are not too many and always come up more now that the crisis is hitting the industry hard. But there are no data on money, banks have launched alerts, the police either. In general silence about the illegality committed by building speculators, ten thousand cubic meters of concrete have eroded in record time depopulated the countryside and old towns.

" Antibodies" is the first of nine surveys of the project " East - Citizens against the Mafia " an observatory - promoted by the Ilaria Alpi, by FLARE Network (European arm of Freedom, the association against the Mafia Don Luigi Ciotti) and Crji (Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism) - which, using journalistic inquiries and complaints from European citizens puts 'goal is to empower the citizens, too often distracted by other news, both the European institutions.
There are three strands of interest in the project: money laundering arising from illegal activities in the construction industry, the infiltration into the burgeoning wind energy market and an extensive discussion of the relevant legal instruments to counter such infiltrations.

The nine investigations will be visible - as well as on the project website - anche su RaiNews (e su Señor Babylon)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Brown Discharge Between Periods

Turin March 12, 2011. Racism, ethnic prejudice and xenophobia in Italy: theoretical perspectives and empirical research

A conclusione della ricerca dedicata a «Permanenza e metamorfosi delle forme del pregiudizio: antisemitismo e islamofobia dopo l’11 settembre» venerdì 11 e sabato 12 marzo 2011 si terrà a Torino il convegno internazionale su «Razzismo, pregiudizio etnico e xenofobia in Italia: prospettive teoriche e di ricerca empirica» . 
Durante la prima sessione di sabato 12 marzo con Adriano Zamperini pareciperanno Chris Allen (Institute of Applied Social Studies, School of Social Policy, Birmingham), Enzo Campelli (University La Sapienza Roma), Dario Padovan (University of Turin).
Access is free to attend and the invitation is addressed to all those interested in discussing issues that are of common interest as well as of immediate relevance.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Son Wearing Training Bra

Sottotitolo: Guerra fredda in scala nei mari di Sicilia.

Questa potrebbe essere una spy-story perfetta: c'è la Central Intelligence Agency e ci sono i russi, ci sono traffichini collusi con la politica e con la mafia siciliana, ci sono i servizi segreti ed imprese troppo piccole per il lavoro che vogliono fare.
Sarebbe una spy-story perfetta, ma è solo capitalismo.
Da qualche giorno, grazie alle rivolte in Libia, l'opinione pubblica ha potuto riascoltare nomi probabilmente dimenticati come quelli dell'Eni (Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi) e di Gazprom, il colosso Russian key used in (geo) politics of Putin and his associates as a global balance of power in the balance and of which nothing is said when - often - we talk of our country's relations with the "partner" Russia, as we are taken to look at the finger (Berlusconi-Putin personal relationships) rather than the moon (the economic and political agreements between us and them).

There are two other big names in this story. As important as unknown.
On 10 August 2010 arrives on the table, the former commissioner of the Energy Region of Sicily Pier Carmelo Russo, a letter which asks permission to be able to refine Sicily in something like five million tonnes of oil a year for at least five years. And this only as a minimum quantity. Although they are
immediately made aware of the Palermo police, the Guardia di Finanza and Copasir (Parliamentary Committee for Security of the Republic), the claim of those important and, therefore, be taken into strong consideration. Those five million tonnes per year, in fact, account for about one fifth of the total annual consumption of the entire country. With these volumes
refining, therefore, one would expect them to be large multinational companies such as Eni and Gazprom have already mentioned to sign the request.
two companies are virtually unknown in the store ready to be called "oil of the Ayatollahs: the Ibercom, a English srl based in Albacete, and Anlage Corum, the Swiss property that Anthony Joseph De Salvo, born in Monza, known as a Business "and an expert in bad checks (in fact, has issued seven in two years, according to Chamber of Commerce).
There is another oddity in this story to investigators, in fact, you wonder how a company with a capital of only 100 000 € 15 million to run a business. It is therefore most logical to think that behind the two companies there is someone else.
There may be the Russians, considering that since last November, the Ibercom - owned by Robert Armero Sevriuk this - see also in your organization Anatolit Dubynskyi and Vadym Khazim, not quite clear the names of English origin.

In the letter, among other things, there is also the name of the effluent of the two companies on the spot: the case of Nicola Ravid, former councilor and member of the Regional Assembly of the Christian Democrats in the eighties and nineties, who came to the news - as well as one of many politicians to have taken bribes during the eighties - also was nominated for the Senate in 1994 in Sicily Free movement founded by Tullio Cannella, journeyman ars policy Dc share and curator of the interests of Leoluca Bagarella, brother in law of Totò Riina and his predecessor in command of the Cosa Nostra. The move, say le cronache storico-giudiziarie, vide l'allontanarsi di esponenti mafiosi man mano che cresceva il loro interesse per l'allora astro nascente della politica italiana: il partito di Forza Italia di Silvio Berlusconi. Ma questa è un'altra storia...

È a questo punto della storia che entrano in scena i “carichi pesanti”. Da una parte i russi: non solo Gazprom (tramite l'ormai famosa joint-venture con Eni, proprietaria di alcuni impianti tra Gela e Milazzo) ma soprattutto la Lukoil – seconda compagnia al mondo - che ha da qualche giorno messo le mani sull'Isab di Priolo (Siracusa), tramite l'acquisto di quote della società che fino ad ora ha gestito la raffineria so as to achieve 60% (since 2008 it held 49%).
Just the ISAB will be the focus of the Russian countryside of Sicily, though, as he explained that manages Lukoil Vagit Alekperov, just start from the town of Syracuse also the finished product for the U.S. market, where Lukoil already owns about two thousand for distribution systems.
other hand, we have seen, there are people of Langley, took to Italy to monitor the situation for political and economic reasons (we'll see soon) is to keep under control the storage of weapons of NATO - in which no you know what kind of weapons are - or to control the distance of the Russians from the base of Augusta, where often they stop American submarines and nuclear-powered ships.

Maybe it is a case - or maybe not, who knows - that in those days when a request comes in the Region of Sicily of such magnitude that the Council of the European Union tightened trade restrictions on Iran, also including petroleum products.
is then to keep in mind the interest of organized crime in the story: not only in Sicily, where Massimo Ciancimino has repeatedly spoken of his relationship with Gazprom Cosa Nostra:
Ciancimino, Gazprom bill 4000 and 250 billion € 450 billion and is useful. Excuse the question but because he had to do business with you?
Voglio ricordarle che la Fingas del professor Lapis aveva appena incassato 120 milioni di euro dalla vendita agli spagnoli della Società che aveva metanizzato i paesi siciliani. E la nostra forza era proprio questa: solo una piccola società come la nostra poteva agire in maniera “agile” e meno burocratica nella seconda fase degli accordi, quella che prevedeva il ritorno di parte dei soldi in Russia alle fondazioni vicine agli uomini di Gazprom. Non presentavamo i rischi connessi all’inserimento di società pubbliche e grandi come dimostra il recente caso Finmeccanica. 

e dove would be caught on the interests of Marcello Dell'Utri and Aldo Micciche, former Christian Democrats linked to the gang of Piromalli (Gioia Tauro). But that's another story ...

Langley's men, as we have said before I landed in Sicily in order to protect American interests in the area, that is, to reiterate the interests of the extractors Texans along the coast of Trinacria (and others) that have obtained permits for drilling in areas qualified high-risk environment, such as those of Priolo, Gela and Milazzo, not to mention that oil platforms would be located in places of high seismic risk, thus laying the foundations for an environmental disaster al cui confronto quello della “Deepwater Horizon” nel golfo del Messico di qualche mese fa sarebbe una cosa da nulla (visto che il mar Mediterraneo è un mare chiuso).
Dalle richieste fin qui pervenute, il paesaggio siciliano potrebbe ben presto subire pesanti modifiche, non solo per la presenza delle strutture necessarie al processo di estrazione, ma anche perché sarà possibile costruire le piattaforme su ogni centimetro di terra ancora “vergine”: dalle pendici dei vulcani alle faglie sismiche passando per le aree archeologiche: la Hunt Oil Company, ad esempio, ha richiesto il permesso per posizionarsi a poche miglia dall'isola Ferdinandea, considerata uno dei paradisi diving. Not to mention another "no-Trivia" in the Val di Noto, where since 2005 the population is not only opposed to the excessive power of multinational oil companies, but also the judgments of a justice who is now doing the interests of power (oil).
not, however, noted the source of scandal for the umpteenth time that the policy has been and is still compact in defending the interests of large multinational companies (when you say "the electors") from Shell to the Mediterranean Resources, the Nautical Petroleum Eni to our past for the "San Leon Energy" (a small Ltd with capital of just ten thousand euro, before moving on to the Irish, was even idle) all - from right to left passing "Vasa Vasa" Cuffaro became a national hero - have given the overwhelming power of black gold. As we have gained personally, then, remains and will probably remain a mystery.

In all this, however, the region do not buy anything. Or rather, do not buy anything if we compare the legacy resulting from royalties (ie the rights that companies are charged to the region for the destruction of the territory) to the turnover of the black gold market: up to € 300 million ' year, in fact, are just left to € 420 000 the Palazzo d'Orleans. To this we must also add the losses in tourism and in related fisheries.

On the one hand, therefore, Russia's interests. Across the U.S.. But the Cold War did not end in 1989?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Installa Driver On Thin Client

How much? - The slave trade in the Third Millennium

If the events that led last Sunday's more or less one million people in the streets had not been exploited in anti-Berlusconi and if, at the same time, we shifted the target of anger to the individual (Rubi, Nicole Minetti, etc etc) whose sole purpose seems to (be) be to transform "the dignity of women call" a distinction in women's "respectable" women "for evil" (As intended by the "notables organizer") probably would not have wasted a unique opportunity to focus the lens on that part of the prostitution phenomenon that is almost never the front pages of trafficking, which continues regardless of the acquaintances of Arcore which will continue in complete silence, even after this event (the effects of which "insurgents", however, are still to be proved).

To begin this story, to go and watch what happens in the shadow of "Arcore's Angels" and we have to move back in time.

In 1967, Pattaya is a small fishing village more or less 150 km from Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. It is a small fishing village consisting of a hundred families, and no concrete construction.
But the little fishing village, and no concrete construction, in that 1967, an immense fortune (if "lucky" one can speak ...), because in those years in Asia we are Americans. And you know, the Americans bring money, and Thailand is literally covered with them: in fact created programs called "Rest and Recreation" useful to help relax the military engaged in long wars of position in areas such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos .
The U.S. government (through its military leaders on the ground) and the Thai government agreed to a significant number of investments in the tourism sector - that is, investment in relaxation of U.S. troops - in the first year that led to a turnover of $ 5 million. Figure is not certain the extent of the Thai economy alone (even less so would be the 20 million recorded in 1970, just two years after the program).
But as Naomi Klein shows us in his book "Shock Economy", when Americans invest - like all countries ii-colonial capital - are proposals that we can not refuse. And the "proposal", in the case of Thailand, provided the most complete impunity for soldiers during the periods of residence in country and, more importantly, for the traffic more or less lawyers who put the money.

the shadow of the tourism industry it came another, parallel, of sex tourism.
Behind the screen of massage centers, in fact, sprang up in brothels where girls taken in most cases by force or coercion by the country's poorest villages were literally put on display. The "clients" came, chose, provide the number of girls selected (which could be read on the shoulder of the bikini), paid and consumed. The sense of rebellion
delle ragazze era ridotto al minimo, in quanto spesso non parlavano la stessa lingua degli avventori e, venendo dalle zone più povere e rurali della Thailandia spesso conoscevano solo il loro dialetto, quindi anche esprimersi in thailandese costituiva per loro una enorme difficoltà. Vetrine, numerini e distruzione dell'individualità delle ragazze: la trasformazione in “carne da bordello” era completata.
Le regole del libero mercato – quel mantra che gli americani distribuiscono insieme a guerre e scontri civili – però, ci insegnano un'altra cosa: per essere competitiva un'azienda deve diversificare la propria offerta, e dunque da esclusiva “economia di guerra”, il mercato del sesso in Thailandia soon became a "global" market, also open to those uniforms had never worn.

According to UNICEF every year one million women fall in the trafficking of human beings for sexual exploitation. Of these about 35% have not yet reached the age of majority. Figures that appear in reality only partial when compared to non-governmental organizations that work specifically in this area, for which women would be at least twice each year enter the circuit of illegal immigration for the purpose of sexual exploitation.
Most of them are "initiated" through forms of prostitution purse based on the promise of a better life in countries considered rich or with the help of cultural practices of a religious nature (such as ju-ju in Nigeria).
  • data in Italy:
control of the prostitution market is a major revenue for the Italian organized crime and even the global economic crisis seems to have recorded at least a basic flessione.Tra the 50 000 and 70 thousand (94% women, 20% age) people who now entered the Italian circuit of prostitution. The extra
women each year become part of the circuit prostitution account for about half of the total market. Many of them - subject to the status of illegal immigrants - are being punished for this crime before which may have the time to report (and when this happens not always follow the arrests on complaints of those who manage the market) makes them victims twice: the exploiters and the blind repression by the police, who often use the raids to come in the "minimum quotas" for arrests / deportations necessary to maintain the "minimum standards" of efficiency required by law.
It is easy to see how the prosecution - in fact going to hit only the victims (and only one of these, ie those forced to the curb) - is nothing but a tool to soothe the soul palliative respectable public . Just as easily as you can imagine the debate on the resumption or less of the so-called "closed houses" (Merlin Law No. 75 of 1958) so give greater protection, but the exploiters who understood as part of the market preferred by the public is the most visible. It is in this light that is moved - among many - even the main criticism of the bill presented by the Minister for Equal Opportunities Mara Carfagna: affect almost exclusively to the phenomenon of street prostitution (ie the form, as mentioned earlier, more visible and therefore more "expendable" in electoral terms) and railing against the phenomenon in its entirety those pulling the strings of the prostitution market will have an easy time in reorganizing the same indoors and, obviously, much more difficult to control for both the authorities and to organizations that combat trafficking.

Besides the double standards of the Italian public is very special and delicate question: who commit crimes as well, provided they are not visible to the naked eye (and the case would require discussion about him) seems to be the only true religion that unites a bit 'all. But that's another story ...

A recent (August 2010) survey carried out Codacons telephone interviews with 1,500 listings and 230 calls to escort and massage centers focused on Milan, Rome and Naples, emerges not only as the economic crisis has in fact opened again to the "low cost " Chinese (with the complete disappearance of the offer required by homosexual and transsexual prostitution instead have their own space in the online market) but also as the sex has entered the era of "2.0" with the increasing use of new technologies (broadband connections, web-cam etc ...).

But how much, today, sexual performance pay in our country (more than ever topical subject right now)?

According to what emerges from Codacons always a market exists for any budget (and, as we know from the newspapers, for every "need"), ranging from 30/40 € for half an hour of time to spend in a massage with a girl in the Far East or in the car with a girl from Eastern Europe to more or less equivalent figures to a full salary at the specific request of customers and the "higher authority" of the girl. In all cases, however, the pimps earn from any "protected" between 5000 and 7000 euro per month for a turnover (monthly) that in the only beautiful country is around 90 million €.

rates of the alleged massage centers, should be increased by 50% so you have three quarters of an hour and 100% in order to qualche "giochino', previo accordo, con la ragazza. Per portarsi a casa una delle ragazze ancora in strada si deve pagare il doppio del prezzo e obbligatoriamente riaccompagnarla sul posto di lavoro una volta finita la prestazione. Ma è quando si decide di varcare la soglia di un appartamento di un'italiana, o di una sudamericana, che si deve mettere in conto il rischio di spendere quasi un intero stipendio. Infatti, in queste alcove d'amore - che se si è fortunati possano anche vagamente ricordare il set di un film pornografico - tutto ciò che va oltre una normale prestazione sessuale sul letto fa lievitare la tariffe: 20% in più per consumare la prestazione in un posto della casa insolito e scomodo per chi vi ospita, 30% per fare la doccia in sua compagnia, 50% per la seconda prestazione (e 25% per le successive), 100% per ogni "giochino' fino a 500 euro per l'intera notte, previo accordo numero fisso di atti sessuali.

Già, i clienti. Anche qui si registrano numeri esorbitanti: nonostante velleità moraliste e finto-cattoliche, infatti, sono circa 9 milioni i clienti del mercato del sesso, di cui l'80% chiede rapporti non protetti (richiesta esaudita nel 45% dei casi). Peraltro è quasi impossibile delineare il profilo del “cliente medio”, perché la forbice anagrafica prevede un arco 16-80 anni. Si sa, però, che circa il 70% di loro ha moglie e figli e che tra le motivazioni principali ci sono il senso di solitudine and the difficulty in establishing relationships with the opposite sex.
  • The routes
If we wanted to represent the phenomenon of prostitution in the context of migration to our country the largest flow (48%) would be from Eastern Europe, followed by Africa (22%) the internal trafficking (16%) and Latin America (10%) although, as we saw earlier, the market entry of Chinese girls has actually changed the balance in the field.

- The almond-eyed business
Source: Earthquakes, Sisde

Analyzing in more detail we have to start from this new market, managed with the same mix between capitalism and communism that makes China the principal opponent of Western capitalism (and America in particular ). Consider that in Rome - where business revolved around the night "Diamond" in the district Casilino - the Chinese who run this bad traffic was even equipped with a call center and a "responsible finding apartments" (between 35 and 50 units according to a statement by the Deputy Commissioner of the Roman squad Mario Belfiore): Guan Whenzu called. But, of course, the name does not match anyone. The marketing of sex almond-eyed also included an official slogan used to advertise local girls.

Prices "popular" and identify the target detail are the watchwords of the offer Chinese, managed - within the larger human trafficking - from the national Chinese mafia, but they "outsource" the administration of girls just come to bands that are not always linked to the Mafia families: in Tuscany, for example, the business is run by youth gangs.

As was the case for Thailand in the late '70s, even the pimps Chinese endeavor the lever to make it less offensive language girls, men in fact come from the eastern province of Zhejiang, while girls are taken mostly from the northeastern province of Liaoning, from Yunnan (southwest) from Sichuan or Guizhou . "Cash" when usually do not have yet reached twenty years of age contracted a real debt of a monetary nature with its exploitative, given that the girls, coming mostly from poor families can not pay for the trip to the Europe '. The amount you will pay is between 30 000 and 40 000 euro, compared to € 100-150 per day they can earn prostitution. We understand that signing an agreement this is, in fact, give their lives to the exploiters, whose turnover - however - is about a thousand euro per day.

is a strong diversification of the Chinese market, it said. Chinese girls, in fact, add in Thailand, Burma and Vietnam - countries often used as a "school" for a subsequent landing in the western market - which, lately, are also added girls from Ukraine and Russia. Some end up in countries such as Malaysia or Thailand or are the same for the domestic market (Yang Fan, an economist, has calculated that in the country there are approximately 20 million prostitutes, giving rise to around 6% of the Product GDP). For all others open the doors of the rich West.
The front door is Paris, where the girls arrive with tourist visas to aggregate groups that depart from China for tourism (this time "without adjectives") to the French capital. After a few weeks the team leader of the complaint, the embassy disappeared and at that point, the girls become ghosts, landing first in Turin and then being sorted out where necessary.
The Chinese market, however, has the distinction of providing two types of "service" defined according to nationality and wealth of the client: the girls are best reserved for Chinese and / or people from high wealth and portfolios full.

as it happens - we will see shortly - for the trafficking of Nigerian girls, even as China is run by women, often prostitutes (or ex-prostitutes) who climbed the top hierarchy of the organization.

the prostitution market, however, the Chinese also bind to double strand of the drug market (often used in encounters between the girl and the client), in particular, a drug that Italian investigators have begun to know his blitz from the Roman night club : K-fen, resulting from the synthetic drug ketamine being cut into granules that can be snorted or dissolved in any beverage.

- Nigeria: Between voodoo rites and Identification Centres and Expulsion

Isoke Aikpitanyi and Claudio Magnabosco
If the Chinese market is the "new advancing" in the sex trade in Italy continues to have a important is the African, especially Nigerian.

The story of Joy we have got to know many: arrived in Italy with the illusion of job security (in a match with OndaRossa Radio said that it had been suggested a position as a hairdresser, that the same jobs they had in Nigeria ) were arrested in one of the many raids by the police and, clandestina, inviata al C.I.E. di via Corelli a Milano, subisce le “attenzioni” dell'ispettore Vittorio Addesso (assolto qualche giorno fa, come potete leggere qui: ) alle quali, a differenza di molte altre, decide di ribellarsi denunciando l'ispettore.

Ma Joy è solo una delle tante, tantissime ragazze che finiscono nelle mani del racket nigeriano.
Come per il racket cinese, anche il primo passo di questa tratta è costituito da un contratto: gli sfruttatori, partendo da villaggi poveri come le bidonville di Lagos o Benin City si offrono di aiutare le ragazze sostenendo per loro le spese per il viaggio in Europe. The "sponsor", ie the person who will be responsible for transferring the girl from Nigeria Europe in many cases is usually a person worthy of trust of the family, which is often also called for a guarantee material (houses or land). When such security does not exist - because the family has neither houses nor land nor other assets - is used to the ritual of ju-ju, very similar to what we call "voodoo" and providing the event of some misfortune to the family if she will not pay the full debt. Usually the initial figure is well known by the latter, but often ignores the existence of costs add (board, lodging, etc.) that increase exponentially the amount of debt.

may sound strange to the ears "monocultural" Italian, but in Nigeria prostitution is not seen in negative terms, then become rich by exploiting a woman's body in this way is considered a person of worth and value. That's why in Italy waiting for the girls there is always a maman (or madame), which is a former prostitute who, having paid off its debt has moved "on the other side", from exploited to exploiter. But define it as "exploitative" oversimplify one of the founding figures of the architecture of Nigerian racket, as in China, sees women in key posts. It is in fact more like a "stepmother", but enjoys the esteem of the girls that are assigned because they viewed as a woman "who has done it."
is the maman, once you arrive in Italy, only to be representative of the girls. It would indeed be to her to be paid back the debt (between 10 000 and 15 000 €) which must be added - as we said - the additional costs as the "joint", the piece of sidewalk that is occupied by the girls whose cost is between 400 and 500 €.

The first girls to be brought into our country from Nigeria arrive in the '80s, with a boom between 1989 and 1994. Those same women today are often in charge of the business. Over the years, however, have changed both the demands of customers - today in fact we prefer to arrive in Italy still underage girls - that is, if in the years between the eighties and nineties, in fact, came directly from Nigeria in Rome, today's trip follows the route Nigeria-Russia-Switzerland-Italy, although it often happens that the girls are brought from Russia to Paris, Frankfurt or Amsterdam and then to arrive - often locked in the luggage of any car - in Turin, where he will take other destinations in the country. Lately - however, as demonstrated by Fabrizio Gatti's book "Bilal" - has also opened a pass in traffic that exploits illegal channels "usual" and that often involves the girls begin to prostitute themselves already in Libya.

Another of the many peculiarities of the racket is that the Nigerian contract at the start (in front of a figure similar to our lawyer) once extinct really free the girl, even if it is at this point that things get seriously complicated : difficulty in building a new and different life far from the stigma of society, difficulty in finding alternative work and fear of the opinion of family members (in addition to poverty) that puts the last people the choice to return to his home country, mean that the girls hardly get out of the loop.
The only real way out, therefore, remain the customers' 90% of Nigerian girls "- says Claudio Magnabosco, founder of the project" The Girl from Benin City "-" out of the question thanks to the customer or former customer became a friend, boyfriend or husband ', just as has happened to Isoke Aikpitanyi, now wife of Claudius. "It would be enough to give us an opportunity " - explains Isoke - ' a residence permit even short six months, look for a real job. In exchange for the documents, Instead, the authorities claim that someone denounces . The aim of the project they created, in fact, is exactly aware "consumers", transforming from resource to customers in a better life for girls.

- The east wind

The structure of the racket of 'Eastern Europe area is very simple: it was often her boyfriend to become a bridge between the country of origin and 'Italy with the promise - as usual - for a better life (the first step for the transfer was usually able to marry). Once in Italy, however, the mix between love and fear made it very difficult rebellion for girls. This also stems from the social structure of many of the countries of origin: in the case of Albania, for example, the woman is exercising a real property right, which is traversed by the father (and brothers) to her husband and where we can even to get exercise - code according to customary law kanun - the right to death on the girl. This
of property rights, however, is a story that still should sound familiar to us, given that until not long ago in our system there were things like "honor killing" or adultery as a crime only if understood to exercise was a woman.

The racket of this area is among those more rooted in our territory, where they are mostly members of the Albanian clans to manage trafficking (prostitution, weapons, drugs and illegal transport of the first items of income).

The routes from this area lead the girls on the sidewalk (in the premises or in massage parlors) Italians are numerous and have been changing over time: in a first stage - when the racket was mainly Albanian girls - a must before enter the boundaries of our own was, in fact, Albania. Today, with "opening" of the market also to girls of other nationalities (Romanian, Moldovan, Ukrainian and Russian at all), are brought into or landing on the old routes in the news told us years fa. Altre volte il tragitto non è così lineare, e le ragazze arrivano in Italia solo dopo lunghi e numerosi viaggi (ed altrettanto numerosi "passaggi di proprietà").

Il volume d'affari annuale oscilla tra i 2,2 ed i 5,6 miliardi di euro all'anno, soldi che in parte ritornano nel paese d'origine sia per essere reinvestiti in altri traffici sia per consolidare il potere dei clan attraverso l'ostentazione della ricchezza.

- il sodalizio calabro-albanese:

« Vi sembra che arrivano gli albanesi e si mettono a comandare? Ma scherziamo? La 'ndrangheta gli taglierebbe la testa subito. Loro sopravvivono e prosperano perché non sono truly autonomous "To say it is

Giuseppe Di Bella, sorry, in the book" Metastasis "by Gianluigi Nuzzi (the author of Vatican SpA) and Claudio Antonelli of Free.

that you may believe or not the usefulness of the phenomenon-repentant ", what is certain is that our criminal organizations do not like some competition, although the association between the 'Ndrangheta and the one that slowly became the fifth Italian Mafia seems to be a natural evolution in the diplomatic relations between the organizations. The structure of the Albanian mafia and the 'Ndrangheta in fact are very similar: the organization is horizontal and not top-down (absence of a "dome") in both cases and the clans that compose it are linked by blood ties. As for the 'Ndrangheta, however, even the Albanian mafia is based on extensive use of rituals and traditions. Being based on ties of blood, however, betray 'ndrina or clan repenting is equivalent to betraying her own family (thus losing the honor that is the basis of the franchisee).

But the association is not only related to structural issues. Since the 70s is in fact an active channel of choice between the 'Ndrangheta (and partly camorra) with the Albanian clans sharing of revenue for transport of prostitutes, drug and weapons from the Balkans, as determined by the investigation of 2005 named "Harem" revealed that the structure of holding a real criminal.

for an investigation on Chinese racket on the African or Eastern European area as a constant in the sex trade is on the market and minors.

- Sex and children: not only Ruby

There is no specific racket for trafficking children for sexual exploitation. We find cases in Latin America, Asia, Africa and the "civilized" Europe, even if the characteristic is compared to the transit routes so far analyzed is reversed: they are customers, through the practice of "tourism" sexual to go in the countries of origin and children.

Define exact figures is impossible, because in many cases, the ages are touched up or down as needed. There is talk, however, traffic that is around one million two hundred thousand children kidnapped, bought and sold for use both in the sex trade and for other illegal activities such as begging or trafficking in illegal adoptions and of organ . According to many researchers the turnover of sexual exploitation of children is, for criminal organizations, a voice even more profiqua of the drug market. ECPAT-Italy as a complaint, what a year is spent by governments to combat trafficking are equivalent to the traffickers can earn in a single afternoon. Besides, the turnover - according to data ECPAT - is terrifying: every year at least 600,000 people move each year for the sole purpose of having sex with minors. The only certainty is that come into the coffers of the exploiters for the traffic less than $ 5 billion a year.

The main forms of exploitation of child prostitution are two: the use in brothels - a method used mostly in areas of the Asian - or prostitution, continued in Latin America.

If the sex of the adults lead the way for the area are Eastern Europe and Nigeria (but, as we have seen, there is a strong thrust of Chinese criminal organizations), as regards the market for small business centers and Asia: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Nepal and Pakistan Thailand are the countries with the highest rate of sexual exploitation of children. Closely followed by Latin America, with the primacy that it is up to Brazil.

For these markets, the choice of children and is very selective: they have not completed primary school (more than half of us never even entered) and must undergo an average of between two and six sex per day (in 95% of cases are not protected). In our

country there are hundreds of children involved in this traffic, which still shows the hand of Albanian crime to monopolize the market. There are about 2,000 girls who form the army of baby-prostitutes. Minimum age 7 years (compared with 12 girls and Asian children).
In 2004 he submitted his first report on the implementation of Law 269 of 1998 (which equalized the sexual exploitation of minors to the enslavement): the increase in reported ranged from +600% to +1000%.

course this traffic - which is daily before our eyes - entering the media circuit only in very rare cases. But that's another story ...


Monday, February 14, 2011

Wax Car With Lemon Pledge

Piacenza: Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011, at 21, at Asp "City of Piacenza" - Company Public Human Services will host the book's presentation: ostracism. Being excluded, rejected and ignored by Adriano Zamperini
Will dialogue with the author, journalist and photographer Robert Knight and John Smerieri , psychiatrist and psychotherapist ( Business Department of Mental Health and Drug Addiction - USL Piacenza ).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

American Express Gift Card With World Of Warcraft

Alemanno rewrite the plan with the nomadic Roma - an interview with Nazzareno Guarnieri (from Deliverance)

Nazzareno Guarnieri, President Fedrazione Romany
nazarene Guarnieri, presidente della Federazione Romanì, è combattivo: « Alemanno deve ridiscutere il Piano nomadi, siamo pronti a proteste clamorose ». Per Guarnieri è indispensabile, insomma, mantenere alta l'attenzione sulle sofferenze dei rom costretti a vivere nei campi. La soluzione, però, non è « casa per tutti i rom bensì una politica dell'alloggio globale aperta a tutti che includa anche le famiglie rom che ne hanno diritto ».

Il sindaco Gianni Alemanno propone di dare in affidamento i bambini rom che vivono in condizioni disagiate. E' un pericolo reale?

Il sindaco ripropone la vecchia favola dei rom che maltrattano i propri figli. Se we think, is what happens to families as poor Italian couple who died in Bologna on a child. Do not you ever wonder why those parents living in poor conditions, as no one wonders why these four children lived in a shack. The evictions will not correct the problem.

How important is Napolitano's meeting with parents of dead children?

E 'of immense symbolic value. It had never happened before that a high constitutional position so clearly asked housing for the Roma. For some time we ask for a meeting with President of the Republic asking for support to the law, not yet approved, on recognition of the Romany culture as a linguistic minority in Italy. We still await an answer, but we are confident.

Federation As Romania joined the protest on Thursday?

We have not yet made a decision, but most likely join. In reality we would like to promote mobilization of large media impact, we want to make it clear that this political field must end and that the Roman Nomad Plan is simply a scam.

But Alemanno has appointed a representative belonging to the Roma community, Najo Adzovic. However, there is a step forward?

We have nothing against Adzovic, but clearly defends the actions of the mayor without knowing fully the needs of the community. It is no coincidence that the head of the Coordination Roma in Rome, Rasim Bayram, has left his position at odds with the Nomad Plan. He had trusted the promises of the Capitol, and those promises were not kept. That's why staging a noisy protest to speak with Alemanno.

And what would you like to ask? The Nomad Plan is to be rewritten, if you go by the objective of overcoming the fields.

We want the mayor finally build a table of real dialogue and listen to our proposals, so will no longer have the excuse of the Roma who do not want to cooperate. Here we are with Santino Spinelli, Loris Levac, Nazzareno Guarnieri, Bruno Morelli, Bezzecchi, Nadja Roma Halilovic and many other intelligences who have long studied the issue: we have available. So far, Rome has spent twenty million euro for doing nothing, and asks for another thirty. A rain of money to leave everything as before.

In recent days, attended a conference in Lamezia Terme, where the municipal administration is slowly spreading to homes Roma families living in the camp Scordovillo. In Italy there are good routes?

There are, though few. A Lamezia are no Directors sensibili e attenti ai diritti umani che hanno capito come i rom debbano essere integrati. Si tratta di rom della ex Jugoslavia, in Italia ormai da molti decenni, che finalmente stanno lasciando i container. Sono specialmente le giovani coppie a beneficiare delle nuove case, e questo non può che lasciare ben sperare.

Anche per Roma prospetta una soluzione di questo tipo?

Lo slogan non è "casa per tutti i rom" ma una politica per l'alloggio che apra a tutti coloro che ne hanno diritto. Dobbiamo smetterla di parlare di rom, ma di famiglie in difficoltà che hanno il diritto ad una casa, esattamente come le famiglie romane o italiane. Parlare di romcome se fossero tutti uguali è simply racism.

Since the interview. I am attaching a video - the ever-useful archives of Radio Radical - the 1st National Congress of the Federation of Roma and Sinti together (unfortunately only the inaugural conference of the first working day) held, according to the date of uploading the video in April of 2009 primarily because I believe should be done a particular job when it comes to the so-called "question" rom the first step which must be knowledge, and what better way of knowing through the voices of the / * of the protagonists, especially in light of fact that the mainstream media never make them feel (just look at the fact that the last episode talked about all institutions, but not a word è stata chiesta ai genitori dei quattro bambini deceduti - per le politiche "di ordine pubblico" istituzionali - nell'incendio del campo di via Appia Nuova....)

Ed a proposito della politica dei campi vi invito a leggere il dossier su quello di via Salone (a Roma): Esclusi e Ammassati - Rapporto di ricerca sulla condizione dei minori rom nel villaggio attrezzato di via di Salone a Roma dell'Associazione luglio ed a trarne le conclusioni che più ritenete giuste...