Sottotitolo: Guerra fredda in scala nei mari di Sicilia.
Questa potrebbe essere una spy-story perfetta: c'è la Central Intelligence Agency e ci sono i russi, ci sono traffichini collusi con la politica e con la mafia siciliana, ci sono i servizi segreti ed imprese troppo piccole per il lavoro che vogliono fare.
Sarebbe una spy-story perfetta, ma è solo capitalismo.
Da qualche giorno, grazie alle rivolte in Libia, l'opinione pubblica ha potuto riascoltare nomi probabilmente dimenticati come quelli dell'Eni (Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi) e di Gazprom, il colosso Russian key used in (geo) politics of Putin and his associates as a global balance of power in the balance and of which nothing is said when - often - we talk of our country's relations with the "partner" Russia, as we are taken to look at the finger (Berlusconi-Putin personal relationships) rather than the moon (the economic and political agreements between us and them).
There are two other big names in this story. As important as unknown.
On 10 August 2010 arrives on the table, the former commissioner of the Energy Region of Sicily Pier Carmelo Russo, a letter which asks permission to be able to refine Sicily in something like five million tonnes of oil a year for at least five years. And this only as a minimum quantity. Although they are
immediately made aware of the Palermo police, the Guardia di Finanza and Copasir (Parliamentary Committee for Security of the Republic), the claim of those important and, therefore, be taken into strong consideration. Those five million tonnes per year, in fact, account for about one fifth of the total annual consumption of the entire country. With these volumes
refining, therefore, one would expect them to be large multinational companies such as Eni and Gazprom have already mentioned to sign the request.
two companies are virtually unknown in the store ready to be called "oil of the Ayatollahs: the Ibercom, a English srl based in Albacete, and Anlage Corum, the Swiss property that Anthony Joseph De Salvo, born in Monza, known as a Business "and an expert in bad checks (in fact, has issued seven in two years, according to Chamber of Commerce).
There is another oddity in this story to investigators, in fact, you wonder how a company with a capital of only 100 000 € 15 million to run a business. It is therefore most logical to think that behind the two companies there is someone else.
There may be the Russians, considering that since last November, the Ibercom - owned by Robert Armero Sevriuk this - see also in your organization Anatolit Dubynskyi and Vadym Khazim, not quite clear the names of English origin.
In the letter, among other things, there is also the name of the effluent of the two companies on the spot: the case of Nicola Ravid, former councilor and member of the Regional Assembly of the Christian Democrats in the eighties and nineties, who came to the news - as well as one of many politicians to have taken bribes during the eighties - also was nominated for the Senate in 1994 in Sicily Free movement founded by Tullio Cannella, journeyman ars policy Dc share and curator of the interests of Leoluca Bagarella, brother in law of Totò Riina and his predecessor in command of the Cosa Nostra. The move, say le cronache storico-giudiziarie, vide l'allontanarsi di esponenti mafiosi man mano che cresceva il loro interesse per l'allora astro nascente della politica italiana: il partito di Forza Italia di Silvio Berlusconi. Ma questa è un'altra storia...
È a questo punto della storia che entrano in scena i “carichi pesanti”. Da una parte i russi: non solo Gazprom (tramite l'ormai famosa joint-venture con Eni, proprietaria di alcuni impianti tra Gela e Milazzo) ma soprattutto la Lukoil – seconda compagnia al mondo - che ha da qualche giorno messo le mani sull'Isab di Priolo (Siracusa), tramite l'acquisto di quote della società che fino ad ora ha gestito la raffineria so as to achieve 60% (since 2008 it held 49%).
Just the ISAB will be the focus of the Russian countryside of Sicily, though, as he explained that manages Lukoil Vagit Alekperov, just start from the town of Syracuse also the finished product for the U.S. market, where Lukoil already owns about two thousand for distribution systems.
other hand, we have seen, there are people of Langley, took to Italy to monitor the situation for political and economic reasons (we'll see soon) is to keep under control the storage of weapons of NATO - in which no you know what kind of weapons are - or to control the distance of the Russians from the base of Augusta, where often they stop American submarines and nuclear-powered ships.
Maybe it is a case - or maybe not, who knows - that in those days when a request comes in the Region of Sicily of such magnitude that the Council of the European Union tightened trade restrictions on Iran, also including petroleum products.
is then to keep in mind the interest of organized crime in the story: not only in Sicily, where Massimo Ciancimino has repeatedly spoken of his relationship with Gazprom Cosa Nostra:
Ciancimino, Gazprom bill 4000 and 250 billion € 450 billion and is useful. Excuse the question but because he had to do business with you?
Voglio ricordarle che la Fingas del professor Lapis aveva appena incassato 120 milioni di euro dalla vendita agli spagnoli della Società che aveva metanizzato i paesi siciliani. E la nostra forza era proprio questa: solo una piccola società come la nostra poteva agire in maniera “agile” e meno burocratica nella seconda fase degli accordi, quella che prevedeva il ritorno di parte dei soldi in Russia alle fondazioni vicine agli uomini di Gazprom. Non presentavamo i rischi connessi all’inserimento di società pubbliche e grandi come dimostra il recente caso Finmeccanica.
[qui: il resto dell'intervista]
e dove would be caught on the interests of Marcello Dell'Utri and Aldo Micciche, former Christian Democrats linked to the gang of Piromalli (Gioia Tauro). But that's another story ...
Langley's men, as we have said before I landed in Sicily in order to protect American interests in the area, that is, to reiterate the interests of the extractors Texans along the coast of Trinacria (and others) that have obtained permits for drilling in areas qualified high-risk environment, such as those of Priolo, Gela and Milazzo, not to mention that oil platforms would be located in places of high seismic risk, thus laying the foundations for an environmental disaster al cui confronto quello della “Deepwater Horizon” nel golfo del Messico di qualche mese fa sarebbe una cosa da nulla (visto che il mar Mediterraneo è un mare chiuso).
Dalle richieste fin qui pervenute, il paesaggio siciliano potrebbe ben presto subire pesanti modifiche, non solo per la presenza delle strutture necessarie al processo di estrazione, ma anche perché sarà possibile costruire le piattaforme su ogni centimetro di terra ancora “vergine”: dalle pendici dei vulcani alle faglie sismiche passando per le aree archeologiche: la Hunt Oil Company, ad esempio, ha richiesto il permesso per posizionarsi a poche miglia dall'isola Ferdinandea, considerata uno dei paradisi diving. Not to mention another "no-Trivia" in the Val di Noto, where since 2005 the population is not only opposed to the excessive power of multinational oil companies, but also the judgments of a justice who is now doing the interests of power (oil).
not, however, noted the source of scandal for the umpteenth time that the policy has been and is still compact in defending the interests of large multinational companies (when you say "the electors") from Shell to the Mediterranean Resources, the Nautical Petroleum Eni to our past for the "San Leon Energy" (a small Ltd with capital of just ten thousand euro, before moving on to the Irish, was even idle) all - from right to left passing "Vasa Vasa" Cuffaro became a national hero - have given the overwhelming power of black gold. As we have gained personally, then, remains and will probably remain a mystery.
In all this, however, the region do not buy anything. Or rather, do not buy anything if we compare the legacy resulting from royalties (ie the rights that companies are charged to the region for the destruction of the territory) to the turnover of the black gold market: up to € 300 million ' year, in fact, are just left to € 420 000 the Palazzo d'Orleans. To this we must also add the losses in tourism and in related fisheries.
On the one hand, therefore, Russia's interests. Across the U.S.. But the Cold War did not end in 1989?
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