Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pagina De Internet Disney

Antibodies: Documentary Mafia infiltration of buildings in Reggio Emilia in the Mediterranean Games

There are places away from the mafia infiltration. To think otherwise leads inevitably to "tragic awakening." As was the case in Emilia Romagna, a rich region of northern Italy to believe his story of having antibodies to oppose the entrenchment of mafia. The cradle of the Italian Resistance is now forced to deal with the effects of the criminal presence, as occurred in the province of Reggio Emilia. According to a builder the building boom that has affected two thousand years the area has been fueled by 50% from illegal money. A resounding complaint clearly and indignant denial by the authorities. Yet the elements to be considered are not too many and always come up more now that the crisis is hitting the industry hard. But there are no data on money, banks have launched alerts, the police either. In general silence about the illegality committed by building speculators, ten thousand cubic meters of concrete have eroded in record time depopulated the countryside and old towns.

" Antibodies" is the first of nine surveys of the project " East - Citizens against the Mafia " an observatory - promoted by the Ilaria Alpi, by FLARE Network (European arm of Freedom, the association against the Mafia Don Luigi Ciotti) and Crji (Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism) - which, using journalistic inquiries and complaints from European citizens puts 'goal is to empower the citizens, too often distracted by other news, both the European institutions.
There are three strands of interest in the project: money laundering arising from illegal activities in the construction industry, the infiltration into the burgeoning wind energy market and an extensive discussion of the relevant legal instruments to counter such infiltrations.

The nine investigations will be visible - as well as on the project website - anche su RaiNews (e su SeƱor Babylon)


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