This is the only video that does not refer to the dispute last Thursday in Rome, but it serves - who had never heard of called "Tarzia law" (I was occupied this post) - to understand what women who took to the streets challenged ...
Roma - February 3, 2011. Contesting the presence of the X Olimpia Tarzia City Hall.
interview Milva of "Zero Violence women" during the protest to the Regional Councillor petitioner Olimpia Tarzia and promoter of the Law on counseling
interview with a girl lucha y siesta during the dispute to the Regional Councillor Olimpia Tarzia promoter of the reform on Consultants
Rome February 3, 2011 City Hall, interview with an occupant of the house during the siesta y lucha dispute to the Regional Councillor Olimpia Tarzia, promoter of the reform on counseling.This is the final result:
At this point, also seen times like these, we must do at least one account: the law - I refer to my post linked in the opening dated September 8, 2010 - is now a Proposal "dated". Where were the journalists, actresses or at least the "notables" who are doing these days appeals to the dignity of women "nice" when it appeared that law? Why not took to the streets (and asked to do / to make editorial) then? Yet, I believe - but I could easily be mistaken and, if so, someone let me out - a clinic has much higher social utility of the distinction (bourgeois?) Among women "for good" and women "Permal", and this is also - as is coming out of the debate on the net - that this wind faux-feminist "front anti-Ruby" seems more like a parliamentary manipulation / election not a true defense of the dignity of women.
We must, however, chiedere a queste donne da che parte stanno: perché se davvero questa battaglia non è una battaglia squisitamente antiberlusconiana allora le donne vanno difese tout court: dalla battaglia dei consultori alla difesa delle donne picchiate e/o stuprate nei C.I.E. (come scrivevo qualche giorno fa in questo post ) e sì, devono essere difese anche quelle donne "permale" che spesso diventano tali non per volontà loro ma perché costrette da un sistema ben definito e ben accettato ad andare in strada (è un classico, ad esempio, il disegno o la proposta di legge che va a punire la ragazza in strada e mai - o quasi mai - chi sulla strada ce la tiene).
Mentre aspettiamo di capire come si evolverà questo aspetto the story can be, among other things, sign the petition against the law Tarzia: riforma-tarzia/1977
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