The sisterhood is a weapon: appeal for Pinar Selek free!
Pinar Selek, feminist, sociologist, peace, antiwar, writer and one of the founders of Amarga, is facing again the risk of a life sentence in a process that has already been paid twice.
Pinar Selek's case will then once again revised February 9, 2011, the 12th Court of aggravated crimes of Istanbul, Besiktas. The site
to sign the petition by February 9 the date on which the process could re-open:
For more information you can also visit the website of the French company http : / / /
or write to: solidarietapinarselek.italia @
The sisterhood is a weapon, Pinar Free!
WE WANT JUSTICE, WE placed next to Pinar Selek
This is an urgent call to all women, lesbians, groups, organizations and feminist networks by Amargo Women's Solidarity Cooperative.
Pinar Selek, femminista, sociologa, pacifista, antimilitarista, scrittrice e tra le fondatrici di Amargi, si trova ad affrontare di nuovo il rischio di un ergastolo in un processo per cui è stata già assolta due volte.
Come l’opinione pubblica in parte conosce già, è diventata un bersaglio a causa della sua ricerca sociologica condotta nel 1996, relativa alle condizioni del conflitto armato tra la Turchia e il Kurdistan e alle possibilità di riconciliazione. Condotta in detenzione preventiva, la ricerca le è stata sequestrata ed è stata pesantemente torturata per farle dire i nomi delle persone curde che aveva intervistato. Siccome si è rifiutata di dare alle autorità i nomi delle sue fonti, è stata arrestata. While he was already in prison, his name has been linked to an explosion in Istanbul's Spice Bazaar, and she is accused of taking part in this alleged conspiracy against the government. During the trial were denied and set aside the false statements obtained by torturing Pinar. Finally after two and a half Pinar Selek is released. However, even if it was paid twice, the 9th Penal Chamber of the Supreme Court has decided to contest for the second time the acquittal and called Pinar Selek is held again asking for a heavy sentence to 36 years imprisonment. The Criminal General Assembly rejected a prosecutor's head and sent the case back to the 12th Court of aggravated crimes in Istanbul, which once gave him absolution.
Pinar Selek The case will then once again revised February 9, 2011, the 12th Court of aggravated crimes of Istanbul, Besiktas.
At this point all the actions of solidarity with Pinar Selek are of vital importance and we ask you to support our struggle for justice through: •
personal participation at the hearing on February 9, or by sending a committee of observation process
• the organization of press conferences, or writing your statement of political support as groups, organizations political associations
• dissemination of this call and the information campaign on the case of Pinar Selek to make it visible in your country / state
• signing the petition to support the campaign in Pinar Selek - organized by PEN Germany (
This petition will be publicly announced by the PEN Germany the day of the trial, in a press conference in Istanbul. Any contribution to this petition until the day of the process is very welcome.
Pinar Selek's case has already become a symbol of the struggle for freedom and against all injustice. Having very close relations with groups "marginalized" dal sistema, Pinar Selek è molto conosciuta in Turchia e all’estero per i suoi libri sulla violenza contro le donne transgender a Istanbul, sulla storia delle lotte pacifiste in Turchia e, infine, sulla costruzione della mascolinità nel contesto del servizio militare. Questo ultimo libro Sürüne Sürüne Erkek Olmak (Condurre una vita da cani: la mascolinità) è pubblicato anche in Germania con il titolo, Zum Mann gehätschelt. Zum Mann gedrillt.
Da 12 anni, molti noti intellettuali turchi e stranieri, hanno dichiarato il loro aperto sostegno a Pinar Selek partecipando anche personalmente al suo processo. PEN Germania conduce una campagna internazionale di sostegno e solidarietà che è disponibile at, aufruf.php
For more information and / or support for any proposal in Pinar Selek please contact:
solidarietapinarselek.italia @ (Committee of Solidarity with Pinar Selek, Italy) (email address to the Turkish countryside "more witnesses to Pinar) (Member of the campaign support Pınar Selek) (international spokesperson for the campaign of support)
Solidaritepinarselek.france @ (solidarity committee with Pinar Selek, France) (French site)
E 'again the time for solidarity
all join us!
Amarga Women's Solidarity Cooperative / Istanbul
The sisterhood is a weapon, Pinar Free!
Committee "Pinar Selek Free!
To learn more about Pinar Selek: the interview here Radio OndaRossa; here information about his life and his story.
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