Solidarity is racist? The law is
Se non fosse per l’alto senso macabro che la sequenza ha, si potrebbe quasi dire che il tempismo dell’ultimo multi-murder in the Roma community is one example, clear and visible to everyone, as determined by the European Parliament in recent days: the Porrajmos (ie, the Holocaust of the Roma and Sinti) not only was there during the second World War II, but continues today.
And death (but, as we shall see shortly, it is more correct to speak of murder) of Raul, Fernando, and Patricia Sabatino (called by some sources Sebastian) in yet a stake in the "abuse" is there to witness it.
A firebrand left in a brazier from mom Elena - out to get food - has turned into a tragedy. And mom and dad Elena Erdei, oggi, devono anche sentirsi accusare di abbandono di minore.
Perché la legge punisce sempre il più debole, ed invece che colpire chi – istituzione statale e/o locale – permette e reitera comportamenti razzisti e discriminatori frutto, nella maggior parte dei casi, solo di ignoranza e convenienza polico-elettorale ma prendendosela con chi ricopre - per "convenzione sociale" - la parte del più debole. Di quelli "ai piani alti", al massimo, si chiedono le dimissioni.
L’ho scritto all’inizio: quest’ultima tragedia è un omicidio. Premeditato per giunta. Come dare altro nome ad una situazione – premeditata fin quasi nei minimi dettagli – in cui per racimolare voti you let people live in so-called "fields", in conditions that we would accept, but certainly not where we let "the others" just because we have been taught that there are people of "good" people and "bad" as well as at this time - in a completely different context such as the exploitation of the struggle for the dignity of women - some pseudo-intellectual women teach us that there are "respectable" women and "evil." But that's another story ...
In between there we are. Our solidarity with us intermittently. We remind people that "other" only when there are tragedies and we act by sending the message Page or linking to the news on Facebook, just to say "I was there", "affixed to my conscience." It is a bourgeois solidarity
almost, dare I say. A solidarity that in a couple of days we have already forgotten, just in time to catch up with yet another girl "Permal" on duty, without spending any word to the system that wants you not your intellect but your body, not the your culture, but to show off your know you more and better than the others / the others.
This solidarity is solidarity. It is hypocrisy. That solidarity
that makes us cheer the men of the institutions, these little men who - either side - rise to "statesmen" only for lack of something better. There's nothing to applaud in those who, today, showed the cameras in his (fake) mourning as the President of the Republic or the Senate. Because if four other children died yesterday a bit 'is also their fault. Because when you left and right speak the same language by destroying the "camps" without giving any alternative exchange if the captain becomes premeditated murder incidents such as these (and often planned). Why deal with the matter now is perhaps even worse than no deal.
Non mi interessa qui fare una disamina sui “come” e sui “perché” i soldi stanziati per la “questione rom” o non ci sono o vengono usati male, tanto meno mi interessa ribadire che – come dicono gli stessi “ospiti” – la politica dei “campi” è una politica completamente fallimentare.
Quello che mi interessa, adesso, è capire perché – ad esempio – non esiste una rete di protezione e solidarietà come quelle che si battono contro le carceri o contro i Centri di Identificazione ed Espulsione. A meno di non voler considerare che anche la solidarietà reale, “militante”, soffre di quel male incurabile called racism.
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