Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Electrodermal Screening Scam

an interview Friday as many - fotoracconto from Palestine (from FreePalestine) and stored

A New Year, a delegation of FreePalestine visited the Occupied Territories. This is their (photo) story.

Siamo partit* in quattro di Free Palestine Roma ma all’aereoporto di Tel Aviv due di noi sono stati fermati e successivamente rimpatriati con un’espulsione per 5 anni. L’arbitrarietà e l’arroganza con cui questo è avvenuto sono tipici di Israele. La motivazione è stata che una dei due era stata già stata espulsa in aprile (cosa non vera perchè era stata fermata a casa di una signora sotto sgombero, ma aveva ricevuto solo un’ammonizione a stare fuori da quella zona per una settimana ma non un’espulsione) e per lui perchè viaggiavano insieme.

Con una buona dose di incazzatura siamo arrivate nella casa rimasta tagliata fuori dal muro che in quel punto separa la zona di Betlemme da quella di Gerusalemme, tutta la vita degli abitanto di questa casa la famiglia, il lavoro, sono al di là del check point. Questo chech point in 10 gg l’abbiamo passato tantissime volte, mettendoci ore o minuti a discrezione del soldato di guardia. Da una parte si esce a piedi e da una parte in macchina.

Dopo le 10 di sera, dalla parte pedonale, quasi sempre la guardia fa finta di non esserci, così aspetti un’ora chiamando inutilmente before anyone decides to press the button that opens the first turnstile and 'access to the metal detector, where you lose at least another 10 minutes because it continues to play and you no longer know what the fuck you take off .. The Palestinians must put your hand in a gabietta and their face appears on the monitor of the guard, we just show your passport, we put on cursing and leave the other side.

The center Amal Mustakbal the Aida Camp works fine in the morning there is a school for children up to three years, the afternoon classes of Dabke (the dance traditional dancing for all ages) and English for the larger ones. With the money collected in Italy are doing a lot renovation and retrofitting, we pay our bills, we try to give a refund to the volunteers who work there. Together we have 2 children murals

Radio united voice came from a few months Deisheh Camp. We work mates with many years of prison behind him. Their idea is to make a radio of all, far from the influences of the parties, but closer to the needs of the Palestinians. And what makes a cultural contribution Palestine today that instead sees more and more religion in the only answers to many questions disregarded. Every Friday in many villages of Palestine committees organize events and non-violent resistance actions against the wall that isolates them and fragmented. Bil'in, 800 people, a piece of clay and olive trees, stones, a network as long as the horizon, behind this a dirt road on which to spend only military means, a few more hundred meters and the wall itself. Then back again, on top of a quarry the colony of Kiryat Sefer.

Friday December 31 is also the sixth anniversary of the Committee of the village of Bil'in, the event is expected to more participatory, the companions are arranged to cut the network with cutters. On the road between Ramallah and other villages in Bilin, check a checkpoint, a checkpoint steering wheel with lots of spikes in the road to prevent passage. Our taxi was stopped. We are three Italian and one Palestinian with a beret green paper (that you can move quite freely within the territories). Twenties with a machine gun much bigger than he says the area is closed for 2 or 3 hours. Not explanations and do not listen to reason. Let's try the other way, the same scene. No parade for us.

La manifestazione si è fatta però, con 800 persone, la rete è stata tagliata in alcuni punti. L’esercito ha reagito con lacrimogeni, bombe sonore e gas. A causa delle inalazioni due giorni dopo morirà Jawaher Abu Rahmah, sorella di Bassem, diventato un po’ il simbolo della resistenza di Bil’in, ucciso 2 anni fa da un lacrimogeno ad altà velocità. Siamo state a Bil’in qualche giorno dopo a portare la nostra solidarietà e abbiamo deciso di tornarci per il corteo del venerdì successivo

the Balata refugee camp has always been particularly marked by suffering and numerous military incursions that have been in years, has a large number of dead killed in Israeli hands for many children . We met volunteers Happy child wood club with them and we imagined the possibility of return. Nablus is one of the most beautiful and welcoming city of Palestine. We always recommend a visit to this city from above surrounded by increasingly resistant colonies. On the road between Nablus and Balata Palestinian Authority is building one of the largest prisons che la storia della Palestina ricorsi. Questo per rendervi l’idea di cosa si respira oggi in quella terra repressa anche da questo. Silwan è un quartiere palestinese di Gerusalemme Est dove ogni giorno ci sono sgomberi e demolizioni per insediare nuove famiglie di israeliani, poi costrette a vivere sotto scorta sotto lo sguardo giustamente ostile dei residenti. Abbiamo incontrato il comitato, che tra i molti problemi ha denunciato una fortissima repressione soprattutto verso i ragazzini che cercano di contrastare l’occupazione.

Abbiamo deciso di tornare a Bil’in il primo venerdi del new year. The community is very small and revolves around two families. They are all very friendly and nice. And they smile and joke despite the brutality to which they are forced existential. We sing hello beautiful, dance, eat the most delicious falafel in the entire trip. At the parade there is a lot of people, there are the women's committees of several village and town. It always comes up as the network is cut in places. Then the tear gas, stun bombs, the iron balls raining from the sky as big as changing the direction of a handful that give off gas, and a fire hydrant all white that shoots hundreds of feet foul-smelling liquid that is immediately vomit, liquid which was then proved to be water sewage spiked with chemicals. On a Friday like any other in the last 6 years in Bil'in.


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