Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Shark Party Invitations


Torino - The message came loud and clear: if the referendum scheduled for Thursday and Friday at Mirafiori do not win yes - that does not cross the line patron - FIAT not invest more in plant and will make a further step towards the departure Italy.
But it would be really a loss so devastating? Really there is no alternative to the diktat of Marchionne?
seems to me that an alternative, practical and working, wanting to see both eyes of all. But before we get to understand what this possible "third way " we need to ask another question, perhaps even more important to the debate "or labor rights?" These days: the FIAT is still useful or are we going to Italy to forage (with 500 million of aid a year, despite what the ads say the leadership) a ballast which investments may be used in a different way? If we look

al mercato – quanto meno a quello europeo – c'è un'unica risposta che si possa dare: la FIAT ormai da tempo ha perso in termini di competitività ed i numeri sparati – letteralmente – dall'amministratore delegato sono destinati a rimanere puro fumo negli occhi: non ci saranno né i 6 milioni di autovetture del mercato globale né quel milione e 600mila veicoli destinati al solo mercato italiano (da ciò se ne dovrebbe dedurre senza troppe difficoltà che non ci saranno neanche quei 20 miliardi in investimenti promessi e di cui, al momento, se ne sono visti a malapena un paio...).
Tutti questi numeri saranno destinati a non avere riscontro nella realtà per la conformazione stessa del mercato dove, ad un'offerta , which could well begin to question seriously, is not a question that - in quantitative terms - that they can overcome the apparent surplus of supply, approaching a level of +30-40% (almost half the market in more than one) in Europe and United States and where, as the Sole 24 Ore wrote a few days ago, the Chinese market seems to be going in the same direction, with a forecast of a surplus in the next five years expected to be close to 20% of the shares.
is clear, therefore, as under these conditions the car market is no longer a "market-haven" for our country.

But as the proverb says, the misfortunes travel in pairs, ie a increasing market saturation we add the total absence of a blueprint for the future of the Lingotto. A partial justification, however, we must stress that the absence of a clear business plan is a political choice that comes directly from the ruling class (and it took a ministry - that of Economic Development - vacant for months is a clear and eloquent clue).

The FIAT does not invest more in the future. Nor in the short term (and the diktat of Marchionne: " or so, or we go " reminds us) nor in the medium to long term. While others apportano migliorie e si aprono alla sempre maggior necessità di fare i conti con l'impatto ambientale, la casa di Torino investe quote irrisorie in tali campi (ignorando quasi completamente quest'ultimo) e, per far fronte alle ovvie perdite (che comunque permettono all'a.d. di guadagnare qualcosa come 1037 volte lo stipendio di un operaio...) decide di disfarsi di alcuni comparti – Alfa Romeo, parte della Ferrari – creando al contempo le “bad company” utili solo a ripulire la parte appetibile al fine di poterla vendere (o svendere, dipende dai punti di vista) meglio.

Arriviamo così alla seconda domanda: cos'è, oggi, la FIAT? È ancora un'industria che produce automobili (e not only) or has become merely a financial asset only useful for speculation?
To answer this question we must look at the cards currently on the table, remembering how Marchionne - by his own admission - you feel responsible only to shareholders (of course those with shares of a certain size).
In this sense it is necessary to praise the skill of the ego. D. Italo-Canadian. In the first half of 2010 in fact - as he wrote the magazine "Automotive News" - the Turin-based company is the leader of profitability for shareholders, with an overall return on equity of 32.9% (28.4% followed by BMW, Renault 22.6% in Volkswagen Daimler and 15.5% to 10.7%). Then, at the same time in which the shareholders gain, FIAT also lead the standings on the loss of market share in continental Europe (with a -36.4% in October, a figure that has now also increases until last December) does not seem affect neither the CEO nor the property. It must be said, however, that the losses are recorded only in the automotive sector, while there is a strong recovery - for example - in the field of commercial vehicles and construction equipment and agricultural land.
In this sense, then, seems to show at least the need to open a debate - for FIAT and, of course, for the whole country - As to whether to stop any ambition at the Lingotto in the car market to address markets where the company can still have something to say.

You must then make a brief digression on the "brain drain" occurred in FIAT: 2007 Walter de Silva - creator of the Alfa 147 and 156 - now draws for Audi, Lamborghini, Volkswagen, Bentley, Bugatti, and Skoda Seat (all related to the Volkswagen Group), Chris Bangle (Fiat Coupe and the Alfa 145) was until February 2009 at the head of BMW design center and also Luca de Meo - former chief marketing officer of the Lingotto - is now the head of the marketing section car group Volkswagen. Again, however, the Turin group has a strong - and famous - justification.
to want to take into account at this point, we should ask whether the real problem in FIAT is not a leadership increasingly unable to keep pace with the times and challenges of the new millennium, so wondering if the business model of the Lingotto is still applicable.

brings us to " third way."
" We know how to make cars, we do more than one hundred years! "said a worker at a service of the episode yesterday of" The Infidel ". Already, workers. I purposely left who most recently - in any case - it undergoes, and probably will continue to suffer the effects of the "revolution from above" (as he called last night Gad Lerner) Marchionne for one simple reason: I think they are the best way to resolve to better the situation. Because if it is true that the "owners" to take the money, it is equally true that the workers are with their work to make the size of a mark, so who better than the workers can be the future of the company? They would, however, an interest not only to work in the best way, but also to keep the level of the standard on the highest possible working constantly updated e, diventando anche proprietari, avrebbero tutto l'interesse a non tralasciare aspetti fondamentali come la sicurezza (voce che, invece, è la prima ad essere tagliata in un sistema dove i padroni sono solo proprietà e non anche forza lavoro, come ha purtroppo insegnato l'”incidente” della Thyssen-Krupp del dicembre 2007).
In un sistema simile, ovviamente, bisognerebbe attraversare un periodo di amministrazione controllata/nazionalizzazione (chissà cosa succederebbe se il controllore divenisse la Fiom?), ma in Argentina qualche anno fa, applicando questo sistema trovarono il modo di uscire dalla crisi economica in cui l'aveva gettata il Fondo Monetario Internazionale .

And then he also said Mario Monicelli already in 1963 that the factory is for people who work there ...


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