di Migena Proi per Albania News [qui l'articolo originale: http://www.albanianews.it/italia/migrazioni/item/1196-intervista-annamaria-rivera ]
L'antropologa Annamaria Rivera |
His racism is not merely at non-fiction and journalism. She has actively participated in organizations and / or events created with the objective of combating racism, such as the strike of foreigners on 1 March. His determination and intense involvement is stato determinato da un suo percorso personale?
Sì, certamente, come ogni scelta d’impegno sociale e politico. Fin dalla giovinezza, ho coniugato l’impegno intellettuale con quello sociale e politico: ho partecipato al movimento del ’68, poi all’esperienza della nuova sinistra e al movimento femminista. Penso, in particolare, che fra il femminismo e l’antirazzismo ci sia una continuità, simmetrica e opposta a quella che lega il sessismo e il razzismo. In questi giorni sto portando a termine un libro, che uscirà a breve, in cui analizzo, appunto, questa continuità. Comunque, due eventi specifici sono stati decisivi: l’assassinio, nel 1989, del rifugiato sudafricano Jerry A. Masslo, who inaugurated the long series of racist violence, but also marked the birth of the Italian anti-racist movement, and large landing of Albanian refugees in the ports of Brindisi and Bari in the summer of 1991.
So, in addition to teaching at the University of Bari (where I teach now), I lived there too. So I could observe closely the performance of those facts. And what struck me was the sudden change of the attitude of the institutions, politics, media and, consequently, public opinion towards immigrants from Albania. The change of government policy and thus the orientation of the media, treatment reserved to the Albanians, in a segregated stadium in Bari that now seemed to Santiago, Chile, contributed to the birth of popular prejudice and hostility. Well, then appeared the classical mechanism that links racism to that of Sato popular through the work done by the media.
Does it make sense, in his opinion, talk of "racism" or is it better to use terms such as "xenophobia"? That definition would of racism?
I think it is not exaggerated to speak about Italy, a racist situation. E 'reductive to argue that we can speak of Racism only in the presence of an explicit doctrine of racial hierarchy, in a biological sense. In his speech neorazzista, categories like "ethnic", "culture", "difference" can be replaced on "race" with the same meaning and function.
And in today's reality is what happens: in Italy, certain minorities (Roma, in particular) and certain categories of migrants are considered and treated as if they belonged to inferior races. Any group can be "razzizzato", regardless of the actual bodily or cultural differences: just think of the history of antisemitism. In the Italian last twenty years of time to time have been "razzizzati" the Albanians, the "Slavs", the "Islamic", the Romanians, Roma ... thus singled out and treated as scapegoats. Can be reduced to xenophobia-fear of the stranger-that is, the systematic policy of stigma, discrimination and persecution that the quasi-government institutions and certain current lead against migrants and Roma?
If I had to briefly sketch a definition of racism that includes all the terms, historical and current, I would say it is: a system of ideas, discourses, symbols, behaviors, actions and social practices that attaches to certain groups of people or natural differences quasi-natural, or essential, generalized, logical, to justify, legitimize, to realize their damage behavior, norms and practices of devaluation, stigmatization, discrimination, inferiority, subordination, segregation, exclusion, persecution and extermination.
In the preface to his latest book, "Rules and fires. Metamorphosis of racism, "she says that racism is not simply due to those who have now become commonplace, such as ignorance and fear of difference. According to her Italian racism lurks behind even the "repressed past of emigrants." We want to illustrate this concept?
Yes il razzismo italiano attuale, un sistema che si è sedimentato nel corso del tempo, ha radici anche in certi rimossi, non solo quello dell’emigrazione italiana. C’è anche il rimosso delle varie forme di razzismo che hanno accompagnato la storia italiana. Il mito degli “italiani, brava gente” è servito a coprire un passato vergognoso segnato dall’antigiudaismo cattolico e dall’antisemitismo fascista, dal pregiudizio antimeridionale e antizigano, e dal razzismo coloniale.
Ritornando all’ostilità verso i migranti albanesi, se in quel lontano 1991, da essere stati definiti da un famoso giornalista “fratelli della comune patria adriatica”, nel giro di un mese gli albanesi become deviant par excellence, perhaps it is because there is an Italian colonial history ever produced, and never questioned. Few remember that in 1939, during the fascist regime, the Italian army invaded Albania, which was transformed into an Italian colony and remained so until 1943.
Similarly, the Italian colonialism in Africa, among the most brutal and savage, with all its accompanying prejudices against the "niggers", and never has been processed and rejected collectively. How to remove immigrants from the past, I hypothesize that one reason for the hostility towards workers and immigrant workers / and lies in the fact that they remind Italians un passato di miseria, di esodo obbligato, di duro lavoro, di razzismo subìto che si vuole dimenticare.
Quali secondo lei sono i fattori che hanno determinato la “saldatura pericolosa tra razzismo istituzionale e razzismo popolare” ?
L’opera di costante e sistematico discredito dei migranti, “clandestini” e non, condotta attraverso la propaganda, le norme discriminatorie, le dichiarazioni di massimi esponenti del governo e delle istituzioni ne hanno fatto i capri espiatori ideali. In più la legge 40, cioè il Testo unico che disciplina l’immigrazione e la condizione dello straniero, progressivamente peggiorato nel corso degli anni, has become more fragile and the legal status of migrants and migrants, and thus made them more vulnerable to attack.
In turn, the work of denigration and inferiority of immigrants conducted by the State of racism has been amplified by the role played by the media, many of whom have willingly lent to campaign alarmist. All this has helped to encourage the worst instincts, common sense more degraded, fears, probable or suspected, the "people" and the hostility that often comes up aggression, murder, pogrom. If you then add the weakness of the Italian citizenship, the gaping of the social fabric, the effects of the economic crisis, we can grasp the reasons for events like the murder of Abdul Guiebre, the pogrom against the Roma in Ponticelli, the massacre in Castel Volturno, the hunt for African laborers Rosarno ...
you consider the "political entrepreneurs of racism", such as the Northern League, an Italian peculiarity
... No, I do not think that the presence of far-right racist parties is an Italian peculiarity: there are many countries in Europe. The specificity is that the Italian Lega Nord in Italy is not recognized as a far-right party. Yet if you compare the programs, discorsi, le retoriche di questo partito con altri, rubricati sotto l’etichetta di “estrema destra xenofoba”, si troverebbe, per esempio, che il Front National francese, che in Francia è considerato di estrema destra, è più “moderato” della Lega Nord. La peculiarità italiana è che un partito, autentico imprenditore politico del razzismo, eserciti un condizionamento pesante sul governo in carica, ne condizioni l’agenda politica, contribuisca a de-tabuizzare discorsi e lessici razzisti, rendendoli socialmente pronunciabili da chiunque, da persone comuni come da rappresentanti delle istituzioni. Per dirne una, il lessico leghista ha influenzato perfino il vocabolario: la parola “badante”, spoken in public for the first time in a mouth League, and certainly not with laudatory intent, the end came in dictionaries of Italian. What is quite specific to Italy is that no one is shocked, for example, if the League Salvini said that the Roma are worse than rats ...
How do you respond to those who believe the anti-racist demagogue like the racist propaganda ?
answer that is foolish or disingenuous, or both. I do not understand what it means to "demagogue" in the case of anti. E 'demagogic uphold the rule of law, constitutional principles, fundamental rights of person? The one and the other cards and are enshrined in international conventions. Those who maintain such a policy idiocy should therefore consider the demagogic attitude of all those European and international bodies, starting with the UN, which only serve to condemn Italy for the constant violation of the rights of migrants and minorities, and not that they recall their respect.
Perhaps you mean that it would be demagogic call by the name of racism and discrimination, the quasi-systematic persecution that occurs in Italy against these categories of people, and racist violence that comes in a few days to kill seven persons of African descent ? I refer, of course murder Abdul Guiebre laborers and the slaughter of Africans in Castel Volturno, in September 2008. "It 's an exaggeration," is a strategy that we know well: that's what led to fascism and Nazism. Moreover, in such idiocy could not respond in the words of some rowdy anti-racist, but Innocent Cipolletta, former director general of Confindustria. In an article in Il Sole 24 Ore, published March 7, 2009 commenting on the package-security, denounced in no uncertain terms the drift "on the edge of racism" that threatens "the ability of civil and economic growth" of Italy: in a "populist political environment," he added, quelle misure finiscono per legittimare “comportamenti xenofobi o razzisti”.
Gli ultimi sondaggi mostrano una “popolazione immigrata” con preferenze elettorali tese verso partiti che non si sono di certo distinti per il sostegno all’integrazione. Io stessa ho cercato di individuare le cause di questa propensione in un mio articolo . Lei come spiegherebbe questa preferenza ?
Ho letto e apprezzato il suo articolo . E condivido in gran parte la sua analisi. La Lega Nord ha esercitato ed esercita una “pedagogia di massa” che arriva a influenzare anche una parte dei migranti. Ed è vero quel che lei dice, cioè che i più influenzabili sono fra le file di coloro che provengono dai paesi dell’Est. Per la semplice ragione che il loro radicato anticomunismo spesso non fa distinzione fra i defunti regimi del socialismo reale e gli attuali orientamenti di sinistra, anche libertaria. E perciò la fobia del “rosso” può spingerli a scegliere anche il “nero” mascherato da verde.
Poi ci sono ragioni che riguardano più in generale la condizione dei migranti e la dialettica vittima-carnefice. La migrazione mette in crisi il senso di sé, a volte spinge verso il conformismo, verso il tentativo di somigliare ai propri detrattori o persecutori pur di non giocare più il ruolo di vittime. Inoltre, ci sono i piccoli privilegi conquistati dai migranti arrivati first, that fear competition from those who arrived more recently are more of them down the social ladder. I have written many times: racism is not an attitude inherent in this or that social category. E 'instead of a phenomenon with a variable geometry, in which the roles and targets are constantly changing: who was the victim can, in turn, under certain historical conditions, become an actor or an accomplice.
It is planning a new book? If so, we can anticipate something?
As I mentioned, will be released in the fall one of my new essay on sexism and racism, published by Ediesse. In the book I try to explain and analyze the continuity, the similarities, the plots that there are between the two systems of inferiority, discrimination, domination. It also analyzes the contradictions and paradoxes. For example, today in Italy, a country where, as we say, studies and statistics, and discrimination against women is serious in every field, from access to the labor market wages, to the severe under-representation in institutions and at the top of every profession , women "native" can win only a partial independence by exploiting the work poorly paid, often slavish, women migrants.
Also in autumn, the Daedalus editions published my first novel, Spelix. History of cats, aliens and a crime. Says, in the form of yellow, a story set in a Roman neighborhood. And, as you can imagine from the title, suggests the symmetry between the growing "gattofobia", a phenomenon hitherto unknown in Rome, and the equally growing xenophobia, in a city that was once characterized by tolerance and openness to others.
Thank you.
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